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1094 results

11 May 2024

Multicultural management: the example of BNP Paribas

Case study - 8 pages - Management

"Choosing a company, presenting it, analyzing its environment (succinctly), describing its management strategy and insisting on the aspect related to cross-cultural management, finally identifying one or more problems related to it (cross-culture) and proposing recommendations to deal with the...

21 Apr 2024

The various steps of risk management

Practical guide - 6 pages - Management

The first step in effective risk management is identifying potential risks that could impact your business objectives. This involves a systematic analysis of internal and external factors that may pose threats or opportunities. Here's how you can do it: - Internal risks: Start by examining...

03 Apr 2024

The integration of AI in project management

Case study - 4 pages - Management

Digital capability and leadership capability are the two main capabilities that allow a company to transform digital technology into business advantage. The company that masters first these capabilities and that are aware of the constant evolution of technology, are the ones that grow. Companies...

20 Mar 2024

Toshiba's Accounting Scandal

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Management

The current CEO and two of his predecessors since 2008 are accused of pushing their subordinates to juggle the numbers in a way to minimize asset write-downs and other negative accounting records, in order to show financial results close to objectives aimed at reassuring shareholders and banks....

08 Mar 2024

Managing Hospitality and Tourism Projects - Aster Restaurant (London)

Case study - 11 pages - Management

Project management is a temporary action with a beginning and an end, which mobilizes identified resources (human, material, equipment, raw materials, informational and financial) during its realization, which has a cost and is, therefore, the object of budgeting of means and a balance sheet...

10 Jan 2024

Organizational Behavioural Management - Assistant project manager for the launch and management of a brick factory at LOME BETON

Internship report - 25 pages - Management

From February 28 to August 28, 2023, I was an intern at LOME BETON in Lomé, Togo. This internship, which I did as part of my third year at EM Lyon, enabled me to discover how a company works, develop my skills and refine my career plan. The company specializes in setting up construction projects...

10 Jan 2024

With the vast expanse of leadership theories and their historical evolutions, how does a multinational technology leader like Thales Group manifest its leadership behaviors and approaches?

Essay - 8 pages - Management

The history of leadership is intertwined with the tapestry of human civilization. From the annals of ancient legends, world religions, to classical Greek and Latin literates such as the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey", tales of prominent characters and leadership principles have been perennial....

09 Jan 2024

Exploring Leadership Potential Through Self-Reflection

Essay - 2 pages - Management

Instructions - Write an essay on critical and reflective thinking about yourself as a potential manager / leader together with how you perceive yourself from the point of view of three core management capabilities: team, culture and structure.

07 Jan 2024

Questions on Management and Leadership

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Management

This document is made of five questions regarding management and leadership, and how important the latter is in a workplace environment.

07 Jan 2024

Leadership - published: 07/01/2024

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Management

Transformational leadership is a leadership paradigm that galvanizes and propels employees to transcend their individual interests for the collective good of the organization. Transformational leadership has been positively correlated with performance metrics across teams and entire...

02 Jan 2024

Structure, Leadership Impact, Collaboration, and Innovation

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Management

1) In your initial post share an overview of the organisation you work for, or one with which you are familiar, (you do not need to share the name of the organisation).  How is it structured?  What is the culture of the organisation (real and espoused)?  What are any accepted leadership...

02 Jan 2024

Management and leadership theories

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Management

This document contains the answers to the following management questions : 1)What distinguishes the democratic and transformative leadership styles, and in your opinion, which of these approaches do you consider more effective? 2)What are the main factors that shaped your work environment and...

30 Nov 2023

Cultural Differencies in International Business Negotiation: the Need for an Assessment of Influencial Factors

Litterature review - 14 pages - Management

With social conflict being ubiquitous, conflict management is a major challenge for humanity. Recently, researchers have advanced several theories and research on constructive solutions for conflict management. Negotiation is then proposed as the most effective way to do this according to...

14 Nov 2023

Contemporary Management

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Management

In Westernized countries, and particularly in Europe, we are currently witnessing a demographic transition, particularly in the form of an aging population (Rudakova & al., 2023). Against this backdrop, the emergence of the silver economy demonstrates the stakes involved in this transition and...

07 Nov 2023

Complex Negotiation

Course material - 14 pages - Management

Complex negotiation is a dynamic and delicate process of communication and interaction between two or more parties, aimed at reaching a mutually satisfactory agreement, while managing situations characterized by divergent interests, strong emotions, high stakes, and interpersonal relationships at...

03 Nov 2023

Amazon's corporate culture

Case study - 2 pages - Management

As we can read in The Leader's Guide for Corporate Culture, published in the Harvard Business Review, « as someone said, culture eats strategy for breakfast », that is, the spirit of an enterprise, embodied by its members, is thought out and developed to ensure the development and growth of...

09 Oct 2023

Learning and improvement approach in traditional construction management models

Text commentary - 2 pages - Management

The documents studied in this paper can be provided on request. Both articles analysed in this paper are linked to the engineering manufacturing area, particularly in construction, and more specifically to the acknowledgment that there is a lack of learning and improvement approach in traditional...

28 Aug 2023

Cover Letter and Questions/Answers on Management Practice - Master's degree 2.0

Cover letter - 2 pages - Management

I am writing to directly apply to your Management Master Degree in your prestigious university. As a matter of fact, I graduated in 2018 from the Paris-Sorbonne University where I studied Economics and Management, my taste for analytics and Economic studies pushing me to continue my studies...

02 Aug 2023

Management of People and Organizations: Lessons from the Sinking of the SS El Faro

Thesis - 7 pages - Management

In an increasingly competitive business environment, companies are faced with the challenge of constantly adapting to ever-changing conditions. People in management positions ought to bring the most significant benefit to the organization, which entails the know-how of effective leadership (Gonos...

01 Jun 2023

BlaBlaCar's Service Management

Dissertation - 8 pages - Management

As information becomes more available and communication easier, C2C service emerges as a more and more integral part of our society. The companies behind the service often only offer the service of connecting and helping with the transaction between the parties involved in the service that is...

25 May 2023

The Low Cost - Emmanuel Combe (2011) - Summary by Chapter

Text commentary - 3 pages - Management

This book answers the following questions: how does low cost work? Does low cost always go hand in hand with low prices? To what extent is low cost a danger that affects established companies? In which sectors is low cost developing? What is the impact of low cost on products and jobs? Low cost...

25 May 2023

History of Management Theory

Course material - 33 pages - Management

Taylorism has long suggested that man was just one tool among many. However, we live in an industrial society more committed to a service society where the rules are more subtle. It is no longer a tool that is put in the hands of a worker, it is individual support for the employee that is...

09 Mar 2023

Tarnished: Toxic Leadership in the U.S. Military - George E. Reed (2015) - Toxic Management & Leadership

Text commentary - 5 pages - Management

The book written by Reed (2015) reports the challenges of the American Army in terms of leadership. At first, soldiers have all the notions required to act like a perfect leader (Ibid). However, each leader develops a style of leadership according to his/her personality and his/her environment...

19 Dec 2022

Catch shares lead to the destruction of small-scale fishermen but increase the fish stock

Essay - 2 pages - Management

Catch shares (CS) is a fishery management system that allocates a secure privilege to harvest a specific area or percentage of a fishery's total catch to individuals, communities, or associations (NOAA, 2017). CS become primordial because the global consumption of fish doubled in 50 years...

03 Oct 2022

Management in the public sector

Course material - 10 pages - Management

In the public sector, business organizations do not exist to make profit but to provide services for the whole nation. The public sector is made up of organizations which are controlled by the government, the state or the local authorities. They can be divided into 3 categories: - Public...

03 Oct 2022

Management and cultural aspects

Course material - 25 pages - Management

Human beings have needs in order to survive and the purpose of economic activity is to satisfy these needs by providing people with what they need. Such needs will vary from person to person because each person seeks different things at different times. Those who are poor would like to satisfy...

02 Sep 2022

Transformations of resource management in Canada and his impact on the Public Service

Essay - 3 pages - Management

Resource management in Canada has gone through upheavals since the 1960s and 1970s. What might be one of those transformations and why is it significant for management in the Public Service of Canada?

23 Aug 2022

International operations management: global operations management strategies

Case study - 10 pages - Management

According to Witkowski (2017) innovation is an integral element in driving organizations' progress and modernity. Innovation's contribution to operational efficiency is premised on the fact that organizations have the option of pursuing different types of innovation that include product,...

22 Aug 2022

Business management project - Tax Monitor

Case study - 10 pages - Management

The purpose of this assignment was mainly to identify a business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The problem being investigated is whether the business is running efficiently or not and how the business performs. Tax Monitor is registered as a services industry, providing...

02 Aug 2022

Operations Management and Industry 4.0

Course material - 4 pages - Management

Ever since the Industrial Revolution and the development of mass production, organisations had to develop ways of managing the processes and factors of production. Operations management involves the management of all activities involved in the transformation of a range of inputs, such as finance,...