CSR corporate social responsibility, human resources, Business Partner, CSR Business Partner, Sustainable CSR Strategy, productivity
In our era, CSR is not only a "trendy" matter but has a real impact on the positioning of the company and its impact on the society. Initiatives can be found in every department: Human Resources make no exception. This is related to my future first dream job: HR manager or Business Partner in a corporation or in a multinational company. The size of the company also has a huge impact on the matter, because it potentially can have a bigger impact, both by the number of employees and the financial resources allocated to CSR.
[...] In fact, a good CSR strategy in a company is more likely to attract, retain and motivate employees, boost productivity and good behaviour, as employees will feel valued (Korschun, Bhattacharya & Sen, 2009; Turker, 2008). Share Values in HR The concept of share value is defined as the behavior of the company to create value for the entire society, by addressing social issues (Kramer & Porter, 2011). Therefore, social issues being at the heart of the job in HR, it can create greater value than only for the specific company (even more if it is a big company). [...]
[...] New York: Routledge, pp. 15-25. Available at: https://books.google.fr/books?hl=fr&lr=&id=zqk0DwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT11&dq=cs r+in+hr&ots=X- g0hFQXpF&sig=DgKWZ5AaRhccWispeZqbTak_62w#v=onepage&q=csr%20in%20hr&f=false CSR course powerpoints Kramer, M., Pfitzer, M The Ecosystem of Shared Value. Harvard Business Review. Available at: https://hbr.org/2016/10/the-ecosystem-of- shared-value Lam, H., Khare, A HR's Crucial Role for Successful CSR. Journal of International Business Ethics pp. 3-13. Available at: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/a3b7/0e8fd6d09701c14419d3d12d1ebd40c869c6.p df#page=3 Stout, L The Dumbest Business Idea Ever. [...]
[...] Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Human Resources In our era, CSR is not only a ‘trendy' matter but has a real impact on the positioning of the company and its impact on society. Initiatives can be found in every department: Human Resources make no exception. This is related to my future first dream job: HR manager or Business Partner in a corporation or in a multinational company. The size of the company also has a huge impact on the matter, because it potentially can have a bigger impact, both by the number of employees and the financial resources allocated to CSR. [...]
[...] Conclusion The popular ‘Shareholder Value Maximization' is not only a myth, if not more a managerial decision (Stout 2013). Employees could be considered as only ‘resources' to achieve that goal, instead of taking into account the ‘human' aspect. I want my future job to include CSR decisions that are in the interest of employees as a first objective, without forgetting the performance aspect which is at the heart of the company strategy. References Cohen, E CSR For HR: A Necessary Partnership For Advancing Responsible Business Practices. [...]
[...] The Myth of Maximizing Shareholder Value. Economics. Available at: https://evonomics.com/maximizing-shareholder-value-dumbest-idea/ Trevino, L. and Brown, M Managing to be ethical: debunking five business ethics myths. IEEE Engineering Management Review pp. 39- 52. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/3228340_Managing_to_be_ethical_Debu nking_five_business_ethics_myths Wickert, C., De Bakker, F How CSR Managers Can Inspire Other Leaders To Act on Sustainability. [online] Harvard Business Review. [...]
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