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18 Mar 2009

Is Taylorism an outmoded form of technical control?

Thesis - 4 pages - Management

This discussion will attempt to address whether or not Taylorism can be considered an outmoded form of technical control. I will give a brief introduction to Taylorism, its objectives and methods, together with examples of it in action both today and historically. Having then presented the...

17 Mar 2009

Customer satisfaction with regard to Xerox photocopier: Xerox India Limited

Case study - 36 pages - Management

The documentation industry is expanding at a rate of more than 20% and the world majors have recognized the Indian market as a lucrative area. They are present in India either through joint ventures or through 100 percent subsidiaries. The high import duties, which had tilted the balance in favor...

12 Mar 2009

Overview of GPSC Gas Co Ltd

Case study - 43 pages - Management

Assam Oil Company Ltd. (AOC) was one of the earliest enterprises in the world engaged in exploration and production of oil. Oil was discovered in Digboi in north-eastern part of Assam in 1889 by Assam Railway & Trading Company (Originally formed with the object of drilling for oil, later on Assam...

12 Mar 2009

Business environments focusing on demographic environment

Case study - 25 pages - Management

The important of demographic factor to business is clear from the fact that “management is men” and “market is people.” It is conventionally said that management is men, material, machinery, and money. Even if all the other Ms are excellent, it would not be of unless the men...

12 Mar 2009

Leadership: Toward a visionary approach

Thesis - 20 pages - Management

Leadership is an important part of the human condition. It has been an indispensable and necessary factor in defining civilization through the ages. To understand the past, one studies the leaders who have shaped history. The present is comprehended by looking backwards at great and small...

12 Mar 2009

Risk management in a multinational corporation

Thesis - 18 pages - Management

MNCs are coming up in huge numbers nowadays. To earn the profits with minimal amount of risk has been a matter of concern for the investors. For this purpose management of risk is a very crucial factor. Pertaining to this context, this project has been undertaken with an objective to study the...

05 Mar 2009

Management in Semco

Thesis - 6 pages - Management

Semco is one of the most interesting companies of the modern century, where there are no time clocks, job titles, security check and receptionists. It is one company where people unanimously decide who their bosses will be, their salary etc. Semco as argued by many management articles is an...

05 Mar 2009

Study and analysis of the impact of implementing ERP solutions on large industries

Thesis - 38 pages - Management

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are the most ambitious, sophisticated use of information technology (IT) by businesses to date. Managers must compare the massive investments of resources and time to be committed to an ERP implementation against the significant benefits that may be...

05 Mar 2009

Interventions typically used to manage 'stress' at work and their effectiveness

Thesis - 10 pages - Management

In addition to defining a number of relevant terms (e.g., the notion of stress management and those of intervention-typicality, -goals and -effectiveness), Part 1 of this essay sets the ground for a discussion of the relative usefulness of typical interventions amidst the plethora of...

05 Mar 2009

Identifying the role played by an organization's culture on the leadership in reinventing an organization: Case study on JC Penny Inc

Case study - 6 pages - Management

Strategy according to For de Wit and Meyer (1998), is an intelligent treatment of the subject, strategy is any course of action for achieving an organizations purpose. (Strategic management 2004 Palgrave McMillan, Colin White, pg 5). Strategy exists at a number of levels in an organisation. There...

05 Mar 2009

Strategic decision making and its importance in the corporate world

Thesis - 9 pages - Management

According to Prasad (2001) every organization is involved in a complicated pattern of decisions from board of directors to specific decisions about the day to day processes. Some of these decisions have a long- term effect while others have only short- term effect. The emphasis of making these...

05 Mar 2009

Customer relationship management's approach to create, adopt and redefine the marketing strategies

Thesis - 17 pages - Management

The intensity and the traffic in competition is on the rise ever since the idea of globalization was adopted. One cannot deny the fact that the ever changing customers attitude, behavior, shift in needs, tastes and other variants are making life more challenging for a marketing manager. In this...

26 Feb 2009

Corporate compliance report: Sarbanes-Oxley and the COSO initiative

Thesis - 5 pages - Management

With recent incidents of fraud and inside trading, the business world has gained renewed interest and emphasis on corporate governance and regulatory compliance. Organizations have taken more serious measures to establish enterprise risk management plans to avert, identify, and manage risks and...

26 Feb 2009

Global supply chain management control: Czech Republic

Thesis - 4 pages - Management

The elements of global supply chain management include manufacturing compatibility, manufacturing configuration, coordination and control, quality control, inventory management and the process of making or buying decisions. In this context, compatibility refers to the consistency between foreign...

26 Feb 2009

Management and operations of Metro Cleaners Rubbish Collection Company

Thesis - 5 pages - Management

Metro Cleaners has been sanctioned to offer rubbish collection services under a new government initiative aimed at procurement of the most efficient and affordable rubbish collection services for Washington D.C. The management of the company is seeking to base the pursuit of its daily tasks and...

26 Feb 2009

General ethical responsibilities in the field of the Caring Professions

Essay - 6 pages - Management

The responsibilities within helping relationships are to maintain the general trusts of their clients and patients, not only through care, but also through observing certain codes of practice to preserve their rights.These codes are referred to as ethical codes and they act as guidelines to shape...

26 Feb 2009

The key international management issues of present day global business environment

Thesis - 6 pages - Management

The management of international organizations is definitely different from the management of domestic organizations because an ‘organizations conducting business across borders must deal with the complexities of three different types of environment: domestic environment, foreign environment...

05 Feb 2009

From good to great: How to turn good managers into great leaders

Essay - 4 pages - Management

Unlike conventional beliefs, leadership today is no longer a "born with it" phenomenon. Instead management and leadership gurus believe there are natural leaders and there are leaders trained to take up their roles to lead organizations, institutions and enterprises without genetic intervention....

05 Feb 2009

Project plan proposal

Essay - 10 pages - Management

Company ABC Inc. is the leading provider of quality and performance management. As a small company we are in the enviable position of catering primarily to the fortune 500. While we offer a variety of services to help enhance their sales and customer satisfaction performance, all of our service...

27 Jan 2009

Guide to becoming a top supervisor

Essay - 4 pages - Management

Many people have the misconception a manager is only responsible for taking care of unhappy customers and watching over his or her team. While this fallacy is usually the thoughts of customers, employees can also hold similar ideas. Often employees feel management is an easy job where all that is...

21 Jan 2009

The impact of internationalization strategy on management control system

Essay - 16 pages - Management

In an increasingly global economy, corporations need to develop more and more efficiency and reliable management control system (MCS) in their home countries, but also in their subsidiaries abroad. This study analyzes the effects of an internationalization strategy on the management control...

21 Jan 2009

New public management, which way?

Essay - 3 pages - Management

Through a metaphorical use of language, this statement highlights the shift from the traditional model of public administration's model of bureaucracy (an organization typified by formal processes, standardization, and hierarchic procedures and written communication) to the New Public Management,...

21 Jan 2009

Hedging international risk: Renault and risk management

Essay - 10 pages - Management

Renault is a French vehicle manufacturer producing cars, vans, buses, tractors, and trucks. The group is well known for its motor racing (through Renault Sport department), revolutionary designs (for example: Vel Satis, Avantime, Megane) and concepts (namely the Espace, the first monospace to be...

21 Jan 2009

Organizational change and development

Essay - 7 pages - Management

Organizational change and development go hand in hand. Organizational occur as a result of an event, structural change, development of the business or simply there is a desire for change to meet the environment requirements. Organizational change initiatives are usually from within and companies...

21 Jan 2009

Developments in management and organizational thinking

Essay - 4 pages - Management

In the era of the mass production from 1945 to 1980, companies were directed to produce identical products, with hierarchical structures, all in a stable environment. In the present “era of information”, companies must produce products with dynamic structures in a turbulent environment...

21 Jan 2009

Changing organizational culture: A Case Study

Case study - 6 pages - Management

The leadership challenge to the organizational culture that is being examined is the transition from one store manager to another in a retail operation (bookstore) that is a store that is part of a larger corporate entity. A long-time leader of this particular store of the world's largest...

20 Jan 2009

Sephora customer relationships management analysis

Essay - 10 pages - Management

The aim of this paper is to discover how Sephora has developed its power of attraction, the loyalty of its customers and prospects by setting up sophisticated and personalized customer communication strategies. Sephora is a division of Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH), the world's leading...

20 Jan 2009

Cultural differences in management

Essay - 31 pages - Management

As we have come to a world of economic globalization, more and more companies are working in an international approach. Globalization incites a multitude of situations and intercultural relations. The company is therefore faced with an assimilation of a lot of knowledge on the countries where it...

20 Jan 2009

Strategy of cost leadership

Essay - 8 pages - Management

In a market where competition is at it's peak, companies perpetually seek to win over new customers, new markets and to generate strong profits. They have thus banked on a new strategy to be more competitive: cost leadership. The strategy of cost leadership aims at directing the objectives of...

20 Jan 2009

Taylorism and the structural organization of Toyota

Essay - 11 pages - Management

Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856 - 1915) was an American engineer who used the scientific organization of work (OST), which is the basis of the industrial revolution of the 20th century. The principal idea is to break up the tasks, to time the movements of the workmen to improve quality, to reduce...