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237 results

21 Jan 2009

Airlines and energy prices

Essay - 11 pages - Business strategy

Business environment is fraught with risks; each company in order to succeed in this unpredictable environment must mitigate risks. Risks can arise from varied sources; the airline industry is like any other industry, also confronted by pressures from several business areas. In the late 90's and...

20 Jan 2009

Firms motivations to create alliances

Essay - 5 pages - Business strategy

More and more companies are recognising that to gain a competitive advantage they may have to enter into alliances with other firms. Referring to examples, identify possible motivations for entering into a strategic alliance and then critically evaluate the possible problems that may be...

20 Jan 2009

Study of Nike's strategy

Essay - 11 pages - Business strategy

Sport has taken an important place in the society: L'Equipe is now the leading newspaper in France, ahead of Le Monde. The most purchased video games pertain to sports (GranTurismo, Fifa Soccer….). Young people dress with clothes (Adidas, Reebok, NIKE, Fila, Caterpillar, New Balance, Aigle,...

20 Jan 2009

Analysis of success strategy of Starbucks

Essay - 12 pages - Business strategy

On 26 January 2004, a true "culture shock" had occurred in avenue de l'Opera in Paris. The American Starbucks Coffee has grappled with the French market with the opening of a shop and a coffee bar, causing controversy in a country with an ancient culture of "little black coffee" at cafes or...

20 Jan 2009

The journal Liberation and the young French readership

Essay - 9 pages - Business strategy

Liberation is a daily newspaper first created in 1978 by J.P. Sartre. Originally at the extreme left wing of the French political scheme but through the decades it has shifted to a more leftist, labor-style orientation. The paper has been facing financing issues that have been undermining its...

20 Jan 2009

The Strategy of the Ikea group

Essay - 16 pages - Business strategy

In 1943, Ingvar Kamprad, a young Swede, finished his studies. He soon created a small company which he called IKEA. The acronym IKEA (Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd) is composed of the initials of his name, the name of his parent's farm and the name of his village. In the beginning, the...

20 Jan 2009

The strategy of MC Donald's

Essay - 14 pages - Business strategy

From modest beginnings in 1954, McDonald's experienced a steady growth until the end of 1980, reaching more than 5200 units catering to the United States on 31st December of the same year. This explosive growth was the result of a combination of three ideas which distinguished McDonald's...

20 Jan 2009

Strategy of L'Oreal

Essay - 21 pages - Business strategy

L'Oreal was created in 1907 by a French chemist: Eugene Schueller. The latter developed a synthetic formula, called Aureole, to dye hair. He then created his own formulas, manufactured his products and marketed them to Parisians hairdressers. In 1909, after registering the articles of the...

20 Jan 2009

Company strategy L'Oreal

Essay - 12 pages - Business strategy

L'OREAL, world leader in the cosmetics market, was founded as family enterprise in 1909 by the chemist Eugene Schueller who marketed products that he himself conceived and produced, at the Parisian hairdressing salons. This spirit and the values attached to it are what cements the group and...

20 Jan 2009

The democratization of luxury

Essay - 62 pages - Business strategy

One notes, a strong expansion of the luxury market at the economic level, estimated in 2000 at approximately 90 billion euros (according to a Eurostaf study). Moreover, exploratory studies promise a bright future, with the emergence of a new wealthy class, globalization, and an expansion in the...

19 Jan 2009

H&M on the Japanese market (2007)

Essay - 9 pages - Business strategy

Hennes & Mauritz AB, better known as H&M, one of the inexpensive clothing fashion brand's leaders, established an expansion strategy, above all towards the East. They opened a lot of new stores in the best location, on shopping streets and in shopping centers in the United States (Beverly Center...

19 Jan 2009

Business report : Veolia Environmental Services

Essay - 32 pages - Business strategy

As part of the Business to Business project, a team comprising Nicholas Dawson, Arnaud le Floch and Rouh Rouh Tan Tan decided to conduct an in-depth business study concerning a leading European waste management company: Veolia Environmental Services. Following the aftermath of “An...

19 Jan 2009

Re-branding junk food: firm strategies

Essay - 10 pages - Business strategy

American food habits are known to be particular: quickness and convenience are the key-words to describe this food culture that started up the fast food phenomenon, which rapidly spread around the world. Similarly, with ingenious marketing strategies, the Coca-Cola Company managed to reach the...

19 Jan 2009

What are the major opportunities that emerging markets offer to international companies and what are the key considerations that such companies have to take into account when formulating strategies for doing business in emerging markets?

Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy

The notion of an emerging, or developing, market economy appeared 1981 in a World Bank report. This term was used since emerging countries have embarked on economic development and reform programs, and have begun to open up their markets and "emerge" onto the global scene. Therefore emerging...

19 Jan 2009

The Baltic States: a golden opportunity for French food exporters?

Essay - 14 pages - Business strategy

The 1st of May 2004, ten new countries came into the European Union. These states have seen their economy dramatically change in many aspects of international trade since this date. From the custom point of view to the currencies issues, it significantly facilitates the goods exchanges of food...

19 Jan 2009

Company focus: H&M

Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy

Just a small quiz to begin: do you know which fashion house organized its runways in Central Park for the 2005 winter collection? A clue for you: this famous name of the fashion industry had Karl Lagerfeld as designer, and Kate Moss as top model… You are answering Chanel of course, and it...

19 Jan 2009

Doing business in Venezuela

Essay - 10 pages - Business strategy

It is difficult to establish if Venezuelan society is strongly direct or indirect, but one thing is true, they always tend to be clear in negotiations, they try to express what they think at every moment, becoming emotional many times. They don't establish symbolic or sign communications when...

16 Jan 2009

Brand strategies

Essay - 12 pages - Business strategy

You can build a business without a factory, without offices and without a staff, but you can not build a business without clients. The corollary is that clients are the only reason you are in business in the first place. And marketing is about finding and keeping people to buy and consume your...

16 Jan 2009

The Case of Dasani

Essay - 18 pages - Business strategy

Our consulting team was called by The Coca Cola Company to find a solution face to the Dasani brand situation. Our objective is to analyze and evaluate the opportunity of Coca Cola re-launching Dasani brand into the UK market in the autumn 2008. Problematic: Following which strategy and across...

16 Jan 2009

The Chinese wine market (2006)

Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy

We are going to enter Shanghai wine market with our French wine such as Roman County, which is expensive but excellent taste. Now is the most perfect time to go into China wine market of high income because there three advantages for us. Our goal is to take more than 10% of market share in...

16 Jan 2009

Expansion of business to new countries: JC Decaux (2006)

Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy

Expanding to new countries is nowadays an important stake for companies, considering the cost benefit they can get from this. Economies of scales, of scope permit them to drive their cost down and thus to be more and more competitive on the global market. But this world expansion in a context of...

16 Jan 2009

International retailing: The Benetton group (2007)

Essay - 11 pages - Business strategy

Benetton Group is present in 120 countries around the world. The Group produces around 115 million garments every year. Its has a retail network of 5,000 stores around the world and a total turnover of 1.8 billion euro. Benetton Group's corporate headquarters is located at Villa Minelli in...

16 Jan 2009

Radio frequency identification (RFID). Hudson Bay Company's next great competitive advantage

Essay - 17 pages - Business strategy

The hype around Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology - a revolutionary information-gathering method whereby information in a tag can be read from up to 300 feet away - has caught the attention of many retailers in North America. Retailers such as Wal-Mart and Tesco (in the U.K) have...

16 Jan 2009

Evaluating supermarket power: Carrefour promodes

Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy

In recent years, large buyers that had previously been in fragmented industries have increased their purchasing power through mergers and acquisitions. This change has placed more importance on the topic of limiting bargaining power and preserving free competition in the market. As a result, the...

16 Jan 2009

The international development of Starbucks (2004)

Essay - 4 pages - Business strategy

The Starbucks Coffee Company owns today more than 6,000 retail locations in 37 countries: It is situated in all the continents: North America, Latin America, the Middle East and the Pacific Rim, that is to say “wherever there is a demand for good coffee”. The first foreign coffeehouse...

16 Jan 2009

Total, a successful long-term strategy

Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy

Total is today the fourth largest oil and gas company in the world. This Paris-based firm is the largest European company (based on market capitalization in 2006), it has over 95 000 employees in more than 130 countries and a net income of € 12.5 billion in 2006. Its businesses cover the...

16 Jan 2009

The effectiveness of guilt appeal in the fashion business

Essay - 9 pages - Business strategy

Guilt and its mechanisms are a relevant way to understand consumers' behaviour towards fashion luxury purchases. Fashion is a huge industry, which proposes products based on subjective and personal affects. Clothes have to fit, to make people feel comfortable and good looking and not just to be...

16 Jan 2009

Eurocamp : Proposal for development in Slovenia

Essay - 11 pages - Business strategy

Eurocamp is a UK-based tour operator specializing in self-drive camping holidays. The company was founded in 1975 and began with camping holidays in Brittany. Initial success spurred the managers on to expand the product range over the next 10 years to include holiday locations in South and West...

16 Jan 2009

The green future of the car industry

Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy

Cars and, through them, all the automotive industries, from the conception to the end of the vehicles is one of the most polluting industries. Nowadays nobody can ignore that the effect of the pollution on the earth is the major problem that humanity has to deal with. We should react, and most of...

16 Jan 2009

The Cola War: Coca Cola versus Pepsi

Essay - 4 pages - Business strategy

The soft drink industry is divided into two categories of product: the non carbonated soft drink and the carbonated soft drink (CSD). During the next 30 years, CSD consumption rose constantly and grew at an average of 3% per year. The consumption of CSD in USA is about 53 gallons per year! So the...