Political factor

China operates under a system of rules that may be radically different from France politically, with much stronger political power.
The rules are both formal and informal, and everyone must comply with them, both businesses and individuals. All of this has an impact on the whole country, with a strong political focus in recent years on electronic commerce, which has also become the priority in a large number of countries.
However, China's legal framework for commerce is stricter, with the recent drafting of legislation concerning the protection of buyers and their privacy as well as for the validation of contracts online.
As regards the political environment, it is stable. The aim is to strengthen the economy in all areas to make it the strongest economy in the world. Some sectors have real state support, as it was possible to see during the Covid 19 crisis.

Economic factor

At the economic level, China has great development potential. The GDP growth rate is significant, despite a slight decline, common to the whole world in recent months following the health crisis.
Either way, China's GDP may well outstrip US growth thanks, in part, to a variety of factors like the Chinese saving more and many qualifying for top positions.
It should also be noted that the Chinese are attracted by luxury products and that many, especially the youngest, order many items from France or Italy.
Note also that compared to France, the cost of labor is much lower. That is why many global companies prefer to have their products manufactured in China rather than in another country.

Sociological factor

In China, the socio-cultural field is very important, regardless of the field of activity. Worker/manager relations are very different to those in France. There is much more trust and autonomy.
As the most populous country in the world, the data is constantly changing, and so do the expectations and needs of consumers.
Current trends can have an impact on the culture as a whole, and the family influences all decisions that are made. The family has a much more symbolic value in China than in other countries such as the USA, in particular.
Education is finally a major factor in the country, with more than 90% of the population who can read and write, and who have followed a course at school.

Technological factor

China is a country that took an early interest in innovations in several fields, such as telephony or aerospace, as well as new technologies in general.
For several years, the Chinese have been ahead of many other countries in terms of technology but have nevertheless shown too much dependence on foreign technology in recent years.
Little by little, the Chinese want to regain power, and in a large number of areas, they are now competing with companies that manufacture high-end products.

Ecological factor

Environmental policy in China occupies a high priority in political concerns. Indeed, the fact that it is the most populous country in the world is necessarily harmful to the environment, and concrete actions must be implemented quickly to protect the planet as much as possible.
The risks present in China are pollution and soil contamination.
In the minds of consumers around the world, it is also from this country that the coronavirus started, in circumstances this remains very disturbing even today.
Nevertheless, the country is gradually developing greener growth to launch technologies that are always more eco-responsible.


In China, the application of the law is different since the legislative power rests with the people.
It should also be noted that laws in favor of consumers and their rights make it possible to protect themselves in the event of abuse of all kinds on the part of merchants, which is fairly recent data compared to other countries.
In 2020, the first Chinese Civil Code was adopted, with greater emphasis on human rights.
Nevertheless, freedom of expression is still largely hampered, and this has been visible with the information that has been leaked, following the spread of the virus, in particular.

China is, therefore, one of the most important economic territories in the world, with a large number of trading partners and technology that is advancing more and more over the years.
The Covid-19 crisis has, of course, impacted the entire country, especially since it is the country of origin of the virus, and this may have created tensions with other states. Today, China is gradually rebuilding itself and wants to develop greener technologies to help protect the planet. Something that has become fundamental for businesses but also for citizens around the world.