Key points to remember

A freelance writer is often responsible for creating content for various clients, including blog posts, newsletters, and social media publications, while optimizing the text for SEO.

A freelance tutor replies to students' assignments, helping them understand the subject and writing it, from school assignment to thesis, via presentations, in all types of subjects.

Becoming a freelance tutor-writer requires training, for example via a master's degree in communication or editing, acquiring experience, creating a portfolio and working on personal marketing.

To succeed as a freelance writer, one must possess skills in writing, communication, time management, information research, and creativity.

What does a freelancer writer do ?

As its name indicates, a freelance writer or editor writes texts for clients. They create relevant content according to the field of activity and audience of each client, including press releases, newsletters, blog articles, magazines or social media publications. When writing for the Web, freelance writers are also required to optimize their text for search engine optimization (SEO).

Typical day

Freelance writers are their own bosses, meaning they have to set the rates for their services and do marketing to build a client base. Here is an overview of their main tasks :

  • plan his working day;
  • write texts on specific subjects in a precise format;
  • make recommendations to clients on how to target consumers;
  • respect client style guidelines;
  • incorporate strategic keywords into the text;
  • find and add images to improve the content;
  • format the text;
  • publish the text in a Content Management System (CMS);
  • to take into account the customers' comments for modifying the text;
  • manufacturer his work;
  • set up its accounting;
  • prospect new customers.

Freelance tutors will have a similar timetable

  • lock new topics available on the platform
  • write texts on specific topics provided by the student;
  • make recommendations to their student;
  • respect student style guidelines;
  • publish versions on Oboolo;
  • to take into account the students' comments for modifying the text;
  • get paid once the version is downloaded by the student;
  • no need to prospect for new customers as the platform provides new topics.

The specifics of working as a freelancer

Freelance writers generally work from home or a coworking office. They must have access to a computer, good internet connection and sometimes use specialized software.

The independent worker can organize his working time and choose his hours but in return he must show good organization. Once established and when he has enough clients, he can also choose the projects on which he wants to work. This is a profession suited for digital nomads.

From an administrative point of view, the independent writer must declare his activity to the relevant authority. Many freelance writers in France are subject to the auto-entrepreneur or micro-enterprise regime. With simplified accounting, the latter allows billing without VAT up to a certain turnover threshold.

To go further :

How to become a free-lance tutor-writer?


Of course you'll need to have suitable educational training in order to help our students.

The skills required to succeed as a freelancer tutor-writer.

Become a successful tutor-writer with the following skills, on top of your educational ones:

  • writing;
  • good communication;
  • time management;
  • reliability and punctuality;
  • information search and recourse to credible sources;

You now know how to become a freelancer writer/editor, what this job entails and if you have the required qualities to succeed in this profession