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228 results

29 Sep 2010

Cross-cultural management: Female expatriates

Essay - 5 pages - Management

This essay analyzes the evolution of female expatriates in Western multinational corporations in the recent years and confronts the issues of gender stereotyping, discrimination and family responsibility. The small number of women on global assignments is disconcerting, given that the...

29 Sep 2010

Managing international teams

Essay - 22 pages - Management

With an ongoing globalization of activities and companies, heterogeneity in companies' workforce has become a reality. Managing diversity has turned into a major challenge for companies' survival. As a matter of fact, large companies can no longer boast their national affiliation as the workplace...

29 Sep 2010

The American system of political communication

Essay - 3 pages - Management

The American system of political communication encompasses a broad range of mediums like the radio, newspapers, news magazines, network and cable television, and an increasing amount of independent Internet sources through the use of "blogs". The Politics of Illusion, network news overtakes all...

29 Sep 2010

In any large organization, team work is the ultimate key to success

Essay - 1 pages - Management

Applied at workplaces, teamwork can be defined as a co-ordinated effort from a group of people acting together towards a specific business purpose. In large organizations, individuals play certain roles and carry out certain responsibilities, which are determined in advance. Each task is...

29 Sep 2010

The future of the outsourcing

Essay - 6 pages - Management

In future, companies will continue to focus increasingly on their core business; even more in difficult economic situations like the present one. They will have to concentrate their efforts on areas of strength in order to gain competitive advantages. What is not in the core business of the...

29 Sep 2010

Change management: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of evolutionary and revolutionary change

Essay - 2 pages - Management

Change management in an organization can be a very difficult task to assume. First you need to diagnose the change needed, set objectives, apply the strategy, measure the results and then re-adjust in consequence. In all those steps, you need to take into account the scope of the organization,...

29 Sep 2010


Essay - 8 pages - Management

Being an entrepreneur is more about doing something what one loves and especially something which can bring creativity, innovation and change. Over the last twenty years, entrepreneurship has been viewed mostly as the action of starting a new business and nothing more than it but a lot of...

29 Sep 2010

Finnish management vs. Greek management

Essay - 11 pages - Management

We wanted to create our report on the difference of management between Japan and the United States but we were one of the last groups to choose our theme and it was already taken. So we took the last theme that was left: Europe. A lot of the European countries we wanted to study had already been...

29 Sep 2010

The influence of advertising and medias on children

Essay - 10 pages - Management

It has become obvious that advertising is designed to influence children. Advertising has an impact on their needs, their desire and their requests. How has it evolved in this way and what are the reasons of this interest for such a young audience? How can we define advertising? Advertising is an...

29 Sep 2010

Centralization versus decentralization in multinational companies

Essay - 6 pages - Management

The emerging debate over centralization vs. decentralization highlights one of the most challenging issues in management- what the most efficient corporate structure is for a company. Globalization makes multinational enterprises develop their ability to respond quickly to changes in the...

29 Sep 2010

US management and leadership: Martin Luther King Jr., the birth of a leader

Essay - 15 pages - Management

This paper is about the leader Martin Luther King Jr. and his leadership role in the 1950s. First, the context will be introduced followed by King's life in correlation with the current event at that time. In the final section, his leadership style will be analyzed. After the war, the veterans...

29 Sep 2010

International accounting regulations: Understanding differences - USA/ Europe

Essay - 6 pages - Management

Throughout the globe, U.S.A. has been famous for their notion of freedom, their way of life, and their entrepreneurship, stemming back to its very origins. This is a legacy from the very first pioneer, which still affects them nowadays either in their private or business life. It's a country...

29 Sep 2010

Business ethics Moral issues facing a company involved in the fast food industry

Essay - 5 pages - Management

Contrary to Friedman's theory which claims that corporations only aim at increasing profits and shareholders revenues, companies have moral responsibilities. Indeed, shareholders are not alone in a firm and have to compromise with the interests of the other stakeholders. According to Freeman...

29 Sep 2010

How companies develop global leaders?

Essay - 16 pages - Management

How companies develop into global leaders: Globalization has now invaded the world. Globalization means integrating each of the world's countries into a single unified society, where it is able to found great business opportunities by discovering new markets, new capital investments, new...

29 Sep 2010

Culture and cultural diversities impact on business in India

Essay - 17 pages - Management

Culture is defined as a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that the members of society use to cope with their world and with one another, and are transmitted from generation to generation through learning. This document focuses on the impact of culture and...

29 Sep 2010

How a company can implements an ERP system? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

Essay - 12 pages - Management

Nowadays information represents a huge benefit for companies and its customers; the amount of internal and external data assumes gigantic proportions in every department of each company. But data could be a veritable advantage if this information is well organized and standardized. Some companies...

29 Sep 2010

Information system management: the Blackberry

Essay - 11 pages - Management

Information system management: the Blackberry The products of Blackberry consist of wireless solutions to provide e-mail and data bases wireless access. The company has targeted people, especially professionals (we will specifically talk about them in this work), and has access as an added...

29 Sep 2010

The respect of copyright on the Internet

Essay - 15 pages - Management

In this work, I have chosen to talk about the respect of the law in e-business. More specifically, I'm interested in the problem that artists and music producing companies are facing, namely the non-conformance to of copyright acts through peer to peer and free download. We have all heard...

29 Sep 2010

Discuss the idea that mission may not necessarily be the first step in the strategic management process and explain the role played by mission in that process

Essay - 4 pages - Management

The 'raison dĂȘtre' of each company is its mission, it is written down as a mission statement. A mission is a general expression of the overall purpose of the organization. It should answer to the question, 'what business are we in?'. Managers have to set strategies in order to...

29 Sep 2010

Leadership: Jack Welch, CEO of GE (1981-2001)

Essay - 13 pages - Management

The last decade has witnessed the rise of some very charismatic leaders. One of them, Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric (GE) from 1981 to 2001, was among the most admired and respected leaders. Named in 1999 by the Fortune magazine as ‘Manager of the century', Jack Welch was more than a...

29 Sep 2010

Process mapping

Essay - 20 pages - Management

The challenge faced by librarians today is "to maintain or cut costs, while, at the same time, increasing both the range and quality of services and programs." This assignment looks at library design, mainly including issues like new technologies, process layout, process type and job design and...

29 Sep 2010

Human resources strategy, SIEMENS

Essay - 20 pages - Management

Electrical and electronic engineering constitute the backbone and hence the identity of the SIEMENS group which celebrated 160 years of existence in 2007. This company has several basic trade segments such as: energy, industry, telecommunications, information, transport, and health etc. In 2007,...

29 Sep 2010

Understanding the intercultural management

Essay - 9 pages - Management

Today, most companies operate in the international market. Small and medium sized firms that export to the big multinationals, all have to deal with foreign partners. For these relations to be constructive, it is essential to understand the cultural context of the targeted country. Indeed, this...

29 Sep 2010

Organizational development final assignment Merger and Acquisitions

Essay - 15 pages - Management

In this assignment, we will study eight different mergers that will help us understand them in the economic and financial context of the companies that are merging. For each merger, we will have to answer the following questions: Did historical results justify the deal? Was the merger...

29 Sep 2010

Professional management skills Analysis of Google case

Essay - 8 pages - Management

The search engine Google has grown up as an information portal company. Google's growth story fascinates and intrigues everyone as it unveils many innovative phenomena and springs surprises to its competitors. This company is seen as a pioneer and an innovative leader which is always ahead of...

29 Sep 2010

Why does the Canadian productivity lag behind that of the US?

Essay - 8 pages - Management

"Productivity is our economic destiny," says Andrew Sharpe, Director of the Centre for the Study of Living Standards in Canada. Productivity is indeed important because it is related to the level of living standards (defined as GDP per capita) and the economic well-being of a specific country. As...

29 Sep 2010

Organization development

Essay - 24 pages - Management

During the year 2006, around 28,000 mergers and takeovers have been registered. It is 9,000 more than in 2003, and reflects well the fact that to keep growing, companies need sometimes an external support. This phenomena concern all private and public companies, and is a major strategic point in...

29 Sep 2010

A revolution in supply chain management? The potential offered by e-business systems

Essay - 5 pages - Management

An e-supply chain is the flow of materials, information, money, and services from raw material suppliers through factories and warehouses to the end customers. A supply chain also includes the organizations and processes that create and deliver products, information, and services to the end...

29 Sep 2010

Comparative analysis of the key success factors in a public relations agency in GB and other countries. (Placement report)

Essay - 15 pages - Management

During June and July, I did my first internship in a public relations company based in London, called Bell Pottinger. I didn't know exactly what the challenges were in this field, so it was a chance to learn many new things. Chime Communications PLC is the holding company of 35 companies...

29 Sep 2010

Considering India's reputation as an ideal country for outsourcing, what are the strategic rationales for business outsourcing ?

Essay - 8 pages - Management

There is a recent, but very strong tendency for companies to focus on what they do best, their core business. This follows a previous tendency of vertical and horizontal integration that has led big companies to acquire skills and capabilities distant from their area of specialisation. Sometimes,...