The past is past and the new is here to stay. No longer are we a society that goes to the store to pick up our newspapers each day, including those ever so popular Sunday papers with the coupons stuffed inside. But we are turning toward the internet for our news, and the newspapers publishers are following suit. They have realized that this new generation as a whole wants everything now and they want it in the easiest fashion possible. And the internet just happens to be the easiest way, being the cheapest for the publishers as well as convenient for their daily readers. Publisher's can cash in on the additional revenue with the cheap costs of the internet. The old format for newspapers, using paper and ink, has been applied all through the past and is all that we have ever known. Never has a newspaper ventured out of that format- until now. Digital is all the rage and using the variety of the web, the possibilities appear endless in terms of providing a new and exciting paper. I believe that right now, we're in a transitional faze, from the older version of papers to the new online versions.
[...] As online newspapers forge on, they are treading on water that has already been explored in some ways by other forms of media, such as high definition television, interactive computers, media centers and all. It's known now that this is the digital age and everything digital will be accepted by the general public, especially the newer generation that is born living this. Right now, as I stated earlier, I believe that online newspapers are in the transitional mode, going from print editions to an online format. [...]
[...] In 1812, Friedrich Koenig invents the Steam Powered Cylinder Press, making one of the first attempts ever at revolutionizing newspapers to make them faster, more efficient and therefore better for its public audience (Wan par:17). Almost 70 years after this, the first photographs appear in a newspaper, in the year 1880, adding a visual aid to the ever growing popularity of this medium of newspapers. This makes the paper's audience even larger in a time of abundant illiteracy. Not much later, a new branch of newspapers started, tabloid news, in the year 1903 (Wan par: 24).This opens up a completely new form of newspaper reporting, because truth and integrity are not always the first option or the first used form of reporting. [...]
[...] Especially over the past few months the race for the 2004 election has taken a toll on mass media in general. As part of the newspaper reading community, I know we've been bombarded everyday for the weeks leading up to the election with what certain writers believed. Not to speak of all the television ads and entertainment gearing people to vote in their direction. But the power of the pen is a very commanding thing. A recent article published in the USA Today online, spoke of George Bush's predicted decline already, only a month into his re- elected term. [...]
[...] This being only 10 years ago, it has brought upon a dramatic change, with most newspapers, big or small, having their papers available online. In today's society, newspapers, along with all types of mass media, are becoming less dependent on integrity then ever before. Only one side of any issue is ever told, and only one belief shared. If you lived in the United States and were not hiding in a cave with Bin Laden, you know that over the past few months, the race between George Bush and John Kerry for president has dominated the papers. [...]
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