Thesis topic I - Anticipation of demand in the logistics sector thanks to AI

AI has become over time a very powerful tool that helps companies throughout their organization.


In what way does the development of artificial intelligence allow for anticipating demand in?

Suggested table of content and notions

After defining the concepts present and making a link between AI and logistics, speak in a first part about the means used by IA programs to anticipate this demand. Analyze internal and external factors, real-time trends, and the multiple possibilities offered by new technologies.

In a second part, speak about the benefits for logistics, such as cost reduction but also an improvement in relational terms with clients. How does this allow companies to significantly improve their performance and competitiveness over the long term?

Finally, let's talk about the limits that still exist despite progress, what are the challenges remaining in this field? Let’s discuss among other things data security, those of the company but also those of clients.

Thesis topic II - Delivery Process and AI

Since all positions in companies are increasingly impacted by artificial intelligence use, that of delivery is no exception, and major progress has been made over recent years for that department.


In what way has artificial intelligence enabled the development of a more reliable and relevant delivery process?

Suggested table of content and notions

To start, talk about stakes of delivery in companies and especially make link with current context, namely competitive pressure suffered by all sectors.

How has delivery been impacted by technology? What is the role of AI in delivery? How does this define itself both theoretically and practically from the point of view of companies but also customers?

Discussing delivery routes, time savings, inventory management, but also anticipating demand to satisfy an ever-increasing number of consumers. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of using AI in delivery, what limits can be encountered, and which potential axes for progression should be defined?

Finally, it is possible to study companies in a concrete way, international groups like FedEx but also Amazon.

Thesis topic III - Managing Returns in Enterprises and Using Artificial Intelligence

Companies are all concerned by what is called returns management, which belongs to a group's organization.


In what way can returns management be improved by using artificial intelligence?

Suggested table of content and notions

In the introduction, speak about returns management, give its definition but also the stakes in the current context. What are the challenges to overcome and this by taking into account the increasing requirements of clients who expect an impeccable post-sales service.

In a first part, speak about all new technologies that have a link to return management. What is the role of these technologies in an ever-changing world?

Next, discuss how AI aids in managing everything, and the time gain brought to the company, especially when it comes to quickly identifying defective products that need to be exchanged or reimbursed. How can AI predict return rates associated with returns and why is this beneficial for the company?

Study next the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence in this field. To finish, propose a case study, with companies like Amazon or Zalando.

Thesis topic IV - Risk Management in Logistics and its Link to AI

Artificial intelligence is among other things capable of defining more precisely the risks in a company and therefore limiting them.


How does artificial intelligence enable better risk management in companies and what are the stakes involved?

Suggested table of content and notions

In introduction, define notions and speak about all stakes related to risk management in all sectors of activity or only in that chosen by the candidate.

Making a link between risk and technology afterwards, talking about its evolution over time. In what way does artificial intelligence represent a solution, but also what are its limits and challenges that will have to be overcome in the coming years?

Define the risks that exist in companies, and how AI works to manage them (predictive analysis, automation of tasks, better data management…)

Thesis topic V - Systematization of Warehouses through AI

Automation in warehouses has become a real time-saver for businesses.


How has the use of artificial intelligence in warehouses allowed companies to increase their performance ?

Suggested table of content and notions

Provide definitions, what automation in warehouses consists of, since when it exists, to which problems it responds?

Discuss the link between technologies and warehouse management, provide specific examples. What is the role of AI and how has it evolved over time?

In concrete terms, how is AI used in this field? Provide examples. Make a link to real-time management, with the possibility of tracking packages and making supply chains more efficient.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using AI in this field?

AI has enabled a real improvement in many areas, including logistics. Despite undeniable advantages, a number of challenges still remain to be overcome in fields such as data security and job management.

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