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Thesis in accounting

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13 results

27 May 2011

Conflict of interest at Walmart

Thesis - 4 pages - Accounting

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. is the largest retailer in the world, and it was founded in 1962 by Sam Walton. It is expanding further throughout the world to penetrate the global market. Wal- Mart operates retail stores in the United State in three different segments: discount stores, supercenters and...

19 Dec 2010

Managerial procedure methods for allocation of Job Costing

Thesis - 1 pages - Accounting

Learn the basics of accounting on how to use several kinds of accounting methods to define the cost of product and how it can be applied to profitability and overhead factors. Assessing the cost of goods is beneficial to profitability examination. In the production environment, many variables...

21 Nov 2010

An overview of ratio analysis

Thesis - 4 pages - Accounting

Profitability ratios measure the firm's use of its assets and control of its expenses to generate an acceptable rate of return. Without profit, there is no cash and therefore profitability must be seen as a critical success factors. ROCE is decreased from 13.11% to 8.59% it means that store is...

26 Aug 2010

Understanding the concept of factoring

Thesis - 2 pages - Accounting

Factoring is a technique that involves a transfer of trade receivables from the holder (seller or participant) to a financial institution (the factor). The factor is responsible for ensuring the management and recovery, and guarantees the right in case of temporary or permanent failure of the...

26 Aug 2010

The concept of depreciation in economics and accounting

Thesis - 3 pages - Accounting

In most companies, there is a continuous usage of machinery and other equipments as a part of its production process. The use of the production assets inevitably results in wear and tear / or obsolescence. Machines do not have an infinite life and are rapidly over taken by efficient technologies....

29 Jun 2010

The ABC of assets

Thesis - 7 pages - Accounting

Companies own assets of varying descriptions. They require the services of these assets for their everyday activities. An asset can be simply defined as an item which is owned by an individual or a company and that which has an economic value and is convertible to cash. Depending on the nature...

20 Apr 2010

Cost- benefit analysis of stochastic models of A 2-out-of-3 redundant system with inspection

Thesis - 10 pages - Accounting

In this paper two stochastic models for a 2-out-of-3 redundant system are developed and cost-benefit analysis is carried out by using semi-Markov and regenerative processes. There are three identical units in each model and the system is considered in up-state if 2-out-of-3 units are functioning....

02 Nov 2009

Impact of unethical behavior

Thesis - 2 pages - Accounting

Accounting is an information system that identifies, records, and communicates an organization's financial transactions to interested, internal and external users. There are two closely related yet different types of accounting; financial and managerial, each provide information to different user...

28 Oct 2009

Costing methods and systems

Thesis - 5 pages - Accounting

Cost: Cost is the expenditure incurred on production of goods and services, either to be sold as finished products or used in the production of other goods and services. Costing: It is the technique and process of ascertaining and calculating costs. It is the formal mechanism by means of which...

29 May 2009

A critical evaluation of the usefulness of financial accounting theory to practicing accountants

Thesis - 9 pages - Accounting

When I started this course, I was told by a very competent person that Financial Accounting Theory or ACC3116/5216 is about theories which relate to financial accounting practice to help students develop skills as accountants for doing bookkeeping, applying accounting standards, and exercising...

28 May 2009

Financial performance of LG Electronics India Ltd

Thesis - 28 pages - Accounting

“A better life with Digital” is LG Electronics Digital Appliance Company's (DAC) mission. LGE DAC has been making ceaseless efforts to create a new culture in our daily life to present convenience to all its customers all over the world. In the midst of the revolutionary era never...

17 May 2009

Olympic accounting authority- cost control systems

Thesis - 3 pages - Accounting

In 2006 the Olympic committee decided to dedicate £400 billion in order to establish a Cost Control system. This system is composed of two core elements: a planning process and a responsibility accounting scheme. The planning process requires enumerating the Olympic committee plans of action,...

03 Apr 2009

A brief overview of job costing

Thesis - 7 pages - Accounting

Job costing is one of the methods of counting costs & is used when job orders are undertaken in a factory or a workshop or contracts are taken out to build houses, construct roads, bridges etc. Many companies manufacture goods against orders. They are what is known as “jobbing type”...