To design a rewards system I am using experience as a line supervisor, previous managers I have worked under, ideas from the text, sources from the university library, and personal ideas I have thought of. I will cover all nine of the motivation factors found to be important to people from the text on page 131 which are: respect for me as a person, good pay, chance to turn out quality work, chance for promotion, opportunity to do interesting work, feeling my job is important, being told by my boss when I do a good job, opportunity for self development and improvement, and large amount of freedom on the job.
A manager needs to show each employee respect for him or her as a person. This can be done in several ways. Smiling or greeting each employee as you encounter them through the day I find works well. Using their first name when speaking to them and eye contact indicate he or she knows who they are and that they have his or her attention. Maintaining a friendly atmosphere creates a positive attitude among every one.
A manager should ask employees or give them a chance to suggest solutions to problems or ways to be more efficient. A suggestion box may be placed at the workplace or have an e-mail dedicated to this and inform all employees how to access this. Another way to show respect is if you know personal information about the employee, ask them, for example, "How are your children", "Did your mother's surgery go well?" This lets the employee know you generally care about things which are important to them.
[...] As long as the employees' problems and ideas are taken seriously by management he or she will feel as if they are an asset to the company. Think about this. If no one cleaned, did filing of important documents, answered the phones, returned messages to clients or supervised each department, what kind of mess you would you have? Each employee needs to know job is important.” Communication and positive attitude once again come into play when a boss expresses to the employees when he or she has done well. [...]
[...] In closing, each employee deserves respect, fair salary for the type of work he or she does, opportunities to do their best work, chances to advance, ways to sparks interest in their work, to feel he or she is part of the team, their work is appreciated, chances to develop new skills or improve upon old ones, and to be trusted with freedom to do the job to the best of his or her abilities. References Danish, R., & Usman, A. (2010), Impact of Reward and Recognition on Job Satisfaction and Motivation: An Empirical Study from Pakistan. [...]
[...] Communication and positive attitudes go a long way to getting the best work from employees. Chances for an employee to receive promotions will give him or her a goal to work toward. A person who sees room for advancement will work harder and try to produce quality work to be noticed. Posting advancement opportunities where all associates have access to view them and where to apply for each show him or her what is available. When hiring a person for a job, he or she should have some interest in the tasks he or she will have to perform or it could become tedious and unfulfilling. [...]
[...] Using their first name when speaking to them and eye contact indicate he or she knows who they are and that they have his or her attention. Maintaining a friendly atmosphere creates a positive attitude among every one. A manager should ask employees or give them a chance to suggest solutions to problems or ways to be more efficient. A suggestion box may be placed at the workplace or have an mail dedicated to this and inform all employees how to access this. [...]
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