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Human resources

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330 results

09 Jan 2009

Leading as if your life depended on it

Book review - 11 pages - Human resources

In Extremis Leadership: Leading As If Your Life Depended On It, by author Thomas A. Kolditz, is the kind of book, and contains the kind of concepts, that every serious leader should read. It does an excellent job of detailing the personal growth and commitment to the truth that is necessary for...

25 Sep 2008

Lay-offs and downsizing

Essay - 6 pages - Human resources

Sweeping economic, technological, and social changes during the last two decades have begun to transform how work is organized in modern society. The shift from an industrial to a knowledge economy, the globalization of markets, and the rapid proliferation of new technologies have dramatically...

25 Sep 2008

Leadership and personal power in organizations

Essay - 5 pages - Human resources

Leadership is a heavily studied element of organizations. Every organization has leaders, after all, but what can and what do leaders actually do to achieve results? Can these results be replicated, or is individual charisma and various other sources of power and success ultimately simply a...

22 Jul 2008

What would Marx say? Labor agreement with the Canadian Auto Workers Union (CAW)

Essay - 4 pages - Human resources

This past 12th of September, 2005, Ford's labor agreement with the Canadian Auto Workers Union (CAW) reached its three-year expiration date, and was remade and renewed after negotiations between the two parties. Talks focused on questions of wages, benefits, retirement plans, and other economic...

08 Jul 2008

HR plan for a hypothetical service business

Business plan - 5 pages - Human resources

The development of new business requires consideration of a wide range of issues. While most business owners are quick to note the importance of financing when it comes to starting a small business, few consider the specific human resource requirements that are important to the organization's...

07 Jul 2008

The advantages and disadvantages of unionization of the modern labor force

Essay - 7 pages - Human resources

Throughout the course of the twentieth century the labor movement in the United States has taken a number of twists and turns. From unionization during the period of industrialization to the decline of the union and the literal demise of the labor movement in the 1980s and 90s, the American labor...

26 Jun 2008

Human Resources Management: Challenges and Controlling Mechanisms

Case study - 10 pages - Human resources

Organizational Psychology holds that successful organizations focus not only on market realities and sustainable competitive advantages, but also on their human capital, which they consider as their most vital asset. In a sense, facts and figures are the quantitative elements of a successful...

03 Jun 2008

Australian Assimilation And The Impact on Aboriginal Health: A Critical Analysis

Essay - 6 pages - Human resources

Australia is one of the world's most culturally diverse societies and it is commonly assumed that the country offers free and fair opportunities to all its inhabitants. However, on close observation it is clearly evident that the country's indigenous population is at a social and economic...

19 May 2008

Chief Technical Officer Resume

Sample resume - 3 pages - Human resources

1. Personal information presented 2.Professional Experience -Chief Technology Officer National Review Magazine New York, NY ( Role Explained ) -Webmaster National Review Magazine New York, NY ( Role Explained ) -Lead Developer Secure Network Operations, Inc. Boxborough, MA ( Role Explained ) -...

18 Dec 2007

Cover letter for writing job

Sample letter - 1 pages - Human resources

I am writing to you because I would love to work alongside the gifted young women at Teen Voices. I am now 21 years old, but I remember happening across Teen Voices in my high school guidance office years ago; it was then that I realized that there was more to being a girl than doing your hair...

27 Nov 2007

Are team structures in modern organization important in strategy implementation?

Thesis - 6 pages - Human resources

Any organization globally strives to meet its strategic goals. Although it sounds straightforward, in practice, this effort is complicated. The increasing market rivalry driving the industries leads to decreasing product life cycles. Moreover, the threat of new entrants and of substitute products...

27 Nov 2007

The Executive Mind

Thesis - 7 pages - Human resources

The contribution of the executive mind in the corporate environment is a cmplex issue which has often been addressed in business literature. In its simplest form the effective executive mind is assigned to lead subordiantes, to find solutions and to overcome difficult situations by exposing the...

23 Oct 2007

Cover letter student service center's manager

Sample letter - 1 pages - Human resources

From Emerson College's human resources website, I learned of an opening as the Student Service Center's manager. I believe I have the knowledge, skills and training to succeed in such a position, and a desire to return to the Emerson community more valuable than anything else. I graduated in...

23 Oct 2007

Cover letter for university position

Sample letter - 1 pages - Human resources

From Berklee College of Music's human resources website, I learned of numerous openings within the university. I am very interested in these positions, for I am seeking employment in an academic environment and believe that my education and experience will be very beneficial to the college and...

23 Oct 2007

Cover letter for visitor services

Sample letter - 1 pages - Human resources

On the Museum of Science's Human Resources website, I learned of various employment opportunities in Visitor Services. I am very interested in these positions, and I believe I have the skills and expertise to excel at providing the best experience for guests. Particularly, I would love the...

29 Aug 2007

Sample Resume for a Sales or Managerial Position

Sample resume - 2 pages - Human resources

This resume is a good example for anyone looking for a position in Sales in Managerial Position. Please use this resume as a template and a guideline when your are writing your own. Here is a small excerpt of the experience that the writer had: Developing and maintaining the website for the...

27 Aug 2007

Cover letter for first job in a managerial position

Sample letter - 1 pages - Human resources

I am applying for a position for the [type of managerial position]. I believe that I have plenty to offer [Company Name]. In [Month, Year], I [will or have] graduate(d) from [University] with a [type of degree], reinforced by years of work experience in management and marketing.

23 Aug 2007

Sample Resumé

Sample resume - 4 pages - Human resources

A longer resume than normal, this resume will help any one with a long professional or academic career detail their experience. It also includes are part listing the various publication in which the resume's author published his/her papers.

22 Aug 2007

Sample Resume To Be A Bartender or Bar Server

Sample resume - 1 pages - Human resources

This resumé will be helpful to all those looking for a job as a bar tender or as a bar server. This resumé is to be used as a skeleton with which you will insert your own experience as a bartender/bar server. Pay particular attention to the time that the author took to detail his/her experience....

22 Aug 2007

Sample follow-up letter for an application

Sample letter - 1 pages - Human resources

I am writing to confirm that my CV and covering letter were received. They were emailed via JobTrack on 12 October. I am very much interested in the position of Pre-Production Administrator. I recently graduated Summa Cum Laude from University with a bachelors degree in English, a writing...

22 Aug 2007

Sample graphic design cover letter

Sample letter - 1 pages - Human resources

I am writing in response to your posting on Bookbuilders of Boston for a graphic designer. I am experienced in Adobe CS2, especially in InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator, and have experience with typography and typesetting, layout design, and print production. I am extremely organized and...

22 Aug 2007

Sample graduate student resume

Sample resume - 1 pages - Human resources

This resume will help any student looking to enter into the professional world or wanting to find a summer internship / employment. The following resume is meant to be used as a skeleton for your own resume. The page layout and the details given with regards to both scholarly and work experience...

22 Aug 2007

Sample cover letter for a summer job

Sample letter - 1 pages - Human resources

I am writing regarding the posting on Craigslist for an editorial assistant. I am currently a first-year MA student in College's Writing and Publishing program. I have a good deal of publishing experience in several different areas, including proofreading, editing, design, production, and...

22 Aug 2007

Internship cover letter

Sample letter - 1 pages - Human resources

I am interested in interning with Name of Journal for the fall semester. I have just begun graduate study at College in the Writing and Publishing program, though I have been working in publishing in some form or another for a few years now. I graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of...

22 Aug 2007

Sample design cover letter

Sample letter - 1 pages - Human resources

Dear Mr. Recipient, I recently spoke briefly with you via email about possible design opportunities at Company. In case you do not still have my emails, I am including portions of them here for your reference. I was referred by Name, my program director at College, to your listing on AIGA's...

21 Aug 2007

Sample cover letter for summer job

Sample letter - 1 pages - Human resources

This cover letter will help all students looking for a summer job write their own. Dear NAME: My friend and Emerson College classmate NAME informed me that you are hiring temporary proofreaders for the summer. I have over three years' experience working in editorial, and I hope you find I have...

21 Aug 2007

Graduate Student Resumé

Sample resume - 1 pages - Human resources

This resumé will help all who wish to apply for a job. Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education Boston, MA Copyeditor & Editorial Assistant Oct 2006-Jan 2007 Copyeditor responsible for formatting, line-by-line editing, & application of house style in manuscripts for nonprofit publisher of...

21 Aug 2007

Cover letter for internship

Sample letter - 1 pages - Human resources

Dear NAME: Please accept this cover letter and attached resume as my application to the summer internship with Houghton Mifflin's College Division. I would very much like to work in your editorial department, and I believe I have the required qualifications. I am a graduate student in Emerson...

08 Aug 2007

Skills in the Work Place

Essay - 7 pages - Human resources

I have had the experience of working in different industries and different-sized companies, and have to say that I know myself well enough to be able to predict my behavior under different situations with a great deal of accuracy. However, after working on this assignment, I have discovered...

22 Feb 2007

Report on the workforce monitoring and surveillance practices: a practical guidance for employers

Essay - 8 pages - Human resources

Employers have always been monitoring theirs employees in one way or another to assess the quantity and the quality of a worker's performance. Monitoring should be understood in a broad meaning: employers can decide to use hidden cameras, CCTV cameras, they can open e-mails or keep records of...