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20 Jan 2009

Corporate culture and intercultural management

Essay - 32 pages - Management

For companies, in a climate of increased international competition, it is important to anticipate the impact of culture on the economy. Indeed, cultures influence not only the individual behaviors but also and especially the designs of the company, the strategy, the right, finance and management....

20 Jan 2009

Intercultural Management

Essay - 11 pages - Management

The globalization of markets, the internationalization of companies through operations of mergers, acquisitions, partnerships or alliances have created an economic landscape where the intercultural aspect has became a daily reality for many persons in charge. Companies are increasingly working...

20 Jan 2009

Managing in a global context : How managers can overcome problems arising from cultural differences of employees?

Essay - 13 pages - Management

According to the United Nation Statistics in 2003, the globe constitutes of approximately 226 countries. All these nations have their own culture. this can be more or less similar from one country to another. However, it creates a multitude of differences between individuals that managers have to...

16 Jan 2009

Corporate social responsibility: The example of Air France-KLM

Thesis - 8 pages - Management

This group was created in 2004 through the merger of Air France and KLM and is now the world leader in terms of international passenger traffic. In addition, the financial results have been improved considerably over the last few years. But how is the airline group actually dealing with its...

16 Jan 2009

Business ethics: The moral and ethical aspect of the French strikes

Essay - 7 pages - Management

The American newspaper International Herald Tribune (Edition from Saturday and Sunday 17-18 November) decided to do its front page about the strike in France. That shows the importance of the strike and its paralyzed effects on the economy and on the well-being of the users. But that demonstrate...

16 Jan 2009

Job analysis: Marketing manager

Essay - 5 pages - Management

It's very hard to describe a job because the reality doesn't sound with the basic description. By orienting our career to marketing, we thought that it would be a good idea to analyse the marketing manager job. Direct firm's overall marketing and strategic planning programs, related with...

16 Jan 2009

The international executive across cultures - France and India

Essay - 12 pages - Management

India's official name is the Republic of India and its capital is New Delhi. It measures over 3 million square kilometers for a population of around 1.1 billion inhabitants. India is located on the Indian sub-continent and can be divided into 4 topographical regions: the Himalayan region, the...

16 Jan 2009

Commercial strategies and management policies of Lagardère

Essay - 16 pages - Management

Lagardère SCA is a French media and high-technology company. The Company, headquartered in Paris, operates through two business segments: Lagardère Media, which constitutes the core of its activities, and the high-technology division, EADS, in which it holds a 14.98% share. Lagardère Media is a...

16 Jan 2009

Rezidor SAS: CRM in the hospitality industry

Essay - 8 pages - Management

It's a key issue for Rezidor SAS to know who its customers are and what are their needs and expectations in order to align the best strategy in order to target them and to make them more loyal. Moreover, it will allow determining who customers are the most profitable. The CRM vision of the...

16 Jan 2009

L'Oreal crisis scenario (2006)

Essay - 19 pages - Management

This summary has been provided to allow top managers and executives at L'Oreal a rapid appreciation of the content of this report. Those with a particular interest in the crisis scenario management and communication may read the report to take advantage of the more comprehensive description of...

16 Jan 2009

Brand management of Innocent Drinks

Essay - 10 pages - Management

“Involving ‘yes' and ‘no' bins at a festival” (Growing business: 2007) (1) It's the way that Richard Reed, Adam Balon, Jon Wright started their business in 1998 just after their course in Cambridge University got over. Innocent was designed to be a 100% natural brand,...

16 Jan 2009

Corporate governance - What are the arguments for and against agency theory as a basis for understanding corporate governance?

Essay - 4 pages - Management

Corporate governance and the theory of the firm are two of the fastest growing topics in modern economic theory. Berle and Means argued that modern corporations were so dependent upon professional managers that a managerial economy had emerged, characterized by the separation of ownership from...

16 Jan 2009

Change management: Oticon

Essay - 10 pages - Management

This assignment is a case study of a small Danish company called Oticon and shows how changes in the organization environment and personnel completely revolutionized the company. I have chosen this company because we have studied it in a previous course in November (Human Resources with Professor...

16 Jan 2009

Information systems in

Essay - 11 pages - Management

Business managers are moving from a tradition where they could avoid, delegate, or ignore decisions about IT to one where they cannot create a marketing, product, international, organizational, or financial plan that does not involve such decisions. There are as many ways to use information...

16 Jan 2009

US management and leadership: Steve Jobs

Essay - 9 pages - Management

The aim of this assignment is to consider the leadership style of the Apple's CEO Steve Jobs through the analysis of the articles and works connected with his business activity. Steve Jobs is the current CEO and co-founder of Apple, Inc. Steve Jobs also was the CEO and majority shareholder of...

16 Jan 2009

Conceptual models in strategic management: The Boston Consulting Group growth / share matrix

Essay - 9 pages - Management

Nowadays, in a stronger context of globalisation, companies have to face more and more complex challenges such as a higher international competition, emerging markets, many economic changes or new technological progresses etc. Strategic management decisions have to be completely successful in...

16 Jan 2009

The core-satellite model revisited, tracking error control, ETF's and satellites possibilities

Essay - 10 pages - Management

A core-satellite management consist in having a core portfolio made up of passive management vehicles (index funds, ETFs, etc.) with low management fees, and separately one, or several, very active satellites that are made up of funds with a strong tracking error, or even funds with no constraint...

16 Jan 2009

A recursive correlation between economy and psychology: A specific focus on the new corporate governance theory

Case study - 12 pages - Management

It has always been an intrinsic issue of economy: accused of being disconnected from individuals' reality, this science has been attacked for long times, by various researchers and experts, such as psychologists. And effectively, a plethora of arguments have been provided for integrating greater...

16 Jan 2009

Analysis of SNCF's information system management

Essay - 8 pages - Management

The first interest of analyzing SNCF 's ISM is that SNCF is, above all, a production business. Moreover, what interests me is the Customer Relationship Management concerning the travelers part of SNCF (not the commercial one). Although in France it is difficult to imagine that a production...

16 Jan 2009

Analysis of the main organizational changes in Carrefour and the role of Informational Technology in this organizational change process

Essay - 6 pages - Management

Contrary to their considerable growth in terms of number and value, the operations of mergers and acquisitions reveals, for more than one operation out of two, a failure from the economic and organizational point of view (McKinsey 2000; Mercer Consulting 2001, 2003). The insufficiency of the...

16 Jan 2009

Daimler Chrysler: Lessons in post-merger integration

Essay - 19 pages - Management

Professor Herbert Paul and student Myriam Tamim prepared this case, solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either the effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. The case was compiled from public sources. Abstract: The merger of...

16 Jan 2009

The corporate culture

Essay - 9 pages - Management

Today, companies need to create and develop their corporate culture to transmit an image and identity. It permits to build a stimulant and attractive environment in the company and the employees feel the affiliation to a group. In this way, firms are more effective, productive, efficient and...

16 Jan 2009

How can organizations tackle environmental constraints to reach an eco-efficient supply chain?

Essay - 10 pages - Management

For many years, being ecologically and environmentally friendly was not a concern for companies; they mostly focused on costs no matter how harmful their practices and processes might be for the environment. However, today, environmental issues are growing and becoming a real threat....

16 Jan 2009

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): A multi-lateral approach to the subject

Essay - 13 pages - Management

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been a highly debated topic during the last recent years in most developed and developing countries. We can today distinguish among three main general views on the role that CSR could play in shaping companies' policies. The first view on CSR, which has...

16 Jan 2009

Risk management: Risk analysis of the company Gaudin Systemes

Essay - 10 pages - Management

I have decided to focus my risk analysis on the company Gaudin Systèmes. The core of this analysis is to launch a new line of production in a foreign country, in Algeria. The best thing to do is to analyze the risk of failure in order to sue it. Moreover, the field of this activity is very risky...

15 Jan 2009

Knowledge management according to Castells

Essay - 4 pages - Management

In this report you will find things that I learned about Manuel Castells. First I would like to introduce this author. I think it is important to know who he is. After that it should be easy to understand his thought about knowledge. Manuel Castells was born in Spain in 1942. At school, he...

15 Jan 2009

Working time management

Essay - 12 pages - Management

The evolution of the working time is seen as a key indicator of the improvement of living and working conditions. Although the quantity is easy to calculate, we mustn't forget that time management depend on personal factors like the speed at work, the difficulty of achieving the tasks and the...

15 Jan 2009

Learning and innovation: What is a learning organization?

Essay - 5 pages - Management

In this report I will try to explain what I know and understand about this topic: learning organization. After research about this subject, I am going to show you my personal idea with some examples from my work experience. I planned to start this essay by a definition of the learning...

15 Jan 2009

Supply chain security in the United States

Essay - 10 pages - Management

A global supply chain links the United States and the rest of the world. Across the time, the focus has been put on reducing the costs of transport, and therefore resulted in a decrease of the ship crew, customs duty and requirements. However, Sept 11 posed a clear threat on global exchange, and...

15 Jan 2009

Organizational behavior and change management at engineering contracting company LLC

Essay - 13 pages - Management

This report discusses the organisational behaviour and change management issues of Engineering Contracting Company LLC (ECC); a Dubai based civil works Construction Company. It is a large company with a good success record and handsome profits. The report undertakes the analysis of the...