The accounting harmonization
Essay - 9 pages - Accounting
Firstly we will have to consider the relevance of international accounting in history and its requirements to be successfully implemented. Secondly we need to examine the benefits of implementing these international standards. Finally we have to conclude by sighting the significant obstacles with...
Understanding the concept of factoring
Thesis - 2 pages - Accounting
Factoring is a technique that involves a transfer of trade receivables from the holder (seller or participant) to a financial institution (the factor). The factor is responsible for ensuring the management and recovery, and guarantees the right in case of temporary or permanent failure of the...
The concept of depreciation in economics and accounting
Thesis - 3 pages - Accounting
In most companies, there is a continuous usage of machinery and other equipments as a part of its production process. The use of the production assets inevitably results in wear and tear / or obsolescence. Machines do not have an infinite life and are rapidly over taken by efficient technologies....
Account assignment notice to debtor: Format
Essay - 1 pages - Accounting
Account assignment notice to debtor is important to implement and is extremely an useful way to get prompter collection from late payers as well as giving firms liquidity by signing over these debts (debtors) to financial companies, and then drawing down advances as negotiated with these...
The ABC of assets
Thesis - 7 pages - Accounting
Companies own assets of varying descriptions. They require the services of these assets for their everyday activities. An asset can be simply defined as an item which is owned by an individual or a company and that which has an economic value and is convertible to cash. Depending on the nature...
Review of Michelin's financial statements (2005)
Case study - 5 pages - Accounting
This study presents the financial statements of Michelin, which is a listed company in Paris. To obtain data for this analysis, we rely on the annual report of Michelin. This document has been prepared after careful consideration of the company's financial statements. It draws from the...
The relationship between taxation and accounting in France
Course material - 4 pages - Accounting
The relationship between accounting and taxation is critical for determining the tax on the profits of French companies, but understanding this relationship is difficult because of constant changes taking place accounting policies. Accounting is defined as the systematic recording, reporting and...
The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the concept of fair value
Course material - 4 pages - Accounting
The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have been implemented against rapidly changing international financial standards. Their implementation is a logical revision of the international financial system, especially following the Enron affair in 2001. IFRSs are designed to...
The budgeting process at Carrefour
Case study - 4 pages - Accounting
The Carrefour Group, which is listed on the CAC 40, is a leader in European supermarkets. The Carrefour Group is not only well known throughout France but also in many parts of the world. This is the company we are interested in and have decided to contact. Carrefour was founded 1959 by the...
Cost- benefit analysis of stochastic models of A 2-out-of-3 redundant system with inspection
Thesis - 10 pages - Accounting
In this paper two stochastic models for a 2-out-of-3 redundant system are developed and cost-benefit analysis is carried out by using semi-Markov and regenerative processes. There are three identical units in each model and the system is considered in up-state if 2-out-of-3 units are functioning....
Impact of unethical behavior
Thesis - 2 pages - Accounting
Accounting is an information system that identifies, records, and communicates an organization's financial transactions to interested, internal and external users. There are two closely related yet different types of accounting; financial and managerial, each provide information to different user...
Costing methods and systems
Thesis - 5 pages - Accounting
Cost: Cost is the expenditure incurred on production of goods and services, either to be sold as finished products or used in the production of other goods and services. Costing: It is the technique and process of ascertaining and calculating costs. It is the formal mechanism by means of which...
A comparative financial analysis of the costs and benefits of a lease-purchase investment
Case study - 5 pages - Accounting
This report was prepared as a result of work performed by the accounting and finance department in response to management request to investigate the company's lease-purchase options for the IT department. The upgrade of our IT material and equipment is essential for Reunite Corporation to remain...
A critical evaluation of the usefulness of financial accounting theory to practicing accountants
Thesis - 9 pages - Accounting
When I started this course, I was told by a very competent person that Financial Accounting Theory or ACC3116/5216 is about theories which relate to financial accounting practice to help students develop skills as accountants for doing bookkeeping, applying accounting standards, and exercising...
Financial performance of LG Electronics India Ltd
Thesis - 28 pages - Accounting
A better life with Digital is LG Electronics Digital Appliance Company's (DAC) mission. LGE DAC has been making ceaseless efforts to create a new culture in our daily life to present convenience to all its customers all over the world. In the midst of the revolutionary era never...
Olympic accounting authority- cost control systems
Thesis - 3 pages - Accounting
In 2006 the Olympic committee decided to dedicate £400 billion in order to establish a Cost Control system. This system is composed of two core elements: a planning process and a responsibility accounting scheme. The planning process requires enumerating the Olympic committee plans of action,...
Project finance and project evaluation: The Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Dissertation - 43 pages - Accounting
The use of non-recourse project financing has grown steadily in emerging markets, especially in basic infrastructure, natural resources and the energy sector. Because of its cost and complexity, project finance is aimed at large-scale investments. The key is in the precise estimation of cash...
A study of capital structure trend in the Indian steel industry
Dissertation - 61 pages - Accounting
Capital structure is designed to maximize the value of a firm. However there is no unanimity on the effect of capital structure on the ultimate value of a firm. Various theories hold varied opinions. According to Modigliani and Miller approach value of the firm is created by optimal capital...
Cost concepts and classification (20 Slides)
Presentation - 20 pages - Accounting
The costing terminology of the Institute of cost and works accounts,London defines cost asThe amount of expenditure (actual or notional) incurred on or attributable to a given thing. In the words of Harold J.Wheldon,costing is the classifying and appropriate allocation of...
A brief overview of job costing
Thesis - 7 pages - Accounting
Job costing is one of the methods of counting costs & is used when job orders are undertaken in a factory or a workshop or contracts are taken out to build houses, construct roads, bridges etc. Many companies manufacture goods against orders. They are what is known as jobbing type...
Human resource guide for managing the Forensic Certified Public Accountant
Essay - 8 pages - Accounting
Four tools exist, which assist the Human Resource Department in obtaining and informing employees for the position of the Forensic Certified Public Accountant (FCPA). This guide will provide management with the needed tools to contribute to the world of Forensic Accounting. These tools consist of...
Olympic accounting authority- cost control systems - published: 16/01/2009
Essay - 4 pages - Accounting
In your role as head management accountant, you have been asked to prepare a report for your new junior colleagues in the organization who are new to accounting and have little management accounting experience. In your report you may decide to focus upon a broad range of issues relevant to the...
Alternative accounting practices: earnings management using loan loss
Essay - 4 pages - Accounting
Critical examinations of recent corporate scandals that have occurredi.e. Enron and WorldCom in particulardemonstrate that the accounting practices utilized by the organization were less than ethical. However, in most instances the accounting principles used by the organization were...
How the American civil war medicine has influenced modern medicine
Essay - 7 pages - Accounting
Over the course of the last century notable advancements have been made in the area of medical science. In addition to improving the technology available for use in medicine, professionals have come to realize the importance of basic hygiene as a means for infection control. As such, the quality...
Specific considerations that would have to be made by a Chief Financial Officer working with a non-profit organization with respect to borrowing and depositing monies in Triodos Bank.
Essay - 3 pages - Accounting
Identification The development of Triodos Bank is one that has notable implications for the development of both the banking and nonprofit or voluntary sector. With the ability to match investments with deposits in an environmentally friendly manner, the organization has created a positive...
Illegal/deceptive accounting practices in today's business organizations
Essay - 3 pages - Accounting
Over the course of the last decade, the number of companies using legal, but deceptive accounting practices has increased dramatically. Sunbeam, WorldCom and Enron are among some of the most notable organizations to utilize accounting practices that were clearly unethical. While the public has...
An essay on how Islamic fundamentalism has promulgated problems for members of the Muslim community in Europe
Essay - 3 pages - Accounting
The September 11th terrorist attacks and other international acts of terrorism that have been carried out a recent years have had a significant impact not only are the United States, all the international community as well. Unfortunately, for many Muslims living in various parts of the world, the...
Critical review of the methods used by GM to mitigate against risks in a multinational context
Essay - 5 pages - Accounting
General Motors (GM) is one of the 10 largest multinational corporations in the world. Although the organization has enjoyed a considerable amount of success in a multination organization, the reality is that the company has had to take a number of steps to ensure its financial security in the...
Critical Review the Development of Human Resource and Culture at Microsoft
Essay - 3 pages - Accounting
When Bill Gate started the Microsoft organization 3 decades ago, he did not envision the significant growth and prosperity that would take place in the organization. As a result, Gates founded his organization on basic principles of organizational development and human resource management that he...
Corporate social responsibility is not an integral part of business: Hence accountants should have little to with it.
Essay - 2 pages - Accounting
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become one of the leading topics of discussion and deliberation in today's modern business environment. The main reason for this is due to the fact that climate change has become a very important agenda for many business, governments and non-profit...