I - Definition of research objectives 

As mentioned in the introduction, research objectives are used in several fields. It is a concise and precise text that highlights what is being sought and in what context. It also specifies whether it is more of a more specific survey or study or, on the contrary, a more global one. From this point of view, research objectives are a way of setting a framework for a whole work, it is a kind of guide. In works that are relatively long, they allow the author not to stray from the subject more than necessary. 

There are also several types of objectives, those that are used to describe a situation, those that are intended to explain something, those that study new opportunities and finally, there are also objectives that aim to put an evaluation on a particular area, to evaluate the relevance or effectiveness of something specific. 


II - Objectives and challenges: the importance of research objectives today

The objectives are very important, they are different depending on the project in progress and the field of activity. 

Having the most specific goals possible is the best way to know if the project has been successful or not. 

There are objectives that are described as general, and others that appear to be more specific, and therefore by definition, also more detailed. 

Overall goals are used to highlight a project in a general way, for example to develop employee involvement within a company. 

An example of a more specific objective could be the establishment of a specialized program to strengthen the confidence of children in difficulty in the school system. 

The stakes are also very high in the implementation of research objectives. To this end, the research objectives can even be the subject of a PESTEL analysis, because the issues at stake at the same time political, economic, sociological, but also technological and legal. 


III - Areas of use

There are many areas where research objectives are used. 

In education and more generally in the academic field, especially in everything related to research. The main objective is, especially in science, to make new discoveries and to make progress. In education in the broader sense, the research objectives are to be able to make progress in the field of education, to be able to prepare students for the job market or to take complex exams. 

Companies also use research objectives in the development of their marketing, with the main objective of improving the company's performance, in this case the challenge being to strengthen customer trust and satisfaction. Also, in the case of companies, the search for objectives can also be used in the management of various projects, with the main objective of guaranteeing the satisfaction of customers, but also of the group's partners. 

Finally, another possible area of activity is the current sector, that of the environment and sustainable development. The research objectives in companies or more generally in the governments in place is to reduce the carbon footprint of different sectors and to develop more responsible behaviors over time. 


IV - Concrete examples 

In the field of education, a possible research objective is to evaluate the benefits and limitations of the use of new technologies in the field of education, whether in primary or secondary education. How have schools managed to set up learning on digital media, and above all, how should these media be integrated? 

Still in the field of education, another research objective could be the use of artificial intelligence in the academic sector, and the evaluation of the benefits and limitations. 

In the field of companies, a research objective would be to determine what influences the motivation of employees in a group, and how research can help companies retain their employees. 

Another example would be to determine the impact of e-commerce on consumers' shopping habits in 2024 and beyond. How has e-commerce influenced consumption, how have online orders evolved? The goal is to understand buyer behavior and how it changes to develop ever more effective marketing strategies. 

In the technology sector, a research objective could be to understand the importance and evolution of artificial intelligence within smartphones and other devices for example. How have these devices evolved over time, and how technologies will continue to evolve in the years to come. The objective for companies is to understand how to develop innovations that can make a product more competitive, which is even more complex as technology advances rapidly and develops differently in different countries. 

In the environmental field, a research objective may be to understand how to make tourism more ecological. The objective is to continue to develop tourism, since it is beneficial for the economy in all countries of the world, but to make this tourism more environmentally friendly. 

The environmental field is very rich in new objectives every year, another is to ensure that the transport sector is also greener, especially aviation, because it is one of the sectors that pollutes the most today. How can we find greener energies to fly airliners in the future? 



As a result, research objectives are of considerable importance in multiple fields. Indeed, as we have seen, they are an aid to the achievement of objectives whose stakes can be crucial for the development of the future. The clearer and more precise the research objectives are, the more they make it possible to limit the margins of error and to make the process more structured and better organized. It seems important to know how to analyze and evaluate the results and to be able to question them in case they present problems of coherence at any time. 

Regardless of the field of activity, new technologies, transportation, or health and education, the objectives and other research issues allow for a better consideration of all the resources that must be used for each study.