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393 results

15 Jan 2009

The hidden side of counter-terrorist measures: a threat to the civil liberties

Essay - 9 pages - Journalism

While watching the movie “in the name of the father”, I was like everyone else, I assume, was deeply moved and overwhelmed by the gravity of the miscarriage of justice and police force abuses of which the protagonists were victim. However, what chocked me the most was the fact that this...

15 Jan 2009

Drugs and globalization

Essay - 6 pages - Journalism

Relations between drugs and international trade are a long story, we could think of the 19th century and the important consumption of opium in Europe, as can be seen for example in the film From Hell. Opium was obviously not produced in Europe for climatic reasons and essentially came from Asia....

15 Jan 2009

Fighting against AIDS: Acting for human rights and development

Essay - 4 pages - Journalism

If developing countries have to cope with many handicaps setbacks as well as in terms of political development, then one of the main plagues that seriously affects these countries is the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Indeed, 40 million people worldwide are infected with HIV. Among them, 95% live in...

15 Jan 2009


Essay - 12 pages - Journalism

Increasing international communications in volume and diversity (physical or virtual) as well as increasing threats (terrorism, piracy...) appeal for a need to identify individuals. Indeed, important issues raise the numbers of terrorists, criminals and so on. People can prove their identity...

15 Jan 2009

International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

After WWII, the world realized the madness of mankind: although the Jewish genocide wasn't the first one in history, it was the first one which the international community became really aware of. In order to punish the terrible war crimes, 2 international military tribunals were created: one...

15 Jan 2009

Drug related offences

Essay - 14 pages - Journalism

In modern societies it is easy to recognise that consuming drugs is an every day reality; not only taking heroin or marijuana, but also smoking, taking painkillers, having a coffee, a tea or abusing of alcohol for Saturday as a required “Saturday night” obligation. The illegal drug...

15 Jan 2009

Should Kashmir be unified under or as a single state?

Essay - 5 pages - Journalism

Since the departure of the British from the region in 1947, the Kashmiri population never stopped suffering form the struggle and wars between Pakistan and India. In this conflict, everybody had first their own reason to struggle for Kashmir but the conflict soon became about national pride. The...

15 Jan 2009

The clout of the British aristocracy

Essay - 11 pages - Journalism

The British aristocracy is known worldwide, not only because of its prestigious past, but also for all its special ways of life. Many stereotypes can briefly define them: they have a great economic power, they are important actors in the British political life, and they have very specific habits...

15 Jan 2009

What are the advantages and disadvantages of obtaining political information from TV and newspapers?

Essay - 9 pages - Journalism

If the Media industry is often seen as information and entertainment generators, it is especially the basis of our Western democracies. Indeed, the Media industry is certainly the most efficient and at least the most use mean to inform the people about politics. Media is then empowering Canadians...

15 Jan 2009

International crime: Evolutions in wildlife trafficking

Essay - 7 pages - Journalism

Environmental crimes are by their very nature a transnational issue. The threat of species extinction for instance is not confined to a single country. However, the protection of the environment often comes against the global development process or increased standards of living worldwide...

15 Jan 2009

Church and State in Franco´s Spain

Essay - 9 pages - Journalism

“In the last sixty years the mutation of the Spanish Catholic Church has been extraordinary. It is as though we had been watching a play of several act, complete with changes of scenery, of the plot and of the personality of the characters and even the emotional tone: furious in the...

15 Jan 2009


Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

The term acupuncture comes from Latin acus which means “needle” and pungere which means “prick”. In China, the practice of acupuncture can perhaps be traced as far back as the first millennium BC and archeological evidence has been identified during the period of the Han...

15 Jan 2009

International journalism: Freedom of the press in China

Essay - 6 pages - Journalism

First, China as a growing power in the world is a country which fuels many observations and issues. And as a student in political science I need to learn more about the Asian miracle and obviously what the main obstacles remain in the Chinese race to modernity. Then, we had the opportunity,...

15 Jan 2009

Sustainable development, oil and the future: the trilogy

Essay - 18 pages - Journalism

Sustainable development has been extensively discussed in the past few years, and is still a great matter of concern nowadays. In fact, there is no single way to deal with this subject, except choosing a guideline of this workshop avoiding “clichés”. Its main objective is therefore to...

15 Jan 2009

Women and media

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

As women worldwide fight for that equal chance in the newsroom or boardroom, others are building their own media to make their voices heard. Critical questions are being raised: Will women's equal participation change the nature of journalism? Is women's news fundamentally different from...

15 Jan 2009


Essay - 9 pages - Journalism

Innovation is a concept widely studied in scientific literature. However, it seems that a lot of work can still be doing about it. This is not a new concept, but it is still very difficult to define, because all the studies have different opinion on this subject. Innovation is a very simple word,...

15 Jan 2009

Oil depletion and use of vehicles: what are the alternative energies?

Essay - 13 pages - Journalism

In our modern society, oil is omnipresent in our habits and plays a significant role. It has several stakes in economical, political and strategic fields. Indeed oil is considered as the best energy source because it is easily extracted, stocked and transformed. Moreover, its energy yield is very...

15 Jan 2009

Fundamentalist Islamist terrorism and counter terrorism

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

In the past few weeks, Mr Straw, leader of the House of Commons, argued that the niqab dress, a black long costume covering the whole of the body - including the face - and required by Muslim fundamentalists in Iran, is an unhelpful symbol of separateness. Since 09/11, there is a mutual...

15 Jan 2009

UN peacekeeping operations

Essay - 4 pages - Journalism

Peacekeeping operations (PKOs) illustrate both the successes and the difficulties of the United Nations in the fulfillment of their primary goal: "the maintenance of international peace and security." They symbolize the ambitions of the organization but also its adaptation: it is thus interesting...

15 Jan 2009

Violation of Human Rights at Guantanamo Bay

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

After 09/11 terrorist attacks, the Bush Administration declared war to Al Qaeda. As Commander in chief of the Armed Forces, President Bush authorized the detention of non-American citizens considered as "enemy combatants" (Fogarty 2005, 54). A classified report prepared by Defence Department...

15 Jan 2009

Space Race

Essay - 9 pages - Journalism

The Space Race was an informal competition between the United States and the Soviet Union that lasted from 1957 to 1975. It involved the parallel efforts by each of those countries to explore space with artificial satellites, to send humans into space, and to land people on the Moon. Space was a...

15 Jan 2009

How did the Church express itself against the tradition of the 'merry wake' in Ireland?

Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism

The merry wake was a significant element of the Irish folklore and it was also quiet common throughout Europe. The merry wake was perceived as a way to allow ordinary people to challenge the Church, even if they came to mass. However, the merry wake was condemned by the Church for various...

14 Jan 2009

Nuclear risk perception in La Hague: An integration of sociological risk theories

Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism

Risk and uncertainty issues are especially distinct in the case of nuclear energy. Nuclear energy, as one of the symbols of the technological development of modern societies, is controversial in its nature. On the one hand, it was created to enable the unlimited production of energy, but on the...

13 Jan 2009

Bill Gates

Essay - 5 pages - Journalism

On October 28, 1955, shortly after 9:00 p.m., William Henry Gates III was born. He was born into a family with a rich history in business, politics, and community service. His great-grandfather had been a state legislator and mayor, his grandfather was the vice president of a national bank, and...

13 Jan 2009

Profile of Mrs Sofia Augousta - A South African woman leader

Essay - 6 pages - Journalism

M other of two children, Mrs. Sofia Augousta (Sofia) is working in the top management of a family business in Bloemfontein (South Africa): DMN Family Trust, well known under the name N. Georgiou Business Consultants. Because people see her like a “housewife”, she is glowing with energy...

13 Jan 2009

Does modern Britain owe much to the Normans?

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

“Apparently as the result of one day's fighting (14 October 1066), England received a new royal dynasty, a new aristocracy, a virtually new Church, a new art, a new architecture and a new language.”(DAVIES, 1976; 103). This sentence shows clearly the crucial influence of the Normans on...

13 Jan 2009

The Japanese immigration to Brazil

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

Japanese immigration to Brazil has a long history starting early in the twentieth century when astonishing amounts of Japanese immigrated to Brazil to take advantage of Japanese government funds encouraging emigration as well as the Brazilian market. However, a deep economic crisis in Brazil...

13 Jan 2009

How has the nature of war changed? Has it changed the way of making peace?

Essay - 6 pages - Journalism

“War appears to be as old as mankind, but peace is a modern invention” . This quotation of Sir Henry Maine seems obvious: wars have been a common feature of mankind history. On the other hand, implementation of durable peace, and not only end of the war, is a more intricate notion. The...

13 Jan 2009

Has Blair government's constructive European engagement been undermined by the Iraq war?

Thesis - 6 pages - Journalism

Britain's relationship with the European Union (EU) has been one of the most divisive issues of British politics over the last 50 years. Yet, the election of the Blair government in May 1997 intended to change this situation and marked a significant shift in the UK's European policies. Unlike his...

13 Jan 2009

Has British public policy been Europeanised in the period since 1973?

Essay - 6 pages - Journalism

As Johan Olsen affirms ““Europeanization” is a fashionable but contested concept.” This term indeed occupies a lot of space in all studies about the European Union and more specifically about the domestic changes incurred by the member states through the dynamics of European...