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Dissertations in business strategy

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27 results

19 Oct 2024

The Threats and Strategies in Information Security Management

Dissertation - 10 pages - Business strategy

In this digital age, cyber safety is an absolute necessity for individuals, organizations, and governments worldwide. Aside from that, the continuous emergence of new technology, which is the starting point of progress and convenience, makes hackers vulnerable almost everywhere, allowing...

18 Oct 2024

Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business Decision-Making Processes

Dissertation - 5 pages - Business strategy

The role of artificial intelligence (AI) keeps advancing across a wide spectrum of activities. AI is steadily elevating the ways organizations function and make decisions. In the business world, AI technologies have become a part of it, as they ensure the automation of operations, data analysis,...

06 Sep 2024

To what extend can the focusing on new generations improve the company's PnL?

Dissertation - 26 pages - Business strategy

Consumers do no longer measure their health by an easily identifiable factor such as weight, they look forward, in a most general way, to take care of their wellbeing. When your vision is bad, it could become an obstacle for your wellbeing and it's intimately related to your happiness. Being...

03 Sep 2024

How do the board director's characteristics impact the capital structure?

Dissertation - 17 pages - Business strategy

This study compares companies in France and the United States to examine the relationship between board of director characteristics and their impact on capital structure decisions. The focus of the study is on the impact of board members' independence, and nationality on capital structure as...

19 May 2024

Chinese Multinational Companies' Innovation Strategies in France

Dissertation - 31 pages - Business strategy

China is changing its strategy. From the mass production of products at very low costs and quality, Chinese state is now orientating its economy in order to be able to capture a growing part of the added value and to change the international production process to its advantage. In terms of...

03 Dec 2023

Entrepreneurship Among Young People - How does the Emancipation of Young Graduates Ring a New Dynamic to their Professional Evolution?

Dissertation - 30 pages - Business strategy

Many young people, especially in developing countries, tend to view entrepreneurship as a viable and attractive path. Many young people, especially in developing economies, turn to entrepreneurship because of a lack of employment opportunities. The role of this thesis is to understand the...

23 Oct 2023

Support Network for French SME's : a help to international expansion

Dissertation - 35 pages - Business strategy

Currently "No one can ignore his neighbor". The current means of communication have finally erased borders. The "far away" countries no longer exist. Economic globalization is now a fact and companies, whatever their size, cannot refuse the fight, otherwise they will disappear. Large French...

04 Aug 2022

Fintech: Between Synergy and Power Struggle in the Banking and Financial Sector

Dissertation - 38 pages - Business strategy

This thesis examines the future of fintech integration within a complex financial ecosystem. It explores the impact that these have and will have in the future on the market. Through a literature review divided into three research questions combined with a qualitative approach, we will try to...

29 Sep 2010

FedEx strategic analysis

Dissertation - 32 pages - Business strategy

FedEx is the IT-focused market leader of the international express courier business and further offers supply-chain-management solutions. Indeed, this company was founded as Federal Express in 1971 by the U.S. Marine and Frederick W. Smith in Little Rock (Arkansas). FedEx has been chosen in...

29 Sep 2010

Outsourcing which special reference to services in India

Dissertation - 22 pages - Business strategy

We focus on outsourcing with special reference to services in India. Following the effects of globalization of the economy and the international concurrence that follow, many companies are trying to stay competitive. Technological progresses in telecommunications offered possibilities to delegate...

14 Sep 2010

The key elements of effective nation branding strategies

Dissertation - 5 pages - Business strategy

This paper explores the various facets of nation branding and aims to bring out the key elements of an effective nation branding strategy. Although the terms “nation” and “country” are used interchangeably, one must remember that there is a distinction between country...

27 Oct 2009

The strategy of investment and development of the French companies in Poland

Dissertation - 75 pages - Business strategy

This paper deals with the strategy of investment and development of the French companies in Poland. In a first part, the author discusses the theory of Foreign Direct Investment, more commonly called FDI: its different types and their alternatives, their motives, benefits and risks. In the second...

31 May 2009

Information technology as an enabler of sales and distribution

Dissertation - 47 pages - Business strategy

A competitive edge in sales and distribution network provides much needed muscle to the companies to compete in market place as has been epitomized by companies like HLL, Marico & ITC etc. Use of IT in sales and distribution promises to provide a consistent source of competitive advantage that...

26 May 2009

E-commerce and the ready-made garment industries

Dissertation - 40 pages - Business strategy

Electronic Commerce is the conducting of business over the web. It typically involves three broad steps. First, a person uses the web to collect information to decide which product or service to purchase. Second, the person transmits payment information (such as a credit card number) to the...

08 May 2009

Sales-side process automation to improve integration: An exploratory research

Dissertation - 51 pages - Business strategy

The customer has always been important. Peter Drucker, the dean of management consultants, once remarked: “Because its purpose is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two and only two basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results: all the...

07 May 2009

Major trends in the domestic mid - sized car industry in India

Dissertation - 38 pages - Business strategy

The global automobile industry is undergoing dramatic change in recent times. There has been enormous consolidation, both amongst vehicle manufacturers and component vendors to achieve economies of scale product synergies and strong and presence. By contrast, there has been little or no...

07 May 2009

Indian retail: Stepping ahead to create a benchmark

Dissertation - 47 pages - Business strategy

India is standing on the verge of having the pleasure to hold 2010 Olympic Games .Its retail business meter shows only about 4% organized retail in India. It means that a whopping 96% market is yet to be captured by entrepreneurs. Retail will grow more. India will be making waves in trends that...

06 May 2009

Chocolate industry in India

Dissertation - 49 pages - Business strategy

Chocolates began during the times of the Mayas and the Aztecs when they beat cocoa into a pulp and made bitter frothy chocolate out of it. They first became popular in Europe in a highly unrefined form. Then the Hershey Food Company was the first to bring out chocolates in the currently popular...

06 May 2009

Brand management in retailing in India

Dissertation - 38 pages - Business strategy

Research can be defined as “A careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge”. Data collection is an elaborate process in which the researcher makes a planned search for all relevant data. Data is the foundation of all marketing...

20 Apr 2009

Initial public offering: MIC Electronics Ltd

Dissertation - 51 pages - Business strategy

Project IPO deals with initial public offering, or IPO, because it is the first sale of stock by a company to the public. A company can raise money by issuing either debt or equity. If the company has never issued equity to the public, it's known as an IPO. Broadly speaking, companies are...

16 Apr 2009

Hindalco and the Aditya Birla Group

Dissertation - 45 pages - Business strategy

Aditya Birla Group is India's first truly multinational corporation. A US$ 24 billion conglomerate with a market capitalization of US$ 23 billion, and has over 100,000 employees belonging to over 25 different nationalities on its rolls. Over 50% of its revenue flow from its overseas...

16 Apr 2009

The effectiveness of the training and development program conducted at EXL (I) Pvt Ltd

Dissertation - 43 pages - Business strategy

Indian companies are walking up to the challenges thrown in by the market economy. To survive in this highly competitive scenario, managers are being pressured to improve quality, increase productivity, cut down waste & eliminate inefficiency. The collective effort of the employer and the...

03 Apr 2009

Overview of the IPCL (Indian Petrochemical Corporation Limited)

Dissertation - 49 pages - Business strategy

IPCL, Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Limited, is a pioneering petrochemicals company in India and was incorporated on 22 March 1969. It is a leading integrated manufacturer of polymers, synthetic fibers & fiber intermediates & chemical products from hydrocarbon feed stock. They also...

02 Apr 2009

The concept of loyalty and identifying the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty (Tesco)

Dissertation - 75 pages - Business strategy

Traditionally, marketing has focused on market shares and customer acquisition rather than on retaining existing customers and on building long-lasting relationships with them (Kotler, 2003). More recently, however, market share has been gradually losing its revered status as marketing's holy...

25 Mar 2009

A report on Spykar Lifestyle Private Limited

Dissertation - 34 pages - Business strategy

Production of denim fabric has doubled over the last five years in Indian sub continent, from 250 million square meters to almost 500 million meters today, and is expected to go up over the next two years. Fabric makers are finding the situation difficult due to increased supply in domestic...

12 Mar 2009

Ascendum Systems Pvt Ltd

Dissertation - 86 pages - Business strategy

India is poised to become a global IT superpower is not a revelation. Indians dominate the IT sector workforce, not only in US, but all over the world. In the last year or two, countries like Germany, France, and Japan have opened doors and are hiring hundreds of thousands of Indians in the IT...

12 Mar 2009

Overview of Tata Chemicals Ltd

Dissertation - 58 pages - Business strategy

The Chemical Industry comprises of the companies that produce industrial chemicals. It is central to modern world economy, converting raw materials (oil, natural gas, air, water, metals, and minerals) into more than 70,000 different products. Polymers and plastics, especially polyethylene,...