Globalization and the unmarked inclination in the Indian banking sector
Thesis - 6 pages - Finance
The banking sector is in a transitional mode moving towards a vibrant global market and sophisticated information technology. Due to this changing scenario, banks are paying more attention to expanding their activities from just lending and borrowing to other ends like, insurance merchant...
An overview of distribution management
Presentation - 275 pages - Management
Distribution management is a factor of the channels of distribution which is also known as marketing channels. A marketing channel is a set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for consumption. It is a strategic asset of any organization...
Operational risk management: Implementing a Bayesian Network for foreign exchange and money market settlement
Dissertation - 114 pages - Finance
Recent Financial scandals in the banking industry have caused considerable attention to be focused on operational risk. This is because an analysis of some of these scandals reveals that the underlying causes of these huge Financial losses are due to Operational Risk (OR) and not to credit or...
A look at organizational development
Presentation - 71 pages - Business strategy
Organization development is a planned process of change in an organization's culture through the utilization of behavioral science technology, research, & theory-Warne Burke. It is an effort planned, throughout the organization, & managed from the top to increase the organization's effectiveness...
Commodity futures as a risk reduction and investment instrument
Case study - 58 pages - Finance
The Indian financial system consists of many institutions, instruments and markets. Financial instruments range from the common coins, currency notes and cheques, to the more exotic futures swaps of high finance. The regulatory institutions are the ones, which form the regulations, and control...
The A to Z of retail trade: Retail management
Thesis - 28 pages - Management
When man started to cultivate and harvest the land, he would occasionally find himself with a surplus of goods. Once the needs of his family and local community were met, he would attempt to trade his goods for different goods produced elsewhere. Thus markets were formed. These early efforts to...
Future of the commodity markets in India
Dissertation - 30 pages - Finance
Commodity market in India till the last decade was not a major investment option as compared to the capital markets. The commodities market had its presence in the early 1960's, but later on the trading in the commodity markets was banned due to the scarcity of many commodities. The trading in...
Customer's perception towards the service quality of Hyundai
Case study - 34 pages - Business strategy
A detailed & systematic study on the customer relationship management with the sales process, product & after sales service for Hyundai Santro car was under taken in the Bangalore city on behalf of Advaith motors private limited. This survey was taken up to know about the customer relationship...
Concepts in investment analysis and portfolio management
Thesis - 32 pages - Finance
Making money is easy however loosing it is easier. One look at the chart for the Indian Stock Market would reveal that the markets are cyclical going up and down from time to time. Markets are also very volatile, something you will realize if you look at the last 3 days of trading and you see...
McDowell & Company Ltd
Dissertation - 55 pages - Finance
The corporate exposure and learning program was undertaken at McDowell and company limited. McDowell's consolidated its position as the No.1 Company in the highly competitive Indian spirits industry with a market share of 26%. The company sold 21.22 million cases during the year and has...
Naming a brand: The importance of a name
Thesis - 10 pages - Business strategy
What's in a name? A rose is a rose and would smell as sweet even if called by any other name These famous words from Shakespeare's Juliet send us into raptures, but marketers and consumers would not respond to this reasoning favorably. Brands rule over the marketer and consumers'...
A study on forex risk management
Tutorials/exercises - 48 pages - Finance
Forex markets have been described as continuous auction markets, and have clearing houses for the latest information about supply and demand. They are the meeting places of buyers and sellers of an ever-expanding list of currencies today includes like EUR, GBP and JPY etc. trading have also been...
Effective management strategies in the IT sector
Dissertation - 45 pages - Management
My dissertation titled Effectiveness of stress management strategies in IT sector mainly deals with how stress affects the health of employees. Stress has become one of the most serious health issues of the 1990s and its impact is likely to continue well into 21st century. Stress is a...
Integrid Media Pvt Ltd
Dissertation - 45 pages - Management
Integrid Media is the creation of a team of media professionals with the experience of having worked in diverse areas of the media business in India. The pooling together of the talents of the key team members, who have founded Integrid Media, has created a formidable and unique combination of...
A project on ERP implementation proposal for Implementation of SAP R/3
Thesis - 12 pages - Management
The company has decided to implement state-of-the-art integrated business solution SAP R/3 within the enterprise to meet their current needs in terms of information availability and functional integration. The company is now assessing various ERP consultants, for implementing SAP R/3 at various...
A study of primary markets in India
Dissertation - 44 pages - Finance
The financial assets comprises of banking Accounts, pension funds, Provident fund, Mutual fund, shares, debentures and other securities. A capital market deals in financial assets, excluding coin & Currency. Capital market is a medium for mobilizing the finance out of the savings of the community...
The importance of soft skills in the service sector: An analysis
Thesis - 6 pages - Management
Soft Skills are a set of skills that influence how we interact with each other. It includes such abilities as effective communication, creativity, analytical thinking, diplomacy, flexibility, change-readiness, and problem solving, leadership, team building, and listening skills. The goal of soft...
A study on benefits for female employees in MNC's
Thesis - 9 pages - Human resources
The study covers five multinational companies, i.e., INFOSYS, WIPRO, IBM, SAP LABS and GOOGLE. After the study of the policies of the companies mentioned above, I have generated the following report with recommendations. Women constitute the largest number among the protected classes. In1995,...
The role organizational culture plays in shaping the strategy of an organization: A look at the leader South West Airlines and Hewlett Packard
Thesis - 4 pages - Management
To analyze and answer the above question, the author of the assignment has divided the assignment into different sections. The first section will deal with the important role that a culture of an organization plays during strategy planning and execution stage. The second section will talk about...
The role played by the human resources department: Its contribution to bringing success in the retail supermarkets in UK with reference to Tesco
Case study - 42 pages - Human resources
During the past few decades, the world has observed an unparalleled growth of business into universal markets. To compete with changing trends in the market businesses are becoming more system oriented. In UK the retail landscape has changed over the past 40 years in terms of changes in location...
Is Taylorism an outmoded form of technical control?
Thesis - 4 pages - Management
This discussion will attempt to address whether or not Taylorism can be considered an outmoded form of technical control. I will give a brief introduction to Taylorism, its objectives and methods, together with examples of it in action both today and historically. Having then presented the...
Reebok International Ltd
Case study - 5 pages - Business strategy
Reebok International Ltd. has been unquestionably one of the juggernauts in the athletic footwear department behind Nike and Adidas for quite some time now. This prestigious shoe company was founded back in 1895, in Bolton, Lancashire by Joseph William Foster. Reebok was formally known as Mercury...
A study on customer expectations on MFD's towards Xerox India Ltd
Case study - 34 pages - Business strategy
Xerox Corporation is the world's leading document management technology and services enterprise. XEROX INDIA LTD is the Indian subsidiary of Xerox Corporation. The US $15.7 billion, Fortune 500 global document management company was incorporated in 1983. Xerox India's strategic intent is...
Retailer perception towards adhesive industry: Jubilant Organosys Ltd
Thesis - 8 pages - Business strategy
Adhesives are substance capable of sticking to surfaces of other substances and bonding them to one another. The term adhesive cement is sometimes used in place of adhesive, especially when referring to a synthetic adhesive. Animal glue, a gelatin made from hides, hooves, or bones, was probably...
Basic concepts of job satisfaction
Thesis - 5 pages - Human resources
Job satisfaction is a set of favorable or unfavorable feelings and emotions with which employees view their work. Job satisfaction is an effective attitude - a feeling of relative like or dislike toward something. The term job satisfaction not only covers the satisfaction derived from the job by...
Performance appraisal system in organizations
Thesis - 9 pages - Human resources
Appraisal of performance is widely used in society. Parents evaluate their children, teachers evaluate their students and employers evaluate their employees. However, formal evaluation of employees is believed to have been adopted for the first time during the First World War. At the instance of...
A study on the financial performance of the Hyderabad Stock Exchange
Case study - 29 pages - Finance
The Hyderabad Stock Exchange Ltd. established in 1943 was as a non-profit organization. It is now on its way to completing its 62nd year in the capital market; serving the cause of saving and investments. The Exchange made today occupies a prominent place in the regional stock exchange in India....
Concepts of job satisfaction
Thesis - 8 pages - Human resources
Job satisfaction refers to an individual's general attitude towards his or her job. A person with a high level of job satisfaction holds a positive attitude towards his job. While a person is who is dissatisfied with his assignments hold a negative attitude. Job satisfaction is linked to...
An overview of the organic semiconductor industry
Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy
In the late 1970s, three researchers published a groundbreaking paper on the discovery that certain classes of plastics were capable of being modified to enable them to function as a poorly conducting metal. So groundbreaking and significant was the discovery that in 2000 the Nobel Prize for...
Life insurance and brand equity
Thesis - 7 pages - Finance
"Insurance is a contract between two parties whereby one party called insurer undertakes an exchange for a fixed sum called premiums, to pay the other party called insured a fixed amount of money on the happening of a certain event." Insurance is a protection against financial loss arising in...