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200 results

29 Sep 2010

In what way does Romanticism challenge the aesthetic values of Neoclassicism?

Essay - 4 pages - Arts and art history

At a time when the ideal of enlightment dominated in European cultural life, Rousseau was the only philosopher to enhance the significance of individual experiment and the need for nature in the education of young boys. Nature is elevated to a moral guide, a source of innocence and timeless...

29 Sep 2010

Women with the Hat, Henri Matisse, 1905

Essay - 3 pages - Arts and art history

This paper analyzes the extent to which the artwork, by virtue of the painting technique used, has an impact on the reaction of its audience, and the artistic context in which it was created. Imagine a woman looking at someone. She is seated, with her face turned towards the audience. She seems...

29 Sep 2010

Avedon and Evans - Portraits of the Country

Essay - 3 pages - Arts and art history

Walker Evans (1903-1975) is often said to the best American documentary photographer of the century. His most important and famous work was his depiction of American rural life during the Great Depression. Commissioned by the Farm Security Administration (FSA) in 1935, he meticulously documented...

29 Sep 2010

Forest Interior, Paul Cézanne

Case study - 3 pages - Arts and art history

Paul Cézanne painted the landscape Forest Interior between 1898 and 1899. This small painting depicts the interior of a forest, at a nameless location. Cézanne regularly painted landscapes in Aix en Provence, like the Mont Sainte Victoire which he painted over and over again in an effort to...

29 Sep 2010

From the 17th century to today, to what extend is French opera a "product" of French politics?

Essay - 4 pages - Arts and art history

Opera is a musical form of art in which the text is often sung. The singers enact the drama on stage, with costumes and other visual elements like dancing or a play of lights. Though it is often considered that opera was born in Italy around 1600, but even if Mazarin tried to import it to France...

29 Sep 2010

The history of the Blues music: creation, evolution and diffusion in the world

Essay - 2 pages - Arts and art history

The revolution started when the Germans arrived in America. They already had many slaves, but they still subjugated hundreds of Africans present in the country, so that these men also became slaves. In the 19th century, in the South of the United States, one could hear the cries which the black...

29 Sep 2010

The Clash between Politics and Music: Joe Strummer's Songs in Thatcher England

Essay - 10 pages - Arts and art history

Today it only sounds like stating the obvious to say that the importance of popular music as a means of building one's identity has indubitably been shaping the so-called counter-culture of the second half of the twentieth century. Indeed, in this consumerist society, classical music has...

29 Sep 2010

The image of women in painting

Essay - 5 pages - Arts and art history

In order to study the image of women in painting as reflecting changes in political and social context, I have chosen three works of art by three different artists, from three different periods. I will study these paintings in their historical context as a mirror of the evolutions of values. The...

29 Sep 2010

Orientalism in French painting in the first part of the 19th century through Women of Algiers in their apartment by Delacroix

Essay - 5 pages - Arts and art history

I have chosen to focus on ?Women of Algiers in their apartment' (1834) by Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863). He is usually considered the most important French romantic painter. His romantic mood led him to dream of the Orient (thanks to poems by Byron) before traveling in North Africa, in search...

29 Sep 2010

Forms and colours : Malevitch, Mondrian and Kandinsky

Essay - 7 pages - Arts and art history

“The representation of an object, in itself, is something that has nothing to do with art,” claims Malevitch. In abstract art, there is no more representation of an object and also there is not even the conception, like there was in cubism. The object completely disappears. The...

29 Sep 2010

Sports and the Media: Sport TV rights throughout Europe, a comparative approach

Essay - 13 pages - Arts and art history

The relation between sports and television started years back. We all have in mind the image of Jesse Owen winning four gold medals in the 100m, 200m, long jump and 4X100m relay during the 1936 Nazis Berlin Olympic Games. Thus, we can assume that sport has provided the greatest images ever to...

29 Sep 2010

Representation & Reflection on the Subject of Death in Modern & Contemporary Art

Essay - 14 pages - Arts and art history

Within the framework of the presentation of the personal fictive museum, I have decided to retain ten art pieces from the 20th C and 21st C in accordance with the problematic of the representation of, and the reflection on death in modern and contemporary art. In as much as the questioning about...

29 Sep 2010

The Representation of the Struggle for Rights in Contemporary Aboriginal Painting - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 4 pages - Arts and art history

Art is vital for history, as monuments, sculptures, paintings and literary works of art are often the only remaining testimony about ancient times. When dealing with modern or contemporary events, a greater amount of non-artistic material is available; yet art is still important as it can reflect...

29 Sep 2010

Bourdieu (Pierre), On Television

Essay - 5 pages - Arts and art history

Television has become increasingly important in today's society and it has become a tool for expressing an opinion or conveying a message to the public. It is also able to influence other fields in the social space through which it enables a series of interactions. It also determines the...

15 Sep 2010

An everyman's primer to the control of regret

Dissertation - 15 pages - Arts and art history

Regret is usually defined as an emotion experienced by humans when they are unhappy with events that are beyond their control. This paper deals with man's ability to control his feelings of regret. Because of the complexity and irrationality of the human brain people often experience...

15 Sep 2010

Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix (Eugene Delacroix),

Essay - 2 pages - Arts and art history

Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix (Eugene Delacroix), a French painter, lived from 1789-1863. This work, Lion Hunt oil on canvas, was painted in 1858. Lion Hunt is filled with colors that scream of the vibrancy of nature, action that fascinates the eye, and themes that excite the soul. If a...

12 Aug 2010

Gold and silver in Dante's Inferno

Thesis - 2 pages - Arts and art history

When one examines the yellow and green partial chasuble on display at the Baltimore Museum of Art, with its silk, velvet, and gold-encased threads, one understands more vividly the critiques of Church opulence that Dante articulates in the Inferno. Dante was certainly not the first to point to...

09 Aug 2010

The death of the Savior

Thesis - 2 pages - Arts and art history

Mannerist paintings were classified as those paintings made during the later part of the Renaissance and which took imagery past the natural. The paintings often featured bright colors, contorted poses, and complex symbolism. These stylized paintings began to appear during the sixteenth century,...

29 Jul 2010

Leonardo Da Vinci

Thesis - 2 pages - Arts and art history

My love of art was the reason that I picked Leonardo Da Vinci as my topic. I have always had a great interest in the subject of art. I know the techniques and different types of drawings and painting like the back of my hand, though there was one thing I was always missing. I had never even...

29 Jul 2010

Artists and art in the 1920's and 1930's

Case study - 2 pages - Arts and art history

What are the effects of art in 1920-1939 on art today? Art between 1920 and 1939 set a large example for later art. Artists (mostly ones who practiced Art Deco) paved the way for a lot of artists in the ‘90's and the 21st century. Art Deco, for example, was a huge style then, and has become...

01 Apr 2010

A brief concert report

Essay - 2 pages - Arts and art history

For my second concert report I decided to return to Benaroya hall to further take advantage of the great deal of the “Campus Club” (best seat available for ten dollars) and see the Seattle Symphony once more. This time they were performing a mix of pieces from various ballets. The first...

25 Mar 2010

Pastoral images in poetic practice

Thesis - 4 pages - Arts and art history

Pastoral “is a double longing after innocence and happiness,” its “universal idea is the Golden Age…it is based on the antithesis of Art and Nature; and its fundamental motive is hostility to urban life. ” As educational awakening started to filter into the consciousness...

15 Mar 2010

An essay on art

Thesis - 2 pages - Arts and art history

The art of Renaissance Italy is remarkable for its near complete break with past tradition, even as such art was still being made in the rest of Europe. The old forms and styles of the Middle Ages, which were primarily symbolic, gave way to a new art that strove for realism and at the same time...

04 Mar 2010

Carlo Goldoni and the Italian theatre reformation

Thesis - 2 pages - Arts and art history

When Carlo Goldoni began writing for the theatre in the 1740's, his Venetian audiences were still in the throes of commedia dell'arte, which had been popular for over two hundred years. However, Goldoni was ready to bring realism to the stage. He thought that the theatre should be bound up with...

24 Feb 2010

The many views of funk music

Thesis - 2 pages - Arts and art history

The music genre, Funk, is a style of music that is approached in many ways in an attempt to explain, create, or recreate it. Many different types of people shed insight onto this music, giving many unique perspectives. Anyone from musicians to journalists has attempted to articulate exactly what...

16 Feb 2010

How would a Restoration comedy production stage female gender in a production of The Country Wife?

Thesis - 12 pages - Arts and art history

This paper is a theatre research paper documenting the appropriate approach to staging the female gender in a restoration comedy production of William Wycherley's “The Country Wife”. The paper considers dialogue, staging, sound and costumes in addition to the historical context of...

10 Feb 2010

The history of ancient Palestine

Thesis - 4 pages - Arts and art history

For about 2000 years the name Palestine has been used internationally for the lands on both sides of the Jordan river. Cisjordan and Transjordan. The Greek historian Herodotus called Cisjordan the Palestinian Syria or sometimes only Palaestina. [The name] is derived from the Akkadian Palastu,...

08 Feb 2010

The art of Colonial Peru

Thesis - 5 pages - Arts and art history

In more familiar terms, a gremio was essentially a professional guild while a cofradia was akin to a fraternal society. Gremios were artists' guilds/workshops and were often extremely trade-specific. There were gremios specializing in almost every minute aspect of artisanal production, from...

25 Jan 2010

The female portrait mask

Thesis - 4 pages - Arts and art history

Completed in the second century Common Era, The Female Portrait Mask was constructed under the longstanding tradition of funerary wax portrait masks used to commemorate the upper classes and their distinguished ancestry. The seventeen inch tall and eleven inch wide mask presents the portrait of...

24 Sep 2009

Neoclassicism, Benjamin West, and Cupid

Thesis - 3 pages - Arts and art history

The Neoclassical art movement began in Europe in the late 1700s and lasted into the early 1800s. The movement was inspired in part by the public interest in ancient artifacts found in the ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum - a sensational discovery at the time, which galvanized the art world of...