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Book reviews in human resources

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3 results

16 Feb 2011

The internationalization of the company and human resource management

Book review - 10 pages - Human resources

Today, most French companies have had the "great leap" in international markets. With increased trade and international context, the phenomenon of globalization has forced companies to open their activities abroad. Even if we can see significant differences in their degree of...

29 Sep 2010

Human resources final paper

Book review - 3 pages - Human resources

The business problem that we are going to discuss concerns the differences in treatment regarding gender. Actually, in the work environment, women and men are considered, paid and hired differently. This has always been the case and even if we can see improvements, there are still big gaps in...

09 Jan 2009

Leading as if your life depended on it

Book review - 11 pages - Human resources

In Extremis Leadership: Leading As If Your Life Depended On It, by author Thomas A. Kolditz, is the kind of book, and contains the kind of concepts, that every serious leader should read. It does an excellent job of detailing the personal growth and commitment to the truth that is necessary for...