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Thesis in human resources

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77 results

10 May 2011

Comparative analysis of two HR systems

Thesis - 15 pages - Human resources

Nowadays, each country has its own management style and possesses a culture which influences its decisions and business strategies. Moreover, organizations have to face a business environment that keeps getting more and more complex, where firms need to reply quickly and efficiently to changes in...

16 Apr 2011

The need for international human resources management

Thesis - 7 pages - Human resources

As the process of globalization accelerates, there is a growing number of expatriates working in foreign countries as well as repatriates coming back to home companies. Therefore, international human resources managers have the urgent task of taking care of employees' characteristics of cultures,...

07 Mar 2011

Human Resource Management: E-Recruitment

Thesis - 12 pages - Human resources

This report offers an overall analysis and evaluation of the current recruitment scenario. It shows the current economic climate, and how it affects E-recruitments a whole. It compares traditional methods of recruitment with that of the fast growing domain of E-recruitment. The website review...

25 Jan 2011

The role of HR managers in the context of changing external environmental factors

Thesis - 13 pages - Human resources

Over the last two decades, the work environment has improved in new techniques that no one expected, causing growth in innovation and globalization. The following era will witness superior changes, influencing all sides of the workstation, containing main variations for HR managers. To respond...

10 Jan 2011

Career management: Women and the Glass Ceiling

Thesis - 27 pages - Human resources

There has been an increase in the participation of women in the professional world today. They are becoming increasingly qualified and skilled. However, this increase in opportunity has not led them into illusions and they do not consider themselves lucky. They do not compare their situation to...

10 Jan 2011

Gender discrimination in the workplace

Thesis - 5 pages - Human resources

Even today, there is discrimination between men and women in the workplace. The salary for a man and a woman holding the same station is not the same. Women find it harder to reach senior positions in the organization. Since 1967, the participation rate of women in the professional field has...

13 Dec 2010

Reasons behind the wage determinations in the manufacturing sector

Thesis - 5 pages - Human resources

The real wages of European workers have experienced a decline over the last few years. In real terms, the results show a decline of the labor compensation per hour - 16,5 per cent in 1996-1999, 28 per cent in 2000-2003, and 33 per cent in 2003-2006. Moreover, the workforce considered their wages...

13 Dec 2010

Sexual child abuse

Thesis - 1 pages - Human resources

Sexually abused children are children exposed to excessive sexual acts and made to cover it up due to fear and shame. Children that are abused sexually are faced with a lot of problems as they grow. Such children are laid by their relative, friends, families and people close to them. It is due...

18 Nov 2010

HRM systems and organization's performance - Case Siemens

Thesis - 7 pages - Human resources

Rather than playing a basic administrative role, HRM is becoming more and more a strategic partner responsible to increase the organization competitiveness. “Employees are valued assets of the company, that there should be interplay between a strategy for human resources and the main...

08 Oct 2010

International human resource management: Sean John Clothing Inc. and its expansion into the Caribbean Basin: Jamaica

Thesis - 8 pages - Human resources

Sean John Clothing is a very successful contemporary clothing brand launched in 1998 by the US Hip Hop star Sean John “Diddy” Combs. For ten years now, Sean John has made its mark on the fashion industry and made Sean John Combs one of the most successful African American entrepreneurs...

23 Aug 2010

Human service manager

Thesis - 3 pages - Human resources

The Human Service Management professional works closely with individuals of diverse population groups and backgrounds. Each client will be able to benefit from a specific theoretical model intervention strategy being used by the professional's discretion. The position of the human service manager...

30 Jul 2010

The objectives of the remuneration policy

Thesis - 5 pages - Human resources

Compensation is a major component of the employment contract between the employer and the employee. This fee is applicable in a legal and conventional context. It is also a part of the labor market that may be, favor of either party depending on the case and the time frame. It is especially...

30 Jul 2010

Recruitment: Practices and issues in France

Thesis - 3 pages - Human resources

The recruitment, which aims to attract candidates with the qualifications and skills to fill available positions and vacancies, are framed by a specific regulation. While free enterprise allows free choice of employees, it remains so unless freedom is limited by hiring certain restrictions, such...

29 Jul 2010

The assessment of staff in an organization

Thesis - 5 pages - Human resources

In recent years, companies have realized the importance of staff because they represent the true wealth of the latter. Indeed, recruitment and more generally the management of human resources prove to be a major issue for businesses as it participates positively to the success of the company. It...

27 Jul 2010

Human capital as a factor in the performance of a company

Thesis - 5 pages - Human resources

The ultimate goal of a company is to ensure strong and sustainable growth. Growth is indeed a quantitative process characterized by the increase in size of the company in terms of products and results. It determines the survival of the company, and is also a means of measuring the goals achieved...

27 Jul 2010

Human resources: The film analysis

Thesis - 5 pages - Human resources

The film depicts two HR realities. The first is that of the complex relationship between Frank, a young intern in Human Resources, who is dynamic, energetic, and his father who is both fearful and disillusioned with the job he has held since he was young. Frank is a victim of deceptive illusions...

29 Jun 2010

The link between professional and personal life

Thesis - 6 pages - Human resources

According to Anne Monjaret, author of The Feast and research fellow at the National Center for Scientific Research, "A party held in the company is not an illusory phenomenon. Under the apparent frivolity attached to this concept lies a real and symbolic social efficiency. These parties play an...

29 Jun 2010

Integration of parenting in HR policies: A challenge

Thesis - 6 pages - Human resources

In France as in most industrialized countries, major issues such as stress and equality between men and women highlight the difficulty in reconciling work and family life. This is particularly because of the emergence of new forms of organization of work and the increasing feminization of...

29 Jun 2010

Human resource management (HRM) at IBM

Thesis - 7 pages - Human resources

Stress has become an integral part of business life today. Tension, pressure and constant anxiety are a few of the occupational diseases detected at PSA, Renault, EDF and IBM. These occupational diseases and cardiovascular diseases have been on the rise lately. To develop this subject, facts...

29 Jun 2010

A different approach to training

Thesis - 8 pages - Human resources

Every government has an underlying duty to protect its citizens. Nevertheless, there are problems faced by the developed nations to bring in 100% employment rate for its people. As the ill effects of unemployment range from property crimes to national dissatisfaction, governments seek ways to...

28 Jun 2010

Strategies used by companies to attract young employees

Thesis - 5 pages - Human resources

Recent years have seen the inclusion of new management practices in the recruitment process. These changes, are a sign of awareness of the company's awareness of the strategic aspect of recruitment, and derive from an increasingly competitive labor market. HR marketing: This concept is then...

21 Jun 2010

Managing human capital in the process of merger and acquisition

Thesis - 5 pages - Human resources

Mergers and acquisitions have become a regular business strategy in the present corporate scenario. They involve lengthy and thorough discussions and strategies are worked out in detail before the deals are closed. These discussions influence the future of the organization with respect to the...

04 Mar 2010

HR issues companies and employees facing in Mainland China and the Strategies need to pursue in future

Thesis - 4 pages - Human resources

China, the world biggest construction site as well as biggest growth market, develops rapidly in these twenty years. However, the human resource management (HR) is still remaining in a traditional status. “It's an emerging profession,” HR Director for Microsoft's Research and...

28 Oct 2009

Recruitment through psychometric tests and theory of FIRO-B

Thesis - 9 pages - Human resources

Recruitment is the process of discovering potential applicants for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies. It is a “linking activity” bringing together those with jobs and seeking jobs. Recruitment is a process to identify the sources of manpower in order to meet the...

28 Oct 2009

An overview of training and development process in an organization

Thesis - 14 pages - Human resources

The genre of ‘Employees' seems to have evolved through a transformation process. They are now more growth oriented, ambitious, industrious, forward-looking and increasingly vulnerable to the rocking changes in the industry. They have a high self-concept and seek intrinsic motivation in the...

28 Oct 2009

The role and importance of human resources department (HRD) in an organization

Thesis - 12 pages - Human resources

Ten years ago hardly any organization had HR departments or talked about it. Today it is difficult to find organizations which employ a large number of people who do not talk about HRD. In spite of this popularization of HRD in the last few years, success experience of HRD is limited to a few...

14 Oct 2009

Motivation theories, cycle and motives

Thesis - 12 pages - Human resources

Motivation is derived from Latin word ‘movere' that means ‘to move'. Motive means ‘that which move the will'. Motivating means to take more initiative & interest in the work assigned. It is an art of getting things done willingly from others. Motivation means that an individual in...

14 Oct 2009

A research study on absenteeism of employees in an organization

Thesis - 20 pages - Human resources

According to Picoars and Payers ‘unexpected absence disturbs the efficiency of the group as the jobs are inter-connected, if one single man remains absent without prior notice the whole operation process is distributed. This absenteeism results in production losses because, due to...

14 Oct 2009

Organizational behavior and its importance for an organization

Thesis - 14 pages - Human resources

To make the topic clear we can take the example of the ubiquitous search engine - GOOGLE. Google servers' process more than 200 million search queries in 90 languages every day, over half of them form users outside the United States. Google's success is more amazing as this profitable company of...

14 Oct 2009

A research study on performance management system in an organization

Thesis - 11 pages - Human resources

A company reviews the existing appraisal system of senior executive levels. The revised performance management system has components of performance planning, monitoring, review and development through involvement of the appraisee is being introduced. The focus of the performance management...