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Tutorials/exercises in arts and art history

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13 results

11 Oct 2024

Compare and Contrast Two Choreographers' Works and Choreographic Process

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Arts and art history

Technically, modern dance can be dated to the end of the 19th century and the earliest years of the 20th century as a protest against the towering aesthetics of classical ballet. It is attached to artistic creativity, freedom, and originality, including attitudes borrowed from dance genres and...

25 Oct 2023

Allie Mae Burroughs, Hale County, Alabama - Walker Evans (1936)

Tutorials/exercises - 1 pages - Arts and art history

The photograph studied, titled "Allie Mae Burroughs, Hale County, Alabama," is the work of American photographer Walker Evans. It is now preserved and exhibited at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. This portrayal is a gelatin silver print, with a tripod, 25.5 centimeters high and...

27 Sep 2011

The Art of Ancient Greece

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Arts and art history

As confirmed by the National Archaeological Museum of Athens (n.d.), it is during the years 600 through 480 B.C., the Archaic period, that Kouros sculptures governed Greek art. These sculptures came in male and female form, depicting subjects who the state had financially supported, or designed...

01 Apr 2008

The story of how Greek Nationalism followed the Greek Immigrants to the United States

Tutorials/exercises - 14 pages - Arts and art history

By the eve of the Greco-Turkish War of 1922, every Greek in the world understood and felt what the ‘Megali Idea' meant. Under the leadership of Eleftherios Venizelos, Greece was on the verge of fulfilling Megali Idea in recreating a modern Byzantine Empire. But what exactly does Megali Idea...

20 Mar 2008

Scientific, Political, Artistic, and Controversial Aspects of the Statue of Liberty

Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Arts and art history

The Statue of Liberty holds great significance in the United States because of its symbolic and patriotic nature. It also represents hope; the statue bears the words “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” (Cable 3). Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi...

06 Feb 2008

The Art of Graffiti

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Arts and art history

A young boy is standing in a dark, subway tunnel with a can of spray paint in his hand. His intentions are clear. Instead of being traditional and painting at home, he is using the world as his canvas. Vandal or not, he is still an artist. Even though he may just paint his name on the wall, it is...

01 Feb 2008

Making music with music: Kool Herc and the evolution of sampling

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Arts and art history

Kool DJ Herc is a Jamaican American musician and producer, who is credited as a pioneer of hip-hop during the 1970s as a result of his trendsetting musical technique and influence on hip-hop culture as a whole. He was born in Kingston, Jamaica in 1955 as Clive Campbell and he immigrated to the...

03 Jan 2008

Christ in Majesty

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Arts and art history

While monumental figure erecting was hindered during the Middle Ages, illuminated manuscripts and mural paintings were given momentum as a result. Both media allowed for mass productions, many of which have lasted to this day. A fine example of a mural fresco from the Romanesque Period,...

30 Nov 2007

The Taste of Peace and Practice of Love in North Indian Drumming

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Arts and art history

The knowledge gained by practicing the North Indian tabla drums situates the musician within two spiritual modes of the Hindu tradition: the tantric, via rasa, and the yogic, via bhakti. Is there a limit to the spiritual efficacy of such musical practice? Citing the lack of “common measure...

04 Oct 2007

New Deal Art: The WPA Murals of Norwalk, CT

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Arts and art history

The Great Depression that struck the United States in the late 1920s came as a shock to millions of Americans. Almost overnight people saw their entire life savings vanish before their eyes and many were laid off by their employers. By the time Franklin Roosevelt took office in March 1933, the...

03 Oct 2007

The Influence of Popular World Music on Modern Western Music

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Arts and art history

The nebulous category of World Music has been defined as "simply not our music, it is their music (Rahkonen, 1)." World Music is thus a distinction based on otherness and not any singularly defining characteristic. It is a term that developed from the classification of popular music "to include...

13 Sep 2007

Smells Like Lautréamont's Spirit

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Arts and art history

In 1790, Immanuel Kant published an essay that read as complicated as the art he sought to promote. “Critique of Judgment” serves as the ultimate philosophy of aesthetics, proclaiming “Genius is the talent (or natural gift) which gives rule to art” (Kant 150). Kant's...

12 Sep 2007


Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Arts and art history

Ragtime is an American musical genre that was most popular during the first twenty years of the 20th century. It is a dance form that is written in 2/4 or 4/4 time, where there is a walking bass that plays legato on beats 1-3 and staccato chords played on 2-4 beats in the right hand. A big...