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884 results

09 Aug 2010

Justice defined: A look at The Oxbow Incident

Thesis - 2 pages - Film studies

The only way to see justice is to be blind. The blindfolded image of Lady Justice is an ideal for how the American legal system should be. The statue is blindfolded because she cannot allow anything but objective reasoning to decide how justice should be dealt out; if she does, then she has not...

09 Aug 2010

The death of the Savior

Thesis - 2 pages - Arts and art history

Mannerist paintings were classified as those paintings made during the later part of the Renaissance and which took imagery past the natural. The paintings often featured bright colors, contorted poses, and complex symbolism. These stylized paintings began to appear during the sixteenth century,...

09 Aug 2010

Changing the roles of women as seen through art

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

Mary Stevenson Cassatt was a unique woman in many respects. Her family's wealth allowed her to travel extensively during her childhood and eventually move to France to pursue painting with prominent French painter Edgar Degas. More extraordinary than that however, is that she was just one of...

06 Aug 2010

Humanitarian diplomacy

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

Minorities are oppressed by cruel dictators, buildings are blown up without remorse, terrorists are hailed as heroes, and impoverished civilians are ignored and left for dead. At the moment, such global chaos seems to result from a lack of sufficient values—the value of education, the value...

06 Aug 2010

Memoir of a Greek trip

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

I closed my eyes and all I could think about was how beautiful Greece was going to be. I was convinced that Greece was a magical paradise where the crystal blue horizon lasted forever, the sunsets were so vivid that they couldn't be caught on camera, and the freshest fruit could be picked right...

06 Aug 2010

PNAC: Project for the New American Century

Thesis - 1 pages - Journalism

Many of the founding members and supporters of this group now hold high positions in Washington and are, to this day, practicing much of what was written up in their 2000 report “Rebuilding America's Defenses” (see attached in it's entirety) which was a blueprint for what is now known...

06 Aug 2010

The concept of hero

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

The concept of a hero has pervaded throughout history. Many times, heroes are thought of as individuals who have extraordinary prowess in battle or who perform some amazing feat like saving the lives of others. During the past ten weeks, I have examined my definition of a hero based on criteria...

05 Aug 2010

Satirical approach highlighting concern

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

In 1952 the United States successfully detonated their first hydrogen bomb, which was 700 times more powerful than the atomic bomb from Hiroshima (Maland 252). Less than a year later, the Soviet Union made it known that they had accomplished the same feat. Not wanting to be outdone by each other,...

05 Aug 2010

Letter from a Notre Dame classroom

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

In response to your March 28 criticisms of Notre Dame's decision to invite President Obama to give the commencement address, I noticed you chose the words, “no institution that calls itself Catholic can be unilateral.” As a busy Notre Dame undergraduate, I would like to set some time...

05 Aug 2010

Obama vs McCain: An analysis of conflict

Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism

Conflict permeates the world that we live in. It is present in every country, in the range of small-scale to large-scale. On the micro level, conflict occurs all the time between as little as two people. Bartering in a market place, arguing over a final grade, and yelling at the car that just cut...

05 Aug 2010

An anthropological analysis of Fight Club (1999)

Thesis - 2 pages - Film studies

Fight Club, a 1999 movie directed by David Fincher, has been heavily lauded since its release ten years ago. It was loved by all sorts of people for its gritty portrayal of violence, the brilliant acting, and its twist ending. But beneath these things lie some deeper themes that have boosted this...

04 Aug 2010

Vivian Sobchack: Lounge Time

Essay - 1 pages - Journalism

Vivian Sobchack begins her essay “Lounge Time” by clearly stating her purpose; to identify film noir and its context in society. Film noir is a term used by film critiques to refer to the trend that took place in American movies following World War II. While the American films of the...

04 Aug 2010

Food for Moloch: The Cyborg as worker

Essay - 1 pages - Film studies

In Sue Short's book on Cyborg Cinema, she progresses by discussing the Cyborg as a worker. The word “robot” is derived from the Czech word “robota” which means “enforced labor.” In turn, Aristotle referred to slaves as “living tools”. It is easy to see then...

04 Aug 2010

Let your doll be your guide: Women as an appendage for moral structure

Book review - 3 pages - Film studies

In the male dominated industry of Heist films, women are often portrayed as a nuisance or hindrance to the goal of the heist. Heist films create a binary between work and leisure which is demonstrated by the criminals' relationships with the women in their lives. In the film Heat, Neil McCauley...

30 Jul 2010

Mean Streets: Movie analysis

Thesis - 4 pages - Film studies

Mean Streets marks the origin of long collaboration of filmmaker Martin Scorsese with actor Robert De Niro, and marks the beginning of the works of a remarkable duo. After making several films, including the autobiographical feature film Who's That Knocking at My Door (1968) and Boxcar Bertha...

30 Jul 2010

Being there as a study of symbolic interaction

Essay - 2 pages - Film studies

After observing Chance the Gardiner become ‘Chauncey Gardiner' in the movie Being There it is easy to see why this film is such an excellent representation of many of the concepts in Symbolic Interactionism. Although many sociological notions are represented in the movie quite well,...

30 Jul 2010

Gladiator and The Grinch: Movie analysis

Thesis - 4 pages - Film studies

Throughout Gladiator we see the character of Maximus go through many stages of development. From hero to zero and then back to hero again, Maximus is changed. He is portrayed as blatantly physically frightening and at times unfortunate and pitiful especially when he realizes he has lost his...

30 Jul 2010

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Thesis - 2 pages - Film studies

Many times when I watch a movie, I ask myself, why in the name of all things good am I watching this film? Who in the world would ever find this entertaining or interesting? What purpose could this possibly serve? These and many other thoughts went through my head while watching The Phantom...

30 Jul 2010

American Beauty: Film analysis

Thesis - 3 pages - Film studies

I believe that we enjoy watching movies because for a brief moment in time we can escape from reality and be transported to different places and live vicariously through the characters depicted in the film. American Beauty is the story of the last year of Lester Burnham's life and the choices he...

30 Jul 2010

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: Movie analysis

Thesis - 2 pages - Film studies

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, a vivid imagination brought to the screen by Chris Columbus which was adapted by J. K. Rowling's book of the same title. A story of an orphan who discovers he is a wizard; and a wizard that saves the day and in the process wins our hearts and minds. The film...

30 Jul 2010

Using arguments put forth by Paul Collier and Ted Robert Gurr to provide a brief comparison of works related to the causes of civil war

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

Napoleon Bonaparte once said that “a man will fight harder for his interest than for his rights.” In a time where individual ‘wants' and the protection of singular self-interests has become a primary focus for the average citizen, governments have been daunted with the task of...

30 Jul 2010

Betterment of men or betterment of me?

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

To regard one person's life as more important than another's can present a morally disturbing argument. If the death of one individual can prevent the deaths of twenty, do you sacrifice that one person? What if, to save those same twenty, two must be killed? How about five? Can one rationalize...

29 Jul 2010

Come as you are

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

Come on! You're holding up the line!” yelled a woman near the end of the line. With a dazed look on her face, Nina moved forward and grabbed the toothbrush, toothpaste, and washcloth and continued on. She shoved the items in an old, brown, over-the-shoulder bag. She wore a ripped pair of Gap...

29 Jul 2010

Cultural reflection: M.I.A.

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

It was another normal drive to work one morning when the radio D.J. mentioned that there was a new song that he was about to launch from an up and coming hip hop artist. Also, he mentioned that he wanted our opinion on what the listeners thought about what they heard. After listening to the song...

29 Jul 2010

Defining the new right

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

This is commentary I wrote in response Richard Thornburgh's to article defining the “new right.” Thornburgh was President Reagan's third Attorney General, he continued serving into the first few months of President George H.W. Bush's Justice Department before resigning in August 1991....

29 Jul 2010

Organizational challenges: Subtropics

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

Readers ask a tall task of our authors: to entertain us for as long as they have our attention, to transport us, to paint a vivid picture, and to give the reader a peek into the author's mind. And while each reader enters into this journey with a different perspective, for an author to be...

29 Jul 2010

Anti-Semitism revealed in Gentleman's Agreement

Thesis - 3 pages - Film studies

In Gentleman's Agreement, Phil Green, acted by Gregory Peck, embarks on the exploration of the anti-Semitic influences that Jews face, for a series that he is hired to write for a magazine. After long consideration he comes to see that the best way to communicate the experience of Jews, and not...

29 Jul 2010

Film analysis: Ed Wood's Personhood

Thesis - 4 pages - Film studies

Tim Burton's 1994 film Ed Wood is a meaningful parody that brings to life the biography of Edward D. Wood Jr. (a struggling filmmaker, actor and writer who reveals his identity as a heterosexual transvestite) as he would have filmed it. Wood comes to terms with his fetishes and the comfort he...

29 Jul 2010

Strawberry Homophobia

Thesis - 3 pages - Film studies

The 1993 film Fresa y Chocolate, directed by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, exposes homophobia as a product of the double standard of the revolution and the lack of sexual education in Cuban society. The movie focuses on the relationship between Diego, a flamboyant gay older man that dedicates himself to...

29 Jul 2010

Leonardo Da Vinci

Thesis - 2 pages - Arts and art history

My love of art was the reason that I picked Leonardo Da Vinci as my topic. I have always had a great interest in the subject of art. I know the techniques and different types of drawings and painting like the back of my hand, though there was one thing I was always missing. I had never even...