Change management: The difficulties in applying change processes
Essay - 8 pages - Management
When a company witnesses an important growth or change period, the entrepreneur and the executives needs to manage the changes and adapt the organization to its new expectations. They have to adapt the company to the new demand and ensure this expansion without damaging their global service and...
What best explains people's willingness to work hard?
Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Management
To develop an answer to the question, what best explains people's willingness to work hard? it is necessary to look at some of the most influential motivational theories. However, before this, it is vital to have a clear understanding of the development of thought that led the...
Conference and Exhibition Management in Berlin
Essay - 11 pages - Management
Conferences and related events are developing sectors which represent a significant part of the tourism industry. Generally, the type of venue can be divided in six parts, (BACD, 2006): Hotels (53%) Unusual venues (19%) Conference / training centres (10%) Multi-purpose...
Transversal case study - Montefiore Medical Center
Case study - 12 pages - Management
With more than 70,000 admissions per year, Montefiore Medical Center is one of the largest healthcare institutions in the United States and is the most dominant hospital in the Bronx borough of New York City, which is apparently one of the country's poorest neighborhoods. It has two major...
The role of conceptual models in strategic management
Essay - 7 pages - Management
Since many decades the corporate world has experienced significant changes. In order to remain competitive, companies must adapt themselves to the new changes. Strategic management is one of key success for competitiveness. To achieve the company's goals, strategic management models have been...
Case study : CSR policy and corporate governance, Casino group, annual report 2007
Case study - 10 pages - Management
Sustainable development can be defined as 'trying hard to answer to the present's needs without compromising the capacity to satisfy the future generations needs'. Sustainable development has three pillars, the social aspect, the ecological aspect, and the economic aspect. In fact,...
Risk Management
Essay - 8 pages - Management
The risk management process is definitely marked by several steps that have to be respected in order to avoid financial risk exposure. It actually starts with the establishment of the context for strategic, organizational as well as risk management criterion according to each evaluated risk. The...
Starbucks - Organisation and Management
Case study - 9 pages - Management
In 1971 the story began, three Seattle entrepreneurs started the Starbucks Corporation. They sold whole bean coffee in one store. After 11 years, their business had grown tremendously and they hired Schultz in 1982 to be the manager of retail and marketing. He had some ideas, he 'advised that...
Public Relations
Essay - 4 pages - Management
The term 'public relations' is recognized and widely used by many people. However, it is often misused and misunderstood. It is sometimes confused with press release and publicity. A career in public relations is wrongly perceived as the perfect job for people who enjoy parties and...
The public relations department & its functions
Essay - 3 pages - Management
The public relations (PR) department is a unit in the firm that manages items such as publicity and other communications with all of the groups who make contact with the company. Some marketing experts argue that public relations should be part of the marketing department, just as advertising,...
Strategic management of EDF - Electricité de France (in 2010)
Case study - 35 pages - Management
From production to distribution, Electricite de France (EDF) is one of the world's largest producers of electricity. Its story has naturally propelled the company as a leader on the French market through a monopoly related to nationalization. Indeed, the law of April 8, 1946 regarding the...
Goals and planning of Starbucks Coffee Company
Case study - 6 pages - Management
This paper examines strategic management, which includes business decisions and actions that define the organization's missions and objectives, determine the most effective utilization of organizational resources, select best ways of action to achieve its goals and missions, and seek to...
Intercultural Management - example of the Intel companyin China
Case study - 10 pages - Management
A culture must have several characteristics: it must be adaptive, transgenerational, symbolic, shared, learned, and patterned. Culture influences relationships and interactions between people. Thus, each culture has specific habits and behaviors. In consequence, the interaction between two...
Can socially responsible firms increase their profits? - The case of 'The Body Shop'
Case study - 63 pages - Management
Corporate Social Responsibility is a topic of prime importance that has been doing the rounds for long. Since the 1960s, social responsibility has become an important argument not only for business but in the context of law, politics and economics. In fact, in the new context of globalization,...
Are traditional boundaries between the public and private sectors now irrelevant?
Essay - 6 pages - Management
Modern ideas about governance in the public sector reflects the fact that the traditional boundaries between the public and private sectors are now irrelevant'. According to Rhodes, the traditional and hierarchical central government is no longer relevant in a context of international and...
Advertising and communication
Case study - 16 pages - Management
The goal of our team is to imagine, create and execute an advertising campaign for the launch of a new hospital. This is a huge project because a hospital requires a lot of resources for its smooth and efficient operations. That means that before, during and after the launch, the project needs to...
The decision-making process for the outsourcing of services
Essay - 5 pages - Management
In modern times, outsourcing of services has become an entire dimension in business strategy. It has become international and global. While it is growing extensively, the nature and the focus of outsourcing is slowly evolving. And as it often happens with new concepts, outsourcing tends to become...
Dupond: case study report brand management and marketing
Case study - 3 pages - Management
Founded in 1802, DuPont puts science to work by creating sustainable solutions essential' to improve human life. Present in more than 70 countries, DuPont offers diversified and innovative products in many fields from agriculture to home construction. A machine has many components. Having...
Teleworking: benefits and drawbacks
Essay - 3 pages - Management
The world is looking for innovation, notably in the organization of work. Teleworking aka telecommuting, which associates data-processing, telecommunication and new organization of work, was an important innovation in the eighties. Working remotely means working from a distance through the use of...
Pfizer corporate culture
Case study - 11 pages - Management
Pfizer is an American pharmaceutical corporation. In 2006, it was the leader in its sector at a worldwide level with a turnover of 48,371 billion dollars and 106 000 employees in the entire world. Pfizer is also the first investor in private biomedical research undertaken in order to invent,...
Business Ethics - The Niger Delta
Essay - 7 pages - Management
This report is going to talk about the case of the Niger Delta and its intrinsic oil exploitation as well as gas flaring, which cause damages to the local population and impacts the environment. Moreover, the Nigerian government mismanages its revenues in wasting the gas flared that could be an...
The role played by salary and by non-financial incentives in promoting motivation in middle managers
Essay - 5 pages - Management
The job of a manager is to help employees perform in the workplace and he must make sure that things are done through employees. A good manager is able to motivate his team. The topic of motivation is not easy to understand and it is important to understand human nature itself. Human nature is...
Operation management: industrial reality of Peugeot PSA Citroën
Case study - 11 pages - Management
During the 20th century, the world went through many evolution phases, especially in the automotive industry. Today, this industry is a very important factor in economic development. PSA is a French automotive manufacturer. In 1973 the company made a merger with Citroën, and became the second...
Advertissement Analysis 'Dark Dog '
Case study - 1 pages - Management
This document is based on the 2007 advertising campaign for Dark Dog', a Guarana-based energy drink . The campaign was designed to boost product sales on ac-count of dynamic positioning. In its promotion, the brand chooses a funny picture with a young man as the main character. The scene...
Operation Management
Essay - 5 pages - Management
According to me, Operation management seems to be a complex and wide subject. Nonetheless, it is precise and very useful. Anyway, it has endured many changes during the past centuries. Operation management concerns every part of the consumption society. It is the link between all the different...
Ports Design Limited - strategic management
Case study - 16 pages - Management
PORTS Design Limited is a fashion company which is vertically integrated. It is commonly known as an, international fashion company. The main activity of PORTS is being engaged in the design, manufacture and the retail of high-end fashion garments and accessories for men and women.The brand...
Pharmaceutical Brand: Becton Dickinson
Case study - 7 pages - Management
Becton Dickinson is a pharmaceutical brand created in 1897 in the United States. By 1996 it was the world's largest producer of various medical devices such as syringes and needles. The company grew rapidly through the century and had to revamp its organization scheme in 1995 in order to face...
Magners Pear Cider : communication plan
Case study - 15 pages - Management
Magners is a brand of the C&C group, Dublin, Ireland. It's main markets are in UK and Ireland. Other C&C brands are Stag, Ritz, Frangelico and Bulmers. There are no rights for Bulmers outside Ireland. Magners was launched as an equivalent.
Corporate Entrepreneurship of Steve Jobs
Case study - 9 pages - Management
During the seminar, we used different case studies of the US management and leadership in applying theoretical concepts. In this assignment, I have chosen to analyze the CEO of the company Apple because of its particular way to lead the company that he created. Steve Jobs was trained as an...
Organizational Behavior, Delta Airlines
Case study - 3 pages - Management
Organizational structure is an important question that all companies have to face and find a solution to. In this paper we will get an insight into the company Delta Airlines, which decided to set up a network design system. First of all we will briefly view some facts about Delta Airlines, and...