Key figures
The Green Circle Salons group was created in 2009 in Canada, in the city of Toronto.
A few years later, the company is experiencing strong expansion, with development in the United States in particular, in Chicago, where more than 10 fairs join the program. In 2023, the company has more than 16,000 members in the United States, which has reduced 4.5 million kilos of beauty waste in major rivers and landfills.
Green Circle Salons is initially dedicated to ecology in the field of beauty. Its main mission is to fight against the production of waste that is generated every year by beauty salons or specialized stores. The main objective of the company is to implement more environmentally friendly practices.
Marketing mix of the company
Product policy
Green Circle Salons offers an offer that appears to be relatively innovative, especially in the current context, where ecological awareness is becoming increasingly important.
Indeed, the company offers effective and relevant solutions so that beauty salons can significantly reduce their waste.
With this in mind, the group offers recycling services, in order to recover everything that can be recovered, hair, coloring tubes, plastic packaging, or others, in order to prevent them from being thrown away. Some waste is even reused, such as hair for example. The main objective is to collect and sort waste to prevent it from systematically ending up in landfills.
In addition, the company can also raise awareness of the fairs by offering training offers on the importance of waste reduction or better management in general.
For the salons themselves, this can reveal several types of benefits, such as a better image, greater compliance with environmental standards, and above all a way to differentiate yourself from often very important competition.
The pricing policy
The pricing policy adapts in a fairly relevant way to the expectations and needs of beauty salons.
The latter have several choices, with annual or even monthly subscriptions depending on the case. The fairs will therefore have to pay a contribution according to the volume of waste they generate over the months or years.
In addition, the company also encourages salons to implement eco-taxes, which can be up to about $2 per customer service. It is mainly a matter of making the company and the various financings related to the program profitable in a way.
For fairs, this remains almost transparent, since rates will rather tend to have an impact on the final price paid by the customer.
In addition, the customer, even if he is impacted, does not realize the price difference, because the rate he still has to pay remains very low. This strategy refers to the so-called psychological price, because thanks to a lower rate, there is a better acceptance of the program. Of course, consumers are increasingly interested in the environmental side; however, the price remains essential, especially since beauty salons are generally positioned in a sector where competition is very important.
Finally, there is a higher percentage of customers over the years who are willing to pay a little more if they have the assurance of doing a good deed from an ecological point of view.
The distribution policy
In terms of distribution, the Green Circle Salons model is very effective, and above all it is developed at a global level.
In order to approach all the networks made up of beauty salons, the company will opt more for a direct approach, to strengthen trust by energizing relationships between the same people, rather than going too much through intermediaries.
As we said above, the group has a very large presence in countries such as the United States, but it is also present on the American continent. In France, the introduction is already more recent, but the company is gradually expanding. The number of partnerships with beauty and hair salons continues to expand around the world.
The fairs regularly receive complete recycling kits, so that they can manage their waste and collections themselves in complete autonomy. It is specialized carriers who then collect these collections.
Therefore, the strategy put in place is of a direct type.
The fairs can register on the company's website and they receive the equipment and instructions for use.
The communication policy
Green Circle Salons' communication is essentially focused on trust and transparency, as well as on raising awareness of more eco-responsible practices, in beauty salons on the one hand, but also more generally in the lives of individuals.
The objective is therefore to set up a playful and educational communicative axis, in order to interest as many people as possible.
To improve their communication, the company will use social networks, which are now one of the most effective ways to reach as many people as possible. These networks are also a way to make the group known around the world and to encourage as many professionals as possible to subscribe.
In addition, events are regularly created to increase the awareness of this type of commitment, which will be increasingly present over the years. Indeed, sustainable development is a subject that tends to gain momentum and that mainly concerns everyone, regardless of their profession or place of residence.
Green Circle Salons has therefore become a leader in the world of ecological transition and in the particular field of beauty.
The main objective is to encourage as many beauty salons as possible to recycle and better manage their waste, in order to pollute less globally. Today, everyone is concerned about the issue of ecology, and thanks to an effective and relevant marketing strategy, the company Green Circle Salons has managed to position itself both in the United States, but also globally in other countries and on other continents. This company is now more than ever proof that sustainability and eco-responsible behavior are in no way incompatible with the needs of consumers. Green Circle Salon initiative,them into environment-friendly items.