This report will include several aspects of a logistics career field in an appealing approach. First an introductory paragraph labeled Art Teacher to Logistics Major will explain the reasoning for my writing. Following that, the next header, History of Logistics, is self explanatory. Who You Need to Be presents the personality traits for entering into a career in logistics. Next, Life within the Organization summarizes the job duties and expectations of the specified field area. Skills and Education That Help Best give details about the level of education needed and skills to obtain a high career level position within the field of logistics. Previous Experiences to Future Career Choices enlightens the reader about internship and job opportunities to start their career path. After that, Does the Career Suit You Best simply asks the reader midway if they like what they have read so far and quotes others on their aspect of the career field. Balancing Health and Time within the Organization tells the reader exactly what is going to be expected of them and how it will impact their stress level on the job. Money in the Bank and Benefits simply gives details about the potential salary and benefits of a career in logistics. Lastly, Preparation for the Future summarizes the paper and gives details about organizations and a magazine the reader could pursue if they chose to enter the field of logistics.
[...] Throughout this paper, I will explain the benefits and details of acquiring a position within different logistics career fields including informational interviews with persons within these career fields. Every person is best suited for a different career path based on their personality. This career path is well suited for me because it is something I am passionate about, for I believe if an individual is fervent about their career, they will be content and determined to be the best in their chosen profession. [...]
[...] Degrees in Transport, Geography and some Business-related subjects may also be considered.” According to Stern, “Contracting in school is important if you can take it and any pre-training in the military.” The military is also a great place to obtain a start within the logistics career field because it is the first ‘business' to really start the logistics planning. Previous Experiences to Future Career Choices There are many ways to approach a start in a career field though no one person has the correct answer, only suggestions. [...]
[...] Several schools have an organization for logistics called Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) which would greatly help to be able to put this on a resume. The magazine that logistics managers or people within the logistics field mainly reads is Logistics Today put out by Outsourced Logistics, the global supply chain authority. If you read Logistics Today and join a few organizations, your preparation for a future career in logistics will most likely be greatly slated to your advantage. There are many things you could [...]
[...] Through all the information already given and more information below, you could easily choose whether or not you would consider pursuing a career in logistics. Balancing Health and Time within the Organization Along with personalities, a person must, be able to prioritize your work and to work well under pressure (Courses & Careers Every career choice will have a certain degree of stress to deal with though some will always have more than others. In a lower position, several different spans of workable hours within twenty-four hours are possible within logistics though in higher positions not as many hours are expected or odd hours. [...]
[...] By the time college starts, the dream career sought as a child has usually changed several times due to many factors. As an adult, the main factors that affect career decisions include tuition costs, life plans, career salary, goals, etc. As I was growing up, I wanted to be an art teacher, but then I became an environmentalist. Now, I am determined to obtain my business administration degree with an emphasis in logistics and operations management. When I was born, the world was a totally different place that cared a lot less about the environment than now. [...]
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