Romania is the old roman province of Dacie created in the II nd century. Since the IIIrd century, it was invaded but the farmers went to the mountains and kept their latin language and traditions. Between the Xth and the XIIIth, Orthodox principalities were created. Until the XVIIth century, regions of Moldavia and Valachia were dominated by the Turkish before been controlled by the Greek for the Ottoman Empire. This Greek control enabled occidental cultures, especially French, to enter the country. Thanks to Napoleon IIIrd and the treaty of Paris in 1856, Moldavia and Valchia could choose a Romanian prince: Alexander Cuza that unified the country, choose Bucarest as the capital city. He abdicated in 1866 in favor of Carol de Hohenzollern.
[...] Romania Brief History Romania is the old roman province of Dacie created in the II nd century. Since the IIIrd century, it was invaded but the farmers went to the mountains and kept their latin language and traditions. Between the Xth and the XIIIth, Orthodox principalities were created. Until the XVIIth century, regions of Moldavia and Valachia were dominated by the Turkish before been controlled by the Greek for the Ottoman Empire. This Greek control enabled occidental cultures, especially French, to enter the country. [...]
[...] Romania entered into the European Union in 2007 along with Bulgaria. The current Romanian president is Traian Basescu and the Prime Minister Calin Popescu-Tarisceanu Religious data 87% of the 21,4 million Romanians are Orthodox. There are also Muslims of Catholics and protestants. - The Orthodox Church The Romanian Orthodox Church became autocephaly in 1885 and recognized by the other Orthodox Churches as a patriarchy in 1925. It is divided in 6 metropolises with archbishoprics and bishoprics. The Saint Synod is the authority relevant on dogmatic or canonical questions whereas the Ecclesiastical National Assembly is relevant on economical and administrative questions. [...]
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