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884 results

30 Nov 2007

The Taste of Peace and Practice of Love in North Indian Drumming

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Arts and art history

The knowledge gained by practicing the North Indian tabla drums situates the musician within two spiritual modes of the Hindu tradition: the tantric, via rasa, and the yogic, via bhakti. Is there a limit to the spiritual efficacy of such musical practice? Citing the lack of “common measure...

27 Nov 2007

Egyptian versus Greek Sculpture

Essay - 2 pages - Arts and art history

The Egyptian culture consistently maintained a powerful belief in the afterlife. As a result, tombs were lavished with clothing, furniture, and paintings to nourish the Ka or soul. Most importantly, statues were erected should anything happen to the body in which the soul must inhabit. The...

19 Nov 2007

Avoiding Disaster: The Day the Earth Stood Still

Essay - 5 pages - Film studies

Disaster movies are often associated solely with cheap thrills; nothing more than vehicles for big explosions and even bigger budgets. The modern perception of this film genre (as well as its subgenres) seems to be nothing more than that of a means for movie studios to spend a lot of money, and...

19 Nov 2007

David Lynch

Essay - 4 pages - Film studies

Storytelling, since the dawn of time, has served as an invaluable means in which human beings are able to create, sustain, and relay emotion, identity, and ideology. The stories people tell allow them to simultaneously connect to, and differentiate themselves from one another. Arguably more...

19 Nov 2007

The Blame Game

Essay - 3 pages - Film studies

In modern times, and namely in Western culture, identity has become a wholly introverted principle. People strive to define themselves solely as individuals; identity is thought of as exclusively self-contained. American culture, for example, celebrates above all else the “individual;”...

19 Nov 2007

The Wicker Man: Challenging the Audience, Transcending the Genre

Thesis - 5 pages - Film studies

A horror movie does not work unless it is frightening. A meek horror film is as ineffective as an unfunny comedy or an uninteresting drama. If a horror film succeeds at being scary, then, by definition, the filmmakers behind it have accomplished what they set out to make. The difference between a...

19 Nov 2007

Controversy Within

Essay - 2 pages - Film studies

In the last century alone, the United States of America has witnessed dozens of “equal rights” movements. Some of the most significant rights Americans currently enjoy have come out of great struggle and controversy. Whenever a group of citizens protest the way their society views them,...

19 Nov 2007

Stranger Than Paradise: Meaningful Minimalism

Essay - 3 pages - Film studies

The term “independent film” is extremely malleable in the realm of American cinema. A film may be considered “independent” if it is financed and/or distributed outside of a Hollywood studio, or if it bends and/or breaks the conventions of mainstream American movies. There are...

19 Nov 2007

Home Movies

Essay - 2 pages - Film studies

Nothing can create nostalgia like a movie camera. There is something about the moving image that can trigger emotions like few other mediums can. It is easy to get lost in a film; they have the awesome ability of capturing and recreating the past. The nostalgic value of the cinema is immense, but...

19 Nov 2007

Subverting the Mainstream: The Postmodern World of David Lynch

Essay - 5 pages - Film studies

During the first half of the twentieth-century, a movement known as “classical Hollywood cinema” thrived; this was the dawn of truly “mainstream” films. The movies created during this time operated largely within metanarratives; all-embracing laws which governed human...

19 Nov 2007

Fellini's Otto e mezzo

Thesis - 5 pages - Film studies

Since the dawn of cinema, there have been numerous film directors who have garnered the reputation of innovator, auteur, even genius of the medium. Only three directors, however, have created such unmistakably identifiable styles as to warrant film terminologies based on their very names. Alfred...

19 Nov 2007

They Live: Underestimating Camp

Essay - 4 pages - Film studies

Distinguishing a film as “campy” is, arguably, as difficult as determining whether or not a film is “good.” The definition of “camp” is utterly malleable and, moreover, exists almost purely in the eyes of the beholder. Similarly, a film is rarely definably solely as...

19 Nov 2007

Robert Frank's America: "Political Rally - Chicago"

Essay - 2 pages - Film studies

The United States of America is often referred as “the great melting pot”; a place where people of all ethnicities, backgrounds, and plights exist under a single title “American”. The title is simple; those living in The United States are, by definition, American. And yet,...

19 Nov 2007

Georges Melies: Movie Magic

Essay - 2 pages - Film studies

As is the case with many art forms, the exact origin of Cinema is tainted with controversy. While numerous innovators played important roles in the dawn of the medium, the Lumière brothers (Louis and Auguste) of France are most directly accredited with creating the first “films”....

19 Nov 2007

Danger at a Distance

Essay - 3 pages - Film studies

The nomenclature of “disaster movie” is as difficult a classification to place upon a film as any; for its definition is extremely malleable. Many movies incorporate a disaster, or even numerous disasters, and are still not known as “disaster movies”; the definition is not...

04 Nov 2007

Acoustic Mythologies of The Natyasastra: Text of Celestial Music

Essay - 5 pages - Arts and art history

Concerning the use of musical rhythm as a sadhana, a path to liberation, one preliminary distinction to make is between the tantric means of rasa and the yogic means of bhakti; The mythological tradition inherited by Hindustani music distinguishes between gana (music for pleasure) and gandharva...

22 Oct 2007

Adorno and Fiske Pop TV

Essay - 2 pages - Journalism

To a certain degree, the actions of individuals have an effect on their environment. However, our surroundings more dramatically influence our everyday experiences and shape our personalities. Two of the most popular cultural mediums, film and television, extend to mass audiences who eagerly...

19 Oct 2007

Once More with Talent

Essay - 2 pages - Arts and art history

The room is silent, black, yet complete in its created emptiness. You cannot see the person sitting next to you, the face that looks back in the darkness. Suddenly, from nowhere, a few shaky piano notes fill the air. A melody so simple yet so memorable, it pulls you away from your metal seat and...

19 Oct 2007

Not All is Cold in Iceland

Essay - 5 pages - Arts and art history

Humanity is nostalgic. There is no other way in which to explain the strips of antique malls in the Midwest or the string of collector shows on the shop-at-home networks. Like the sightseers searching for the Grand Canyon pictured on the poster in a local travel agency, humans are such experts...

19 Oct 2007

Lies the Television Told Us

Essay - 3 pages - Film studies

The media exists for the sole purpose of entertainment, and the easiest way to bring this entertainment to the people is through television. This being said, it can be understood why the media functions the way it does; entertainment needs to be entertaining. Isn't it only expected that writers...

12 Oct 2007

Cover letter for production assistant job

Sample letter - 1 pages - Journalism

From Beacon Press's website I learned of a job opening as a production assistant. I am very interested in this position, and believe I can contribute much to the company. I also believe the company can contribute to my own growth as well. I graduated in May from Emerson College with a BFA in...

09 Oct 2007

Facing an Uphill Battle: Running Fitness

Essay - 4 pages - Journalism

When Ana Pichrtova talks about mountain running her eyes light up; she can't disguise the pure joy that these trail treks bring her. “I just love it! I love the trails, I love running- that's it!” Pichrtova exudes. Most elites, like Pichrtova, know the benefits of training on arduous...

08 Oct 2007

The Glass House Designed by Philip Johnson New Canaan, CT (1949)

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Architecture

Over fifty years ago, the “Harvard Five” architects descended upon New Canaan, CT to build houses for themselves and their clients. These architects, Marcel Breuer, Landis Gores, John Johansen, Eliot Noyes, and Philip Johnson designed some of the most famous modern houses all within the...

08 Oct 2007

The AEG Factory in Berlin: Designed by Peter Behrens

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Architecture

Throughout the latter half of the 18th and through the 19th century, architecture remained stagnant in design and innovation. There were many great buildings designed during the time, but they all were stuck in the past, usually echoing the Gothic and Greek structures of old. It wasn't until...

05 Oct 2007

The Lickerish Quartet

Essay - 3 pages - Film studies

The play between high and low culture has become an important subject in film studies and criticism. In particular, the subject has proved a relevant context for the exploration of exploitation films, and vice versa. In looking at exploitation film, critics and theorists have paid much...

05 Oct 2007

Doris Wishman

Essay - 5 pages - Film studies

In 1959, after the unexpected death of her husband, Doris Wishman decided to begin making films. With a background in distribution, she became aware of the genre of “nudist camp” films through an acquaintance with Walter Bibo, producer of Garden of Eden (1954), a groundbreaking film in...

05 Oct 2007

IS: Music

Essay - 3 pages - Arts and art history

If only Beethoven and Tchaikovsky could have conceived of the technological advantages the musicians of today take for granted. Innovative strides in music technology development have revolutionized the way music is recorded, composed, stored, performed, searched and retrieved by creating easy to...

05 Oct 2007

Thirteen Days (2000)

Essay - 3 pages - Film studies

Good evening my fellow citizens…This Government, as promised, has maintained the closest surveillance of the Soviet Military buildup on the island of Cuba. Within the past week, unmistakable evidence has established the fact that a series of offensive missile sites is now in preparation on...

04 Oct 2007

New Deal Art: The WPA Murals of Norwalk, CT

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Arts and art history

The Great Depression that struck the United States in the late 1920s came as a shock to millions of Americans. Almost overnight people saw their entire life savings vanish before their eyes and many were laid off by their employers. By the time Franklin Roosevelt took office in March 1933, the...

03 Oct 2007

The Influence of Popular World Music on Modern Western Music

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Arts and art history

The nebulous category of World Music has been defined as "simply not our music, it is their music (Rahkonen, 1)." World Music is thus a distinction based on otherness and not any singularly defining characteristic. It is a term that developed from the classification of popular music "to include...