The concept of the psychological contract is widely applied in organizational research. This article explores the consumer psychological contract in marketing context. Some situations are designed in a questionnaire and the data are analyzed. The findings show that whether the consumer expectation belonging to a psychological contract depends on the consumer's attribution. A psychological contract breach may result in consumer's intention of keeping away from the enterprise. And the recovery effort has a significant positive relation with the recovery effect of a violated consumer psychological contract. The research also implies that consumer psychological contract is close related with marketing environment.
Key Words Consumer psychological contract expectation, psychological contract breach, marketing environment
[...] California Management Review 91-99. [3]Rousseau, D. M. (1989). Psychological and implied contracts in organizations. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal 121-139. [4]Roehling M. V. (1997). The Origins and Early Development of the Psychological Contract Construct,Journal of Management History.3(2) :204 - 217. [5]Lusch R. F Brown J . R. (1996). Interdependency, Contracting, and Relational Behavior in Marketing Channels. Journal of Marketing, 60(4) : 19 - 38. [6]Blancero [...]
[...] Situation Perceiving your displeasure, the seller says sorry to you cordially and promises that they will not only provide you home delivery as soon as the garment is replenished again, but also give you an additional discount. You will feel: scales same with Situation 4. Situation If you go to a slap-up restaurant, please choice: the lowest level of the meal quality you can accept, the highest price that you can accept, the lowest service quality you can accept, the lowest service efficiency you can accept, the worst dining environment you can accept: very low, low, ordinary, high, (5)very high. [...]
[...] Then, hypothesis 2 is supported expect i atons of dif f erent at ri i t butons S iuaton 1(i ri c at ri i t i nt nsi t buton) S iuaton 2(ext nsi at ri i t i ri c t buton) 1 w hat ever 2 di sappoi ed nt 3 di eased spl 4 angry 5 very angry Percent Consumer's emotional experience Fig1 Consumer's emotional experience when expectations of different attributions fail to be satisfied 4.2 A psychological contract breach and the consumer behavior of keeping away, the relations between the recovery effort and recovery effect In Situation if the enterprise made no recovery effort, then, of 131 consumers who perceived violating of psychological contract(those who chose 3,4 or 5 in Situation only 22% reported that it had no effect on his purchase intention in this shop reported that they would try to look for substitutes in other shops reported that they would not buy in this shop uncompromisingly, and 17% reported that they will even tell their friends keeping away from the shop. [...]
[...] Hypothesis If a consumer's attribution of his expectation is extrinsic, then the expectation is a psychological contract A psychological contract breach, the recovery effort of enterprise and the consumer psychological behavior Psychological contract breach arises when an employee perceives that his or her organization has failed to fulfill one or more of the obligations comprising the psychological contract (Morrison & Robinson, 1997; Robinson, 1996) [10].The study of psychological contract breach is of great practical significance, because violating psychological contract can result in negative consequences on consumer attitudes and behaviors, which may reduce consumer satisfaction and accordingly affect the marketing performance. [...]
[...] The findings of this study extend prior research on psychological contracts and are helpful for better understanding of consumer psychology and behavior. But as an exploratory study, this research is not strict enough. The sample units are invited not at random. It needs more amendments in scale designing and sample choosing. But undoubtedly, consumer psychological contract is a very attractive area to be probed. Many problems are to be explored in future research, for example, the forming and change of a consumer psychological contract, factors influencing consumer's behavior when perceiving contract breach, and the relations of psychological contract fulfillment with consumer satisfaction. [...]
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