The key international management issues of present day global business environment
Thesis - 6 pages - Management
The management of international organizations is definitely different from the management of domestic organizations because an organizations conducting business across borders must deal with the complexities of three different types of environment: domestic environment, foreign environment...
Polythene industry of Europe
Essay - 38 pages - Business strategy
Polythene is one of the most widely used materials today. It has permeated practically every aspect and walk of life. From the positive to the negative its always there, the positive being some of the products made from it that uphold essential functions in various industries and the negative...
Bentley Ceramics
Essay - 9 pages - Business strategy
Bentley Ceramics has experienced a substantial increase in demand. The current equipment and staff of Bentley Ceramics cannot meet this demand, and will require capital expansion to meet both current and future obligations. Premiere Business Consulting (PBC) has been engaged by Bentley Ceramics...
From good to great: How to turn good managers into great leaders
Essay - 4 pages - Management
Unlike conventional beliefs, leadership today is no longer a "born with it" phenomenon. Instead management and leadership gurus believe there are natural leaders and there are leaders trained to take up their roles to lead organizations, institutions and enterprises without genetic intervention....
Project plan proposal
Essay - 10 pages - Management
Company ABC Inc. is the leading provider of quality and performance management. As a small company we are in the enviable position of catering primarily to the fortune 500. While we offer a variety of services to help enhance their sales and customer satisfaction performance, all of our service...
Jewish morality complexities in holocaust literature
Essay - 8 pages - Human resources
Jewish or non-Jewish, being a victim of the Holocaust did not always imply a sense of innocence. In other words, simply being a victim, did not free one from complicity. During this time, people were forced to make decisions that people should never have to make. Complicity during the...
Guide to becoming a top supervisor
Essay - 4 pages - Management
Many people have the misconception a manager is only responsible for taking care of unhappy customers and watching over his or her team. While this fallacy is usually the thoughts of customers, employees can also hold similar ideas. Often employees feel management is an easy job where all that is...
The Coca-Cola company
Essay - 4 pages - Business strategy
On May 8, 1886, Dr. John Stith Pemberton, a local pharmacist in Atlanta, Georgia, created the syrup used to produce Coca-Cola. He introduced the syrup to the community at Jacob's Pharmacy, also located in Atlanta, Georgia. The syrup was sampled, well liked, and sold for five cents per glass as a...
Human resource guide for managing the Forensic Certified Public Accountant
Essay - 8 pages - Accounting
Four tools exist, which assist the Human Resource Department in obtaining and informing employees for the position of the Forensic Certified Public Accountant (FCPA). This guide will provide management with the needed tools to contribute to the world of Forensic Accounting. These tools consist of...
Generation gaps in work teams
Essay - 5 pages - Human resources
As workers begin to stay in positions longer, businesses are experiencing more generation gaps among their employees. Most of the Matures born in 1945 or earlier have retired, but the Boomers born from 1946 to 1964 are working alongside Generation X born from...
The impact of internationalization strategy on management control system
Essay - 16 pages - Management
In an increasingly global economy, corporations need to develop more and more efficiency and reliable management control system (MCS) in their home countries, but also in their subsidiaries abroad. This study analyzes the effects of an internationalization strategy on the management control...
Food sharing and trust: Exploring the possibility of a relationship of causality
Essay - 12 pages - Business strategy
Imagine what it would mean for businesses if they found that the money spent on the entertainment of guests had no real affect on the trust built with the other party. Or perhaps if businesses were told the opposite, that sharing food would enhance trust between two parties, they would invest in...
Allied Toys Inc. (2008)
Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy
Allied Toys, Inc is a company based in NY, USA. Its activities are the development, manufacture and marketing of high tech toys. Some of these toys embody new inventions that are protected by a US patent. The production of the toys will be outsourced to China and the toys will be...
How to do Business with the Czech Republic? The case of beer markets
Thesis - 25 pages - Business strategy
Within the framework of the course International Trade and Business Challenges, our professor Miss Chau asked us to analyze and to develop a strategy to enter a specific sector of one of the BRIC countries and the 8+2 new EU members. In this context, we decided to tackle the beer...
What are the main challenges for the international human resources management in the future?
Essay - 3 pages - Human resources
Human Resource Management has become a major concern in most companies as it affects the performance and thus, the competitive advantages of organizations. Nowadays, the competition is getting stronger and stronger, especially at the international level. The integration of HRM into the...
Airlines and energy prices
Essay - 11 pages - Business strategy
Business environment is fraught with risks; each company in order to succeed in this unpredictable environment must mitigate risks. Risks can arise from varied sources; the airline industry is like any other industry, also confronted by pressures from several business areas. In the late 90's and...
New public management, which way?
Essay - 3 pages - Management
Through a metaphorical use of language, this statement highlights the shift from the traditional model of public administration's model of bureaucracy (an organization typified by formal processes, standardization, and hierarchic procedures and written communication) to the New Public Management,...
Hedging international risk: Renault and risk management
Essay - 10 pages - Management
Renault is a French vehicle manufacturer producing cars, vans, buses, tractors, and trucks. The group is well known for its motor racing (through Renault Sport department), revolutionary designs (for example: Vel Satis, Avantime, Megane) and concepts (namely the Espace, the first monospace to be...
Organizational change and development
Essay - 7 pages - Management
Organizational change and development go hand in hand. Organizational occur as a result of an event, structural change, development of the business or simply there is a desire for change to meet the environment requirements. Organizational change initiatives are usually from within and companies...
Developments in management and organizational thinking
Essay - 4 pages - Management
In the era of the mass production from 1945 to 1980, companies were directed to produce identical products, with hierarchical structures, all in a stable environment. In the present era of information, companies must produce products with dynamic structures in a turbulent environment...
Changing organizational culture: A Case Study
Case study - 6 pages - Management
The leadership challenge to the organizational culture that is being examined is the transition from one store manager to another in a retail operation (bookstore) that is a store that is part of a larger corporate entity. A long-time leader of this particular store of the world's largest...
Firms motivations to create alliances
Essay - 5 pages - Business strategy
More and more companies are recognising that to gain a competitive advantage they may have to enter into alliances with other firms. Referring to examples, identify possible motivations for entering into a strategic alliance and then critically evaluate the possible problems that may be...
Business Plan: D'Light Handbags (2007)
Business plan - 20 pages - Business strategy
D'Light Company produces exclusive, fashionable handbags with unique lighting system build inside each product. The built in light makes it easier for the user to find the desired items in the handbag regardless of the outside conditions (during the night, in the dark etc.).The handbags are...
Lenovo case study
Case study - 3 pages - Business strategy
IBM was founded in 1911 and had a rapid growth during the following years. In 1981, IBM created the Personal Computer. Nowadays, IBM is one of the most famous IT companies. In the beginning, IBM specialized in selling computers. Then the company expanded its business to software and services. In...
Sephora customer relationships management analysis
Essay - 10 pages - Management
The aim of this paper is to discover how Sephora has developed its power of attraction, the loyalty of its customers and prospects by setting up sophisticated and personalized customer communication strategies. Sephora is a division of Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH), the world's leading...
Study of Nike's strategy
Essay - 11 pages - Business strategy
Sport has taken an important place in the society: L'Equipe is now the leading newspaper in France, ahead of Le Monde. The most purchased video games pertain to sports (GranTurismo, Fifa Soccer .). Young people dress with clothes (Adidas, Reebok, NIKE, Fila, Caterpillar, New Balance, Aigle,...
The motivation of sales personnel
Essay - 10 pages - Human resources
Companies do not exist without the people who work there. The main objective of the surroundings is to obtain the best productivity from it's staff as well as maximum quality. These expectations require adequate abilities, an irreproachable organization, but more importantly the motivation of all...
Cultural differences in management
Essay - 31 pages - Management
As we have come to a world of economic globalization, more and more companies are working in an international approach. Globalization incites a multitude of situations and intercultural relations. The company is therefore faced with an assimilation of a lot of knowledge on the countries where it...
Case study Renault - Nissan
Case study - 18 pages - Business strategy
A strategic alliance is an official commercial collaboration, adopted by mutual agreement between companies. The partners of the alliance share, exchange or integrate some their resources for their mutual benefit, while remaining distinct and completely independent entities. For an alliance to be...
Strategy of cost leadership
Essay - 8 pages - Management
In a market where competition is at it's peak, companies perpetually seek to win over new customers, new markets and to generate strong profits. They have thus banked on a new strategy to be more competitive: cost leadership. The strategy of cost leadership aims at directing the objectives of...