The development of the supply management chain (SCM) depends on the ability of a company to respond to customer requests. Responding to customer requests has to be done while being able to maintain the economic position of the company through the introduction of new products. By synchronizing a stream of intelligence (Mesnard and Dupont, 1999),the SCM will try to create an end value for the customer. Several studies highlight the crucial role played by logistics.
Tags - SCM,logistic processes
[...] It aims to improve long term performance of each organization and supply chain organizations as a whole. " From this definition, it is possible to represent the SCM as follows (cf. Figure Figure 2. The extended enterprise (according Pittiglio, Rabin, Todd & McGrath, 1999) This extended relationship between the various departments and organizations of a supply chain necessarily involves a good knowledge of issues, relationships and the establishment of a cooperative game between players (Bacus-Montfort and Paché, 2000). For all these reasons, it should consider the SCM as a true management approach that requires the attention it deserves. [...]
[...] The integrated management of logistic processes, French translation of the SCM, seeks to address this finding. By synchronizing a stream of intelligence (Mesnard and Dupont, 1999), the MCS led to create value for end users. Several studies highlight the essential role played by logistics. The Council of Logistics Management defines it as follows: "Logistics is that part of the process of the supply chain that plans, implements and controls the transit and storage that is effective and efficient movement of goods and services and the side information, the place of their creation to the consumer, in order to meet consumer demands " (Council of Logistics Management: Dornier (1997) describes the process by a logistics system upstream / downstream responsive to market demands (cf. [...]
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