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Become a tutor-writer and make money for writing or correcting documents!

Writing - Management by innovation: find a concrete problematic with theoretical references.

40 pages Management & organization
492,10 €

Correction - International commerce Thesis: spelling, formatting, comments about plan and content

20 pages Strategy
113,35 €

Writing - Case note CSARS v Cape Consumers (Pty) Ltd (1999 (4) SA 1213) (61 SATC 91)

4 pages Family law
63,41 €

Writing - Plan and problematic for a Master Thesis - Evolution and representations on students with learning difficulties, troubles or disabilities.

2 pages Educational science
23,45 €

Educational and editorial support for a thesis in social psychology of work.

50 pages Psychology
822,50 €

Correction - Spelling and improvements idea for my case note (law student)

5 pages Administrative law
35,85 €
Best writers ranking

These are the best paid tutor-writers, sorted according to revenue earned in the last month.

Valerie : € 1090.17
Marc : € 977.87
Sergiu : € 908.77
Sandrine : € 721.72
Olivier : € 555.15
wendy : € 457.73
Karim : € 450.63
Adrien HervĂ© : € 435.44
Camille : € 415.49
StĂ©phanie : € 382