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18 Jun 2010

The importance of packaging

Thesis - 4 pages - Management

The packaging of a product is very important to the present day brand-conscious consumer. Not only must it perform the technical function of protecting the commodity while it is being transferred from its manufacturing location to the shelves of the neighborhood stores, it must also perform the...

18 Jun 2010

The responsibilities of the human resource manager

Thesis - 5 pages - Management

Today's business world is becoming increasingly unstable and competitive. The current economic situation reinforces this design. Many companies are struggling to emerge from the three year long crisis that the economy is facing. The strategies adopted had to take into account the difficulties...

18 Jun 2010

Understanding the theory of intercultural management by Sylvie Chevrier (2004)

Thesis - 4 pages - Management

The business world has now begun to pay close attention to the principle of intercultural management mainly due to the trends of globalization. Indeed, the management of the latter, carried by the phenomenon of globalization, is essential to enable a multicultural group work in harmony, or at...

18 Jun 2010

Corporate fraud

Thesis - 6 pages - Management

Corporate fraud is a growing threat to business. It has increased due to rapid technological change and increasing dependence on information systems. These frauds are prevalent across industries. A corporate fraud occurs when an employee uses his job for personal financial benefits while abusing...

18 Jun 2010

Characteristics and life cycle of a product

Thesis - 5 pages - Management

Product is an important variable in marketing applications. A company designs, manufactures and markets in order to generate profits. The important objective of a product is to meet the needs of the consumer through tangible and intangible sources of distribution. The product life cycle that...

18 Jun 2010

Analysis of store management at Carrefour

Thesis - 4 pages - Management

Since the birth of the company in 1959 to the present day, the Carrefour group has become an undisputed global player in distribution. In forty years the group has become a leading distributor and second largest retailer in Europe. Carrefour Global has developed in 29 countries and now boasts of...

16 Jun 2010

The effects of work on health

Thesis - 4 pages - Management

The World Health Organization defines health as a state of total well being. This includes the physical, social and mental health of the employee. The state of well-being cannot be defined as the mere absence of disease or infirmity. Occupational hazards may have many adverse effects on health...

16 Jun 2010

The changes observed in the current business structures

Thesis - 4 pages - Management

This document will attempt to explain the changes observed in the current business structure, on the basis of theoretical knowledge backed by examples drawn from real life situations. A firm is an entity that performs different operations and thus has a number of different departments devoted to...

16 Jun 2010

Introduction to defining and measuring performance

Thesis - 5 pages - Management

The management should identify and implement approaches depending on the goals that it sets. The steering and monitoring of performance is the subject of management control. In the context of management control, one can analyze the overall performance of the business, financial performance...

16 Jun 2010

The need for customer relationship management (CRM) in an organization

Thesis - 8 pages - Management

The end of World War Two saw an industrial boom. Manufacturing companies focused on mass production of standardized goods, in order to meet the requirements of a society in its attempt to rebuild after the devastation caused by Two World Wars. The period between 1970 to 1990, was considered as...

16 Jun 2010

Brand management and its implementation

Thesis - 4 pages - Management

Although brand management is a relatively new concept, it has developed into a marketing discipline in its own right. The position of brand management was introduced into the organization structure in the 1990's when the concept of brand equity gave birth to new financial and commercial issues....

16 Jun 2010

Customer retention in financial institutions (banks)

Thesis - 6 pages - Management

The customer loyalty program was first implemented by American Airlines in the United States in the year 1981. Today, virtually all airlines have adopted the customer loyalty program and is currently followed by other business sectors. Ever since the initiation of the customer loyalty program in...

16 Jun 2010

The future of management by Peter F Drucker

Thesis - 6 pages - Management

Born in Vienna on November 19, 1909, Peter Drucker had a childhood that was characterized by a rich father who was an officer of the Ministry of Economy and an Austro-Hungarian mother who was a doctor. A lot of senior officials and politically influenced people considered Drucker's home as a...

10 May 2010

Application of quality function deployment for the supplier selection process

Thesis - 8 pages - Management

The manufacturing organizations are facing the pressure of increasing competition due to the varied dynamic demands of the customers. In this competitive scenario, ‘voice of customer' gains importance. It needs to be translated into technical language. Quality function deployment (QFD) has...

10 May 2010

Fuzzy expert model for order cost efficiency in capacitated two-echelon distribution chains

Thesis - 12 pages - Management

The supply chain researchers are commonly trying to optimize one or more decision variables under stochastic conditions. This paper considers a capacitated two-echelon divergent distribution chain facing stochastic demand and order cost fluctuations. The limited storage facility of the upper...

06 May 2010

Supplier selection with social and environmental issues

Thesis - 10 pages - Management

Supplier selection is a multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problem which is affected by several conventional conflicting factors such as quality, delivery, service and time. Recently government insists enterprises to take care of environmental regulation and social issues such as...

06 May 2010

A study of assembly line

Thesis - 3 pages - Management

Organization management is crucial to each type of organization because only through successful management of people, capital, information and materials, an organization can meet its goal. Operation management is a part of the production system. Production system is a collection of interrelated...

20 Apr 2010

An integrated coordination model for a supply chain dealing with short life-cycle products operating under stock dependent demand

Thesis - 5 pages - Management

The market demand of any product is generally influenced by quality, warranty, service, advertisement and sales promotion. Apart from these factors, the amount of stock displayed will also significantly influence the sales at retail level. Though, many inventory models have been developed based...

15 Apr 2010

A Petrinet model of a short life cycle product supply chain and deduction of its reachability matrix by simulation

Thesis - 5 pages - Management

This paper focuses on the concept of short life cycle supply chain of products where the selling time of the product is short and fixed. Based on an object events table and dynamical events occurring table a composite model of short life cycle product is created. This model is then represented by...

15 Apr 2010

Multi-criteria selection of allied transportation firm: An application in plastic industry

Thesis - 12 pages - Management

Transportation is a critical process in supply chains which includes receiving raw material from suppliers and sending products to customers. Companies usually face the problem of selecting the proper transportation contractor to transfer their raw material and finished goods. However, this...

15 Apr 2010

Leveraging procurement operations of supply chain management

Thesis - 9 pages - Management

Researchers and practitioners increasingly view that the operations and procurement functions as intimately linked and as playing imperative roles in Supply Chain Management. Ultimately the performance of the operations management system measured in terms of cost, quality, delivery and...

07 Apr 2010

Integrating supply chain management and strategic management: The basis for analysis of the grain industry

Thesis - 6 pages - Management

The observed corporate changes in many supply chains in Australia suggest that instability rather than stability is a consistent pattern in corporate supply chain relationships. This observation should not be surprising given the dynamic impacts of competitive strategy and has been extensively...

07 Apr 2010

Conceptualization and operationalization of process management from multiple theoretical lens (A hybrid approach)

Thesis - 8 pages - Management

We cast doubt on the adequacy of current conceptualization and operationalization of process management (PM) based on quality management (QM), particularly when PM is considered as comprising of only control and incremental improvement practices. Furthermore, the dimensionality of PM is hitherto,...

07 Apr 2010

Decision support for knowledge intensive business processes

Essay - 5 pages - Management

Strategy development, new product introduction, marketing research, and financial budgeting, are a few examples of Knowledge Intensive Business Processes (KIBPs). These processes tend to be complex and time consuming, requiring collaboration and the sharing of expertise within specific work...

07 Apr 2010

Empirical study on effect of quality management on competitive performance in manufacturing companies: International perspective

Thesis - 11 pages - Management

This paper presents results of an empirical analysis on quality management and its impact on competitive performance. These results have been derived from the third round survey conducted during 2003 and 2004 under the framework of High Performance Manufacturing Project. After presenting a simple...

07 Apr 2010

System development service quality: Measurement development and validation

Essay - 12 pages - Management

In recent years, IS researchers have become increasingly interested in service quality of information system functions. However, one area that receives little attention is the service quality of the information system development process. The current study attempts to fill this gap by developing...

06 Apr 2010

Group key management on tree-based braid groups

Tutorials/exercises - 10 pages - Management

The characteristic of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) build temporary dynamic network without any fixed infrastructure and limitation of power and computing capability present the challenge in secure communication. The existing key management protocols in wire network still do not suitable in...

06 Apr 2010

An autonomous knowledge acquisition system toward the ubiquitous knowledge management

Tutorials/exercises - 13 pages - Management

Knowledge management (KM), which pursues dynamic knowledge creation and sharing within and among organizations, had been boomed since the end of the last century. However, because of some technical limitations as well as cultural barriers, the concept of KM has been getting buried alive,...

06 Apr 2010

An empirical reflection on the needs for and consequences of operational and technical integration with ERP projects

Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Management

This research article is set against the background of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) as a solution to address operational and technical integration to support daily operations. It aims at characterizing ERP projects by their reasons for initiation in particular considering integration...

06 Apr 2010

Study on the effects of the relationship between contingency variables and BSC system property variables on BSC system performance

Tutorials/exercises - 13 pages - Management

Compared to the functions provided by the BSC system, previous research studies on BSC system did not take into consideration the organizational environments or were unable to reflect its theoretical structure. In this study, the interaction between the relationship of contingency variables and...