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237 results

15 Jan 2009

Cultural diversity is a source of competitive advantage. Discuss

Essay - 4 pages - Business strategy

« To succeed internationally, we need to understand the cultures of the world; and we have all the cultures of the world represented right here - a tremendous competitive advantage. » ? Ernest Thompson, Proctor and Gamble Nowadays, globalisation, which is a phenomenon mainly generated by the...

13 Jan 2009

General Motors Company : an analysis

Essay - 13 pages - Business strategy

It is hard to imagine that General Motors, one of the leading car companies, occupying 15% of the automobile market and that in 2003 alone earned $3.8 billion on record revenue of $185.5 billion, was founded in the small town of Flint, Michigan, by an ingenious salesman and labourer, William...

13 Jan 2009

Oracle Systems Corporation

Essay - 4 pages - Business strategy

In 1990, the CEO of Oracle Systems Corporation is facing increasing pressure from analysts about the aggressive revenue-recognition policy. As a result, the stock price is plumbed and the CEO is worried about the cost of new equity capital to finance future growth and the firm may become a...

13 Jan 2009

Easy Jet, Strategic management project

Essay - 12 pages - Business strategy

The airlines industry has been highly perturbed by many new external and internal events since the last five years (September 11th, increasing of fuel value, and recently many technical incidents in some flights). All these components transform major stakes and keys of the different airlines...

13 Jan 2009

Case study of General Electric

Essay - 4 pages - Business strategy

Jack Welch was the CEO of General Electric (GE) from 1981 until 2001. He is regarded as one of the most successful CEOs of the 20th century. This essay intends to analyze Jack Welch's two-decade leadership by answering the question of what made him the "Manager of the Century" and GE the...

13 Jan 2009

Brand analysis and recommendation: Carlton Draught

Essay - 5 pages - Business strategy

The survey we made about Carlton Draught showed us the positive and negative points of its brand image in customers' minds. In order to improve the brand image we will proceed in three parts. First, in the brand analysis we will analyse all the aspects of the marketing mix (product, price,...

13 Jan 2009

What does 'MNE'S need to be both "global" and "local"?' mean

Essay - 9 pages - Business strategy

Since the rise of liberalisation with the opening of markets in the mid 1980's, the business world has entered the era of globalisation where companies have dramatically expanded their business abroad. Indeed, the abolition of barriers of entry was one of significant opportunities for...

12 Jan 2009

The battle over leadership in the sport industry: Adidas vs. Nike

Essay - 3 pages - Business strategy

According to public opinion, sport is undoubtedly related to pleasure, relaxation and physical activity. However the reality is in fact poles apart from this simplistic landscape and sport is above all a colossal industry, which represents a billion-dollar market. The recent acquisition of Reebok...

12 Jan 2009

Nokia's corporate communications

Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy

Until the 1980s, Nokia was a Finnish company, in the 1980s Nokia was a Nordic company and in the beginning of 1990s an European company. Now, we are a global company,” declared Jorma Ollila, President and Chief Executive officer of Nokia, in 1997. Through this declaration, she emphasised...

09 Jan 2009

Airbus - Boeing War

Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy

The 27 of April 2005, at 10h29 the A380 plane has taken off for the first time of the airport of Toulouse. The A380 property of AIRBUS, company which conceives, develops, builds, sells and ensures the technical support after sale of the planes of the same name. On the other side of the Atlantic,...

28 Nov 2008

Wood delivery in forests

Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy

The efforts outlined above are aimed at the optimization of forest production on a sustainable basis. The rationalization of forest harvesting techniques and improvement of wood supply logistics can be implemented relatively quickly (i.e., over a short time span), hence wood delivery is a crucial...

25 Nov 2008

Designing and elements of a cost management system

Essay - 10 pages - Business strategy

An entity's legal nature reflects its organizational form. Selecting the organizational form is one of the most important decisions business owners make. This choice affects the costs of raising capital, operating the business (including taxation issues), and, possibly, litigating. The available...

13 Oct 2008

The buyer decision process: How demographics affect purchasing decisions

Essay - 5 pages - Business strategy

The “Buyer Decision Process” is, in essence, simply the basic steps most buyers go through before making a purchase. If the process were to be laid out in a flow chart, it would look like this: Need Recognition ? Information Search ? Evaluation of Alternatives ? Purchase Decision ?...

13 Oct 2008

American Interests United: Double-Q's introduction to the South African Market

Essay - 5 pages - Business strategy

As the management team of American Interests United (AIU), we are interested in expanding to new markets with our popular packaged food line. After extensive research, we have been able to discover that South Africa is a rapidly growing market that will be an extremely profitable venue in which...

06 Oct 2008

Chinese fruit juice market

Essay - 5 pages - Business strategy

With the growing health conscious population in the US and around the world, more and more consumers even at international level are in need of healthy food and nutrition. Although their preference for fast food, on-the-go and ready-to-consume food items continue to persist, they are also...

30 Sep 2008

Encompass online: Event management for musicians

Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy

The music industry in the UK and abroad has been in need of a common platform for interaction as well as communication. There are two known ones namely Sonar and Midem that have been providing the kind of services that music event management needs to provide. With the emergence of technology such...

25 Sep 2008

Sample resignation letter

Essay - 1 pages - Business strategy

Dear MANAGER: I must regretfully tender my resignation from COMPANY effective December 28, 2007.I have thoroughly enjoyed my tenure here working with and for some excellent people. I have learned more while here than at any other job and appreciate all that COMPANY and its employees have done...

25 Sep 2008

Sun & Shade, Inc: International business venture analysis

Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy

The proposed international business venture will be a luxury retail sunglasses operation in the Bahamas, called Sun & Shade, Inc. It will be a foreign wholly owned subsidiary of a U.S. corporation. The Bahamas provides an ideal location for a luxury sunglasses business for a variety of reasons,...

25 Sep 2008

Adidas Ltd: AG's acquisition of Reebok International Ltd

Essay - 5 pages - Business strategy

On August 3, 2005, European sports shoe maker (based in Germany) Adidas-Saloman AG's acquisition of Reebok International Ltd. was announced. The market's reaction was cautiously positive to the news, with Adidas' share price appreciating by 7.5%. The CEOs of the two companies...

24 Sep 2008

The Sony Corporation

Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy

The Sony Corporation is one that has become a household name in consumer electronics. Sony is one of the largest Japanese Multinational Conglomerates, with revenues of over $70 billion dollars last year alone. Sony is a maker of electronics, videos, communication devices, video game consoles, and...

10 Sep 2008

Business analysis & recommendations report:Southwest Airlines Co.

Essay - 9 pages - Business strategy

Southwest Airlines Co. was founded in 1967, but its first scheduled flight was delayed until 1971 due to lawsuits from competitors. The company began as a small, regional carrier with three routes. In its initial public offering in June of 1971, the company reported that the funds raised would...

09 Sep 2008

The California wine industry

Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy

Wine is an industry built on status and reputation. As a relative latecomer, the California wine industry has had to fight an uphill battle in the world marketplace for wine. In the US, of course, California wine consumes the overwhelming majority of acreage and consumption, due partially to...

20 Jul 2008

Marketing channel analysis of Hewlett-Packard

Essay - 7 pages - Business strategy

Hewlett-Packard (HP) was founded on January 1, 1939 by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard. The decision to create this partnership was made in the now historic HP Garage in Palo Alto, California. This garage is now considered the birthplace of the Silicon Valley (About HP). HP has since grown into a...

20 Jul 2008

Apple computers

Essay - 3 pages - Business strategy

The PC market is one of the largest in the world. It has essentially become a part of everyday life for almost anyone living in an industrialized nation. Among the corporations that dominate this market, none has greater name recognition than Apple. Apple's computers, along with their many...

10 Jul 2008

Lowe's companies inc.

Essay - 10 pages - Business strategy

Lowe's Companies, Inc. is the second largest home improvement retailer in the United States. It offers specific products and services in line with decorating, renovating, remodelling, repair of home and commercial buildings. As of February 2, 2007, Lowe's has opened 1,534 stores in all 50 states...

08 Jul 2008

Is it possible for a construction project to be delivered on time and within budget when the customer is unsure of his or her needs?

Essay - 9 pages - Business strategy

Project management for construction is a complex process that must combine the efforts of a number of individuals in order to be successful. According to Hendrickson (2000) “Like the five blind men encountering different parts of an elephant, each of the numerous participants in the process...

07 Jul 2008

Two different types of retirement benefits that have been developed by private organizations: Defined benefit and defined contribution

Essay - 9 pages - Business strategy

In recent years concern over the financial solvency of Social Security has lead to considerable controversy over when the fund will be exhausted. This issue has become a pervasive concern in light of the fact that the 78 million baby boomers currently living in the United States will soon reach...

07 Jul 2008

Broad review of interface, its micro-and macro-environment, issues for development and potential mechanisms for improving outcomes

Essay - 7 pages - Business strategy

In recent years advancements in technology have revolutionized a number of industries, even those that have been widely established for a number decades. Interface, Inc. has been no exception to this reality. The largest soft floor covering manufacturer and marketer for more than 30 years,...

07 Jul 2008

Overview of the Dell organization and how it can improve its stability in future

Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy

Over the course of the last two decades a number of new companies have made their mark on the business world. In many cases, these organizations have been successful because they have made the choice to utilize unique business models or organizational cultures that set them apart from more...

07 Jul 2008

An overview of the AT&T and Cingular merger and its potential future outcomes for both companies

Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy

Mergers between organizations often take place when it is financially or strategically advantageous for one or both organizations. While the ideal merger occurs when both organizations see the value of combining, even when the situation is ideal the end result can have a detrimental impact on the...