L'Occitane & the body shop
Case study - 46 pages - Business strategy
Founded in 1976 by Olivier Baussan. Natural & environmental conservation. Vertical integration: in-house production. Sensoriality: natural color, scents and beauty of the Provence region. Authenticity: revive traditional methods & preserve local customs to make authentic products. Respect:...
Tom Ford vs Marc Jacobs
Case study - 52 pages - Business strategy
Jacobs launched his name sake line in 1986 and then in 2001 debuted another critically acclaimed collection, Marc by Marc Jacobs, a collection of comparatively affordable edgy and retro mass-market pieces. His accompanying accessory linesbags loaded with pockets or buckles, round-toed...
Brand strategies
Essay - 12 pages - Business strategy
You can build a business without a factory, without offices and without a staff, but you can not build a business without clients. The corollary is that clients are the only reason you are in business in the first place. And marketing is about finding and keeping people to buy and consume your...
The Case of Dasani
Essay - 18 pages - Business strategy
Our consulting team was called by The Coca Cola Company to find a solution face to the Dasani brand situation. Our objective is to analyze and evaluate the opportunity of Coca Cola re-launching Dasani brand into the UK market in the autumn 2008. Problematic: Following which strategy and across...
The Chinese wine market (2006)
Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy
We are going to enter Shanghai wine market with our French wine such as Roman County, which is expensive but excellent taste. Now is the most perfect time to go into China wine market of high income because there three advantages for us. Our goal is to take more than 10% of market share in...
Pirelli vs Continental
Case study - 6 pages - Business strategy
Around 1990, due to a substantial number of tyre manufacturers on the market, Pirelli SpA though of taking over the German tyres company named Continental AG. And after a long merger attempt which lasted more than two years, it finally ended with the sale of the Continental shares, owned by...
Expansion of business to new countries: JC Decaux (2006)
Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy
Expanding to new countries is nowadays an important stake for companies, considering the cost benefit they can get from this. Economies of scales, of scope permit them to drive their cost down and thus to be more and more competitive on the global market. But this world expansion in a context of...
International retailing: The Benetton group (2007)
Essay - 11 pages - Business strategy
Benetton Group is present in 120 countries around the world. The Group produces around 115 million garments every year. Its has a retail network of 5,000 stores around the world and a total turnover of 1.8 billion euro. Benetton Group's corporate headquarters is located at Villa Minelli in...
Brasserie Duyck
Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy
This article is about studying the case of the Duyck breweries, a company that is four generations old and that is leading the tradition relentlessly free on the French beer Market. The Duyck brewery is one of the remaining independent local breweries that try to survive at the end of the 20th...
McDonald's commitment to their communities
Thesis - 7 pages - Business strategy
McDonald's has been for many decades the leading global food service retailer in the world. 30 000 restaurants have been implemented over 119 countries since the creation of the first restaurant in California sixty years ago. McDonald's employees serve about 50 million people per day over the...
Radio frequency identification (RFID). Hudson Bay Company's next great competitive advantage
Essay - 17 pages - Business strategy
The hype around Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology - a revolutionary information-gathering method whereby information in a tag can be read from up to 300 feet away - has caught the attention of many retailers in North America. Retailers such as Wal-Mart and Tesco (in the U.K) have...
Evaluating supermarket power: Carrefour promodes
Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy
In recent years, large buyers that had previously been in fragmented industries have increased their purchasing power through mergers and acquisitions. This change has placed more importance on the topic of limiting bargaining power and preserving free competition in the market. As a result, the...
The international development of Starbucks (2004)
Essay - 4 pages - Business strategy
The Starbucks Coffee Company owns today more than 6,000 retail locations in 37 countries: It is situated in all the continents: North America, Latin America, the Middle East and the Pacific Rim, that is to say wherever there is a demand for good coffee. The first foreign coffeehouse...
Total, a successful long-term strategy
Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy
Total is today the fourth largest oil and gas company in the world. This Paris-based firm is the largest European company (based on market capitalization in 2006), it has over 95 000 employees in more than 130 countries and a net income of 12.5 billion in 2006. Its businesses cover the...
The effectiveness of guilt appeal in the fashion business
Essay - 9 pages - Business strategy
Guilt and its mechanisms are a relevant way to understand consumers' behaviour towards fashion luxury purchases. Fashion is a huge industry, which proposes products based on subjective and personal affects. Clothes have to fit, to make people feel comfortable and good looking and not just to be...
Case study - 3 pages - Business strategy
TP has grown from a single store in 1988 to the largest pizza chain in Spain. At the end of 1997 they had 399 stores and an estimated market share of 62% in Spain. But what made it so successful? Telepizza has an almost obsessive commitment to growth. At the moment, they have three possibilities,...
Eurocamp : Proposal for development in Slovenia
Essay - 11 pages - Business strategy
Eurocamp is a UK-based tour operator specializing in self-drive camping holidays. The company was founded in 1975 and began with camping holidays in Brittany. Initial success spurred the managers on to expand the product range over the next 10 years to include holiday locations in South and West...
The green future of the car industry
Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy
Cars and, through them, all the automotive industries, from the conception to the end of the vehicles is one of the most polluting industries. Nowadays nobody can ignore that the effect of the pollution on the earth is the major problem that humanity has to deal with. We should react, and most of...
The Cola War: Coca Cola versus Pepsi
Essay - 4 pages - Business strategy
The soft drink industry is divided into two categories of product: the non carbonated soft drink and the carbonated soft drink (CSD). During the next 30 years, CSD consumption rose constantly and grew at an average of 3% per year. The consumption of CSD in USA is about 53 gallons per year! So the...
M&M's, the "funniest" strategy
Essay - 11 pages - Business strategy
What famous chocolate does a person who likes cinema, NASCAR races and has a fun spirit, buy first? M&M's!! This chocolate brand is known all around the world. This reputation is not the result of the hazard's but the consequence of a historic strategy. Indeed, M&M's is one of the oldest...
Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy
For the past few years, the profits of ALKO have shrunk because of a more active concurrence. Then, the board of directors of this company, which produces lighting fixtures, decided to hire Gary Fisher to try to find a solution to reduce the delivery costs. After having studied how the company...
Creating artificial needs, the sinews of phone industry?
Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy
The cell-phone equipment rate in the UK has reached the amazing level of 112% (i.e.: on average over one cell-phone per inhabitant). With this rate, the UK sets a European record, yet the average rate on the continent is above 75% (France: 86%). These figures are the result of the mobile phone...
Importance or otherwise for multinational enterprises of developing codes of ethics
Essay - 10 pages - Business strategy
According to Milton Friedman, there is one and only one social responsibility of business - to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud. He advanced this view in 1962. With the...
Petrolivia and the olive oil producers market
Essay - 4 pages - Business strategy
For many years, the olive oil producer market has been dominated by three European countries: Spain, Italy and Greece, which account 97 per cent of the European production and 77 per cent of the world production. These three European countries are followed by African countries such as Tunisia,...
Strategic procurement and commercial relationship
Essay - 3 pages - Business strategy
Supplier relationship' is an expression that, it can be argued, has positive connotations, indicating as it does that a relationship between buyer and supplier exists and that it is such that both sides derive benefit from it. However, this has not always been the case, since,...
Lego case study: Danish vs. British culture
Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy
Modern companies can not longer hold on to a go-it-alone philosophy in the modern networked business world. Global companies look for business opportunities outside their traditional boarders and have therefore to deal with cross-cultural issues in its everyday life. Human interaction...
Organizational development: Mergers and Acquisitions
Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy
Nowadays, mergers are very common in all sectors. Indeed, in many sectors, the competitive pressure, the decline of prices and research costs provoke numerous mergers. However, all mergers aren't successful; there are some steps to follow to avoid risks. There could be be multiple reasons to...
Ben & Jerry's ice cream: Environmental policy report
Essay - 11 pages - Business strategy
Hailing from a single store in Vermont, created by two men making ice-cream, Ben & Jerry's has rapidly become a truly global company, employing 514 people in the US alone, and operating 550 small Scoop Shops' spread across the US and 23 other countries across the world. By their own...
The study of a famous Australian wine company : Banrock Station
Essay - 5 pages - Business strategy
Banrock Station is an Australian wine company situated within three hours drive from Adelaide, in South Australia. Its slogan "Good earth, Fine wines" perfectly embodies the two main motivations of the company: the protection of ecological balance and the pleasure of quality wine consumption....
Schneider-LeGrand merger
Case study - 13 pages - Business strategy
Beginning with a certain turnover, the EU merger rules are to be applied to cross-border concentrations, irrespective of the size of the company or area of their activity. A pre-merger notification to the European Commission is obligatory. Most cases are closed by the completion of the phase I,...