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Film studies

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244 results

21 Nov 2008

Sexuality in modern melodrama

Essay - 7 pages - Film studies

The depiction of sex and sexuality in American cinema was slow in maturing, but in the last two decades there have been a growing number of popular melodramas that depict sex as a meaningful part of a relationship. This practice distinguishes modern melodramas from the classical Hollywood type....

17 Nov 2008

Films on the ongoing war in Iraq

Essay - 14 pages - Film studies

Since the start of the U.S. war in Iraq in early 2003, the citizens of the world have been bombarded with news coverage the likes of which has never before been seen in the history of armed conflict. Likewise, the world of cinema has embraced the conflict in Iraq in many varied forms and with...

17 Nov 2008

Similarities in the films of Alfred Hitchcock

Essay - 4 pages - Film studies

Alfred Hitchcock's “Strangers on a Train” (1951) carries with it the signature of its auteur director. Hitchcock's other films are marked in the same way using similar themes, character types, and storylines. “Strangers” is most similar to “The 39 Steps” (1935) and...

17 Nov 2008

Women in the films of Jean-Luc Godard

Essay - 6 pages - Film studies

Since 1959 and the release of his first film, Jean-Luc Godard has engaged audiences with a varied body of work. He has entertained, quoted, lectured, and bored, inevitably. Throughout his entire career, both the depiction of the female and her role in his films has been of the utmost importance....

11 Nov 2008

The ideology of film: The portrayal of Women & Blacks in baseball films

Essay - 5 pages - Film studies

Ideology is a very broad topic. Described as “a body of ideas reflecting the social needs and aspirations of an individual, group, class or culture” (Giannetti 428), ideology can be discussed anywhere when dealing with any kind of social opposites. In filmmaking, all types of beliefs...

07 Nov 2008

Dragon ladies and China dolls: Images of Asian American women in American film

Essay - 6 pages - Film studies

The image of Asian American Women in film has undergone many changes from the 1920s to today. With stereotypes such as “dragon lady” and “china doll” and the practice of yellow-face, Asian American actresses had plenty of obstacles in the world of film. Actresses such as Anna...

06 Nov 2008

Manipulation of space and sexuality in L'Avventura

Essay - 5 pages - Film studies

In Rudolf Arnheim's Dynamics of Architectural Form, Arnheim argues that in many ways, physical space is less important to human beings than the psychological perception of space. For the average man, experience isn't made up of isolated incidents, but rather an “experience is generated only...

07 Oct 2008

Shakespeare in vegetable underpants: Peter Stein and Peter Zadek's opposing approaches to Shakespeare

Essay - 9 pages - Film studies

“Shakespeare in underpants,” is how Peter Stein has described the work of fellow director and rival Peter Zadek, while the latter has called Stein's work boring and overly polished to the point that his actors become overcooked “vegetables” (Patterson 132, 168). Both German...

25 Sep 2008

Transformers: America in disguise

Essay - 8 pages - Film studies

Michael Bay's Transformers is a genre pastiche, combining elements of action films, science fiction, high school dramas, general comedy and even moments of direct satire. Most interesting, though, are the ways in which Bay's film ties into the genre of war cinema and the modes and conventions it...

04 Sep 2008

FESPACO: More than a film festival

Essay - 5 pages - Film studies

With the revolution of filmmaking has come the need to bring films and filmmakers together. The creation of film festivals provides a place where filmmakers can showcase their films. Thousands of film festivals have formed around the world over the past decades. Some are larger and more...

25 Aug 2008

The new American musical: How the musical has changed to attract a new audience?

Essay - 6 pages - Film studies

Throughout the greater part of the twentieth century the American musical has entertained audiences of all ages and backgrounds. The musical has become a reflection of American life: sometimes tragic, somewhat unpredictable, but always persevering. The American musical has taken many shapes...

18 Aug 2008

Adaptation: The perfect adaptation

Essay - 19 pages - Film studies

In 2000, The New Yorker magazine writer Susan Orlean published her book, The Orchid Thief, a history of orchids and orchid collectors. The main themes of the work include the history of the passion for plants held by cultures past and present, the perils of harsh habitats such as the Fakahatchee...

18 Aug 2008

Human connection in international cinema

Essay - 7 pages - Film studies

Many of the films we have watched in Contemporary International Cinema explore the nature of love on various levels. Some focus on the platonic aspect of human connection, some look at the sociological and nationalistic bonds that hold people together, and some delve deep into the inner workings...

17 Jul 2008

Musicality in movies

Essay - 3 pages - Film studies

The journey to self-discovery is a highlighting period for many young adults. Many filmmakers utilize those coming-of-age experiences to express the reality and pains of growing older. One contemporary example of this genre is Garden State. Released in 2004, this film transcends beyond the...

16 Jul 2008

Hitchcock, Truffaut and Godard:New wave's brothers from another motherland

Essay - 13 pages - Film studies

Alfred Hitchcock's fascination with French culture emanates in nearly all of his films. Conversely, many aspects outlining the fundamental guidelines of the 1950's French film movement adopted quintessential “Hitchcockian” devices. Hitchcock's influence on French filmmakers shaped much...

08 Jul 2008

The development of the modern film industry in the Untied States and the international community

Essay - 9 pages - Film studies

Throughout the course of the twentieth century, the evolution of technology has notably changed society. While many scholars looking at the changes that technology has produced consider the improvements that have been in terms of medicine and technology, it is evident that technology has had a...

30 Jun 2008

Analysis of Abbas Kiarostami's Ten

Essay - 4 pages - Film studies

A car may be the most inconvenient and difficult setting for a film. I made a sixteen-minute movie which took place almost entirely in a car, and I ended up at one point crying from the frustrations. The three actors and I didn't leave so much space left for the camera, and so the entire...

17 Jun 2008

Critical analysis of The Passion of the Christ and The Da Vinci Code

Essay - 4 pages - Film studies

Movies are typically created as a means to entertain and inform a wide audience. While this is the case in most instances, it is evident that movies that deal with overt religious themes—while many times fictitious in nature—often spark considerable controversy and anger. One only needs...

17 Jun 2008

Discovering Who the Other Is: Finding Forrester

Essay - 3 pages - Film studies

People create their lives based on the environment surrounding them. In Gus Van Sant's 2000 film, Finding Forrester, Jamal Wallace, a black sixteen-year-old basketball player from the Bronx, was always a C student until his test scores showed his true intelligence and potential. This resulted in...

17 Jun 2008

A Performance Analysis of the films Harold and Maude and American Beauty (1999)

Essay - 3 pages - Film studies

Over the course of the last three decades American society has taken its fondness of youth and femininity and turned it into an outright obsession. As a direct result of this obsession, women over the age of 35 have been made to feel bad about their bodies, their activity levels, the food they...

16 Jun 2008

Digitalization: The Commercial Rise in Independent Filmmaking

Essay - 5 pages - Film studies

Technology has always been the main threat of tradition. The core essence of the filmmaking industry has not evolved because of changes in the audiences, ownerships or content. It has evolved because of the technological push given by the modernizing world, affecting the audiences, ownerships...

15 Jun 2008

The Roles and Reflection of British Society in British Comedies

Essay - 5 pages - Film studies

The mechanism of early photographic cameras was as follows: the location and objects in front of the camera were copied onto the film in the form of a frozen, two-dimensional image. Invariably, the photograph was a manifestation of the superficialities of the society at the time. With the...

06 Jun 2008

Documentary Analysis: Bowling for Columbine

Essay - 3 pages - Film studies

In the documentaries Bowling for Columbine and Brother's Keeper the filmmakers try to establish certain connections to the audience. Bowling for Columbine focuses on gun control and violence in America. Director Michael Moore uses satire and direct points to get his message across. Brother's...

06 Jun 2008

Art Defined: The Film Industry

Essay - 4 pages - Film studies

In 1952 the censorship of the Film Industry lead to significant ramifications. The film medium has experienced several hurdles that are better known of as censorship. Right from the beginning, American officials knew of the influential power of film and, therefore, its need to be controlled...

03 Jun 2008

Making the Family in Monsoon Wedding

Essay - 8 pages - Film studies

Many a novice viewer of Bollywood movies has offered the comment that “they are all the same.” Such comments, of course, may be the result of an othering Gaze that, by paying attention to stylized ritual and ceremony, does not perceive subtle but important differences. On the other...

03 Jun 2008

Unexpected Messengers: Cinematic Portrayals of Text in The Joyless Street

Essay - 3 pages - Film studies

A significant yet easily overlooked element of G.W. Pabst's film The Joyless Street is the cinematic representation of text. In the film various crucial developments in the narrative are determined by characters' reactions to information conveyed by text. In each case text becomes a disruptive...

03 Jun 2008

Wall Street

Essay - 3 pages - Film studies

In “Wall Street,” the one of the most valuable resources is information. It is also a scarce thing to come by because stockbrokers are reluctant to share what they know, it's difficult and sometimes illegal to acquire information about a firm, and there's a tacit understanding overall...

30 May 2008

The Mothers of Martyrdom: Women in Early 20th Century Irish Drama

Essay - 3 pages - Film studies

In the early quarter of the 20th century men of Ireland struggled for freedom; forming leagues and brotherhoods and secret organizations of resistance, unionizing labor and creating a more cohesive political resistance, arming themselves and training for armed conflict, eventually fighting the...

19 May 2008

The Lost Worlds: Born Out of the TV Show Lost

Essay - 3 pages - Film studies

ABC's Lost, just as any other show, works to make you feel connected to its characters. From its beginning it has connected you with the characters and their experiences on the island, and has given you significant development of the characters through flashbacks and eventual flash forwards. At...

21 Apr 2008

"Kids" and Adolescent Sexuality Love Sex and Relationships

Essay - 3 pages - Film studies

The film “kids” is a raw account of an urban adolescence focusing on experimentation with sex, drugs, liquor, and violence. The account examines these issues at their absolute worst. One of the issues that the film focuses on is adolescent sexuality. The opening scene depicts a thirteen...