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Media and art

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884 results

29 Sep 2010

Introduction to modern China - the relationship between Chinese architecture and urban culture: Beijing

Case study - 5 pages - Architecture

Beijing has not originated as the capital of China. As early as history can date back, the city was not even called Beijing. It was always known as the ?Northern Capital' in China. This was how Beijing was called and known prior to the rule of the third Ming emperor, Yongle, who then declared...

29 Sep 2010

Threats and opportunities for public relations in online communities

Essay - 5 pages - Journalism

In 1982, the Chicago senior public relations (PR) consultant Philip Lesly wrote: "You won't be able to practice public relations effectively in the last half of the 1980's with just a local phone, a mimeograph machine and postage stamps, as the pioneers of this field did? (Reilly, 1987)....

29 Sep 2010

Media and terrorism: new challenges for freedom of expression?

Essay - 5 pages - Journalism

Benjamin Cardozo, an American jurist of the 20th century, used to say that "Freedom of expression is the matrix, the indispensable condition, of nearly every other form of freedom?. As such, freedom of expression was recognised, as early as at the end of the 18th century, as a fundamental right...

29 Sep 2010

Forms and colours : Malevitch, Mondrian and Kandinsky

Essay - 7 pages - Arts and art history

“The representation of an object, in itself, is something that has nothing to do with art,” claims Malevitch. In abstract art, there is no more representation of an object and also there is not even the conception, like there was in cubism. The object completely disappears. The...

29 Sep 2010

Everyone says I love you- Woody Allen (1996)

Essay - 4 pages - Film studies

The essence of life is undoubtedly ?Love'. This eccentric family tale illustrates love and its uphill and downhill effects followed by family feasts. The story relates to DJ who is the daughter of Joe Berlin (Woody Allen) and Steffi Dandridge (Goldie Hawn). Steffi is now married to Bob...

29 Sep 2010

Representations of women: Hitchcock's Psycho and Mary Rogers

Essay - 3 pages - Film studies

Alfred Hitchcock's ?Psycho' is known for being emblematic of the suspense genre inasmuch as a crime is at the core of the scenario. However it is perfectly arguable that the movie is about women and maybe about two women that embody Hitchcock's view about the opposite gender. It is...

29 Sep 2010

"Clockers", a movie by Spike Lee, 1995

Essay - 5 pages - Film studies

The movie ?Clockers' hit the theatres in 1995. The director, Spike Lee, was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on March 20th 1957. His mother, a schoolteacher and father, a jazz musician, raised him in Brooklyn, New York City. He graduated from Morehouse College in Atlanta before attending a graduate...

29 Sep 2010

A pychoanalytic study of Hitchcok's Spellbound

Essay - 5 pages - Film studies

Alfred Hitchcock has often been cited as a film-maker who used the Freudian and Lacanian theories of psychoanalysis and applied them to the narrative of his films. Spellbound is a film which uses psychoanalysis as a plot device; psychoanalytical elements are found both in the characters, like in...

29 Sep 2010

Sports and the Media: Sport TV rights throughout Europe, a comparative approach

Essay - 13 pages - Arts and art history

The relation between sports and television started years back. We all have in mind the image of Jesse Owen winning four gold medals in the 100m, 200m, long jump and 4X100m relay during the 1936 Nazis Berlin Olympic Games. Thus, we can assume that sport has provided the greatest images ever to...

29 Sep 2010

Heavenly Creatures

Worksheets - 2 pages - Film studies

Heavenly Creatures is a film dating from 1994 set in the 1950s telling the story of a relationship of two young school girls. It shall be shown how this film is an example of postmodernism, and the feature named pastiche will be considered in depth showing how this film can be so defined and...

29 Sep 2010

Rear Window as an example of Panopticism

Essay - 2 pages - Film studies

Panopticism is a concept that stems from the work of an eighteenth century philosopher, Jeremy Bentham. He was trying to figure out how to build a prison in which the guards could see the prisoners in such a way that the prisoners could never come to know they were being watched upon. Although...

29 Sep 2010

Representation & Reflection on the Subject of Death in Modern & Contemporary Art

Essay - 14 pages - Arts and art history

Within the framework of the presentation of the personal fictive museum, I have decided to retain ten art pieces from the 20th C and 21st C in accordance with the problematic of the representation of, and the reflection on death in modern and contemporary art. In as much as the questioning about...

29 Sep 2010

The Representation of the Struggle for Rights in Contemporary Aboriginal Painting - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 4 pages - Arts and art history

Art is vital for history, as monuments, sculptures, paintings and literary works of art are often the only remaining testimony about ancient times. When dealing with modern or contemporary events, a greater amount of non-artistic material is available; yet art is still important as it can reflect...

29 Sep 2010

Bourdieu (Pierre), On Television

Essay - 5 pages - Arts and art history

Television has become increasingly important in today's society and it has become a tool for expressing an opinion or conveying a message to the public. It is also able to influence other fields in the social space through which it enables a series of interactions. It also determines the...

15 Sep 2010

An everyman's primer to the control of regret

Dissertation - 15 pages - Arts and art history

Regret is usually defined as an emotion experienced by humans when they are unhappy with events that are beyond their control. This paper deals with man's ability to control his feelings of regret. Because of the complexity and irrationality of the human brain people often experience...

15 Sep 2010

Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix (Eugene Delacroix),

Essay - 2 pages - Arts and art history

Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix (Eugene Delacroix), a French painter, lived from 1789-1863. This work, Lion Hunt oil on canvas, was painted in 1858. Lion Hunt is filled with colors that scream of the vibrancy of nature, action that fascinates the eye, and themes that excite the soul. If a...

24 Aug 2010

Online journalism vs. traditional journalism: The effect of citizen journalism on professional journalists

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

The surge of online media content proliferated by bloggers and citizen journalists has created a number of issues for those within the traditional newspaper industry, especially for professional journalists. Professional journalists are seeing the requirements, tools, strategies and knowledge...

23 Aug 2010

Charlton Heston: Winning the cultural war (An analysis of the speech)

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

Charlton Heston was often considered as one of the most talented actors of our time. On the big screen, the Broadway stage, and on television, Charlton Heston repeatedly proved himself as an excellent portrayer of human character. He was born as John Charles Carter on April 10, 1924 (IMDb, 2009)....

19 Aug 2010

Film analysis: Hunger Point

Thesis - 4 pages - Film studies

The 2003 film, Hunger Point, tells the story of Shelly Hunter—a 23 year old struggling with anorexia—through the narration of her older sister, Frannie. While Shelly's presentation of anorexia is typical and conforms to the DSM-IV-TR criteria for a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, the...

19 Aug 2010

Mona Lisa Smile

Thesis - 2 pages - Film studies

The media is unarguably one of the strongest, if not the strongest, forms of message conveyance. It is through the media: music, television, movies, magazines and other media outlets, that we learn what is socially and culturally acceptable. Pieces of media that leave a lasting impact are those...

17 Aug 2010

The reality in Koreeda's film Nobody Knows

Thesis - 2 pages - Film studies

As we take a cursory look of the city, we notice that the society appears to be very lively, crowded, bustling and excited. However, as we gain a deep understanding into reality, we may notice another dimension to this feeling of togetherness. The gray side of humanity is illustrated through the...

12 Aug 2010

Gold and silver in Dante's Inferno

Thesis - 2 pages - Arts and art history

When one examines the yellow and green partial chasuble on display at the Baltimore Museum of Art, with its silk, velvet, and gold-encased threads, one understands more vividly the critiques of Church opulence that Dante articulates in the Inferno. Dante was certainly not the first to point to...

12 Aug 2010


Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism

From the early days of the printed word to the advent of the internet, the mass distribution of ideas has raised concerns of overexposure and censorship. Today censorship is the center of one of the most heated debates in America. Those fighting for censorship of the media and those working to...

12 Aug 2010

Film analysis: Rear Window Alfred Hitchcock

Thesis - 2 pages - Film studies

According to the New York Times, 67% of people's personal favorite news stories are the ones where people perform acts of bravery in order to save someone's life. Saving the life of another person is truly a notable deed. Many people who risk their lives to perform daring acts of bravery do it...

11 Aug 2010

Organizational behavior and The Pursuit of Happyness

Thesis - 2 pages - Film studies

In the movie The Pursuit of Happyness, examples of Organizational Behavior exist through the entirety of the movie. Based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the main character of the movie, Chris Gardner, is an individual whom is extraverted, as is exemplified in his very outgoing, sociable, and...

10 Aug 2010

Effat's new roses

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

The article “Effat's new roses,” from the current issue of Saudi Aramco World, opens with a sense of anticipation. The lead welcomes readers to graduation night at Effat College, the first private women's college in Saudi Arabia. The article goes on to detail the founding of the...

10 Aug 2010

Narration and trauma

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

In numerous texts that we have read in class so far, the intersection of the personal and the political has been prominent in the study of trauma. Many of the articles and authors we discuss in class have experienced their own traumatic events as well as captured other people's traumatic...

10 Aug 2010

Family as a social force

Book review - 2 pages - Journalism

In the novel Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, by Jeanette Winterson, the social force of family is very significant. Jeanette's family and the people that surround her eventually work against her to push her out of their exclusive social circle. The way that Jeanette is raised by her family...

10 Aug 2010

Addiction and drugs

Thesis - 1 pages - Journalism

Addiction is a disease that doesn't discriminate- it can affect anyone- young, old, rich or poor. You may think that you are alone in dealing with a drug or alcohol addiction, but the truth is, many have traveled this path before you. You may want to get help, but aren't sure how to go about...

10 Aug 2010

Slam: Book review

Book review - 1 pages - Journalism

Slam, a book published in 1996 was written by an African-American author named Walter Dean Myers. Walter Dean Myers is a pioneer of young adult fiction. His stories are about urban teens and the obstacles they face. In this case the novel I'm writing about today, slam, is about 17 year old...