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191 results

09 Jun 2011

The Arts of Africa [Opon Igedeu v Nkisi Nkondi]

Thesis - 3 pages - Arts and art history

Throughout African history, artistic creation has been a fundamental element of the livelihood of various cultures. The Yoruba, of Nigeria, hold the aesthetics and criticisms of art to an extremely high standard, of which they can measure personal contentedness with life as a whole. The Chokwe,...

08 Jun 2011

Pho Pasteur: Drawing in Emersonians and Bostonians

Essay - 3 pages - Arts and art history

It is quite popular among various social groups to have a favorite place to go for gastronomical options. A spot that encapsulates a comforting and familiar atmosphere, and that provides cuisine that is enjoyed and loved by those who flock to it. In Boston, it seems that there would be an endless...

08 Jun 2011

Global Festivals: An Overview

Essay - 5 pages - Arts and art history

In today's contemporary times, music festivals are held on every continent, except Antarctica. These numerous festivals that take place across the globe each year, are illustrations of cultural identity, in the host country, and in the collection of foreign artists participating in them. The...

12 May 2011

Art and globalization

Thesis - 21 pages - Arts and art history

"Art always has been and always will be important to humans", says Cynthia Freeland, professor of philosophy at the Houston University. This sentence, announced as a universal truth, shows that art remains strongly essential for human beings. It is also assured that everybody knows the importance...

28 Feb 2011

Tricksters for Myths and Legends

Thesis - 2 pages - Arts and art history

Gods, according to mythology, are troublemakers. What shines through from the lessons espoused within most mythological tales is that Gods are apt to get carried away. They represent the most basic of human desires, seeking self success, happiness and fame; and they are driven entirely by blind...

21 Feb 2011

Jenny Holzer: Merging Verbal and Visual Art

Thesis - 3 pages - Arts and art history

Art of the 20th century can be characterized by the common feature of progressing the definition of art and constantly challenging the relationship between artist, art and viewer; the ability to do this while utilizing new technologies that appeal to the modern world and current events is what...

21 Feb 2011

Buddhist influence on architectural elements of the Dunhuang Caves of China

Thesis - 4 pages - Arts and art history

The Dunhuang Caves have long been one of the most important architectural sites in the world, not only as a monument of cultural heritage, but also as memorial to the only religion to ever be universally accepted throughout the vast empire of China. While the sheer number of caves is an...

03 Feb 2011

Comparison of two artist-painters' works: Jacques-Louis David and Gustave Courbet

Thesis - 4 pages - Arts and art history

The artists chosen for this study are the two French painters Jacques-Louis David and Gustave Courbet.They lived similar experiences in the social and political chaos of post-revolutionary France. Chronologically speaking, the two of them together examined the changes in the society furthermore...

03 Feb 2011

A historiography of the

Essay - 4 pages - Arts and art history

The historiography of an event, phenomenon or a novel can be defined as the examination of different discourses and diverse modes of writing history. Therefore, we must first, examine the design of the history and methodology. Today, historiography is characterized by a rapid methodology that...

19 Jan 2011

Cinema and Technology: An Essay

Thesis - 3 pages - Arts and art history

'The cinema of attractions directly solicits spectator attention, inciting visual curiosity, and supplying pleasure through an exciting spectacle' Gunning (1990), p. 58. To what extent does mainstream cinema today continue to operate as a 'cinema of attractions'? Illustrate this...

03 Jan 2011

Medieval Europe: Investiture Controversy

Thesis - 3 pages - Arts and art history

The Investiture Controversy marks one of the most unstable moments in the history of the Catholic Church. At the heart of the controversy, there were two sides competing for supreme authority, trying to answer the question of whether the king's power outranks that of the Pope's or vice versa....

03 Jan 2011

Art After 1945: Gordon Matta-Clark

Thesis - 7 pages - Arts and art history

Like many of the artists of the 1970s, Gordon Matta-Clark was concerned with the impact of a capitalist-driven society on an urban setting. After studying architecture at Cornell University, Matta-Clark devoted himself to the concept of “anarchitecture.” Anarchitecture is an...

29 Dec 2010

The Night Cafe by Van Gogh: An analysis

Thesis - 5 pages - Arts and art history

The Night Cafe by Van Gogh gives a real sense of melancholy, which is an outcome of the deep night glow in the cafe. This canvas has a very specific character. Painted in 1888, the Night Cafe is the pictorial transcription of sentimental and emotional tribulations that haunted the painter....

29 Dec 2010

Joseph Beuys's 'I Like America and America Likes Me'

Thesis - 10 pages - Arts and art history

Joseph Beuys's “I Like America and America Likes Me" was performed in May 1974. The location of the action is commonly referred to as the Rene Block Gallery in New York. The gallery opened with this performance at 409 West Broadway. Beuys performed this action as a 53-year- old and with...

29 Dec 2010

Street art: A case study

Thesis - 5 pages - Arts and art history

Places and means of access to culture are very numerous and very diverse. However, one often makes a deliberate approach to access knowledge: visit a museum, surf the net, participate in classes etc. Fortunately, there are areas of universal access, all you need is to keep your eyes and ears...

29 Dec 2010

Jackson Pollock's Black and White: Number 26 A:

Thesis - 9 pages - Arts and art history

On 11 August 1956, the art world lost one of its most innovative American artists. Jackson Pollock died in a car accident and took with him the secrets of his work (which had been controversial) specifically the art of "drippings" (which he had engaged in from 1947 to1950). Among the...

29 Dec 2010

The representation of the Great War in German Art: Otto Dix (1891-1961)

Thesis - 5 pages - Arts and art history

In August 1914, after months of a prolonging crisis and tension, the Great War broke out, abruptly interrupting any artistic activity in Europe. Indeed, those who had helped launch the first wave of new ideas of the twentieth century by their avant-garde trends were mobilized. It is in the...

28 Dec 2010

Land Art

Thesis - 20 pages - Arts and art history

In the late 1960s, a limited number of artists, especially from New York, United States, left the classical settings of the workshop, gallery and museum, to work directly in nature, or introduce natural elements into museums. According to GillesTiberghien, this new Land Art can be defined as "a...

22 Oct 2010

Analyze the (critical) implications of how Double Indemnity (Billy Wilder, Universal, USA, 1944) uses the conventions associated with film noir.

Thesis - 4 pages - Arts and art history

Double Indemnity is widely regarded as a classic example of film noir by film critics and fans of the genre alike. In terms of genre Double Indemnity clearly belongs to the film noir category although it is due to the lighting and style that many believe, film noir should be classed as a style...

29 Sep 2010

The emergence of Al-Jazeera in the Middle East

Essay - 2 pages - Arts and art history

Olfa Lamloul, in her book entitled Al-Jazeera, Defiant and Ambiguous Mirror of the Arab World wrote, ‘The short history of the disrespectful Arabic channel Al-Jazeera, broadcast from the emirate of Qatar,provides valuable reference points in the maze of Middle Eastern issues in the post-Cold...

29 Sep 2010

What image of the ' native ' population does Delacroix's 1834 Femmes d'Alger dans leur appartement present, and how did Picasso revisit this painting in 1954?

Essay - 5 pages - Arts and art history

Delacroix painted Femmes d'Alger dans leur appartement in 1834 after he was back from his journey in Morocco and Algeria which had profoundly influenced him,. In 1954, after having revisited many painters such as Velasquez or Monet, Picasso decided to revisit Delacroix's Femmes...

29 Sep 2010

In what way does Romanticism challenge the aesthetic values of Neoclassicism?

Essay - 4 pages - Arts and art history

At a time when the ideal of enlightment dominated in European cultural life, Rousseau was the only philosopher to enhance the significance of individual experiment and the need for nature in the education of young boys. Nature is elevated to a moral guide, a source of innocence and timeless...

29 Sep 2010

Women with the Hat, Henri Matisse, 1905

Essay - 3 pages - Arts and art history

This paper analyzes the extent to which the artwork, by virtue of the painting technique used, has an impact on the reaction of its audience, and the artistic context in which it was created. Imagine a woman looking at someone. She is seated, with her face turned towards the audience. She seems...

29 Sep 2010

Avedon and Evans - Portraits of the Country

Essay - 3 pages - Arts and art history

Walker Evans (1903-1975) is often said to the best American documentary photographer of the century. His most important and famous work was his depiction of American rural life during the Great Depression. Commissioned by the Farm Security Administration (FSA) in 1935, he meticulously documented...

29 Sep 2010

Forest Interior, Paul Cézanne

Case study - 3 pages - Arts and art history

Paul Cézanne painted the landscape Forest Interior between 1898 and 1899. This small painting depicts the interior of a forest, at a nameless location. Cézanne regularly painted landscapes in Aix en Provence, like the Mont Sainte Victoire which he painted over and over again in an effort to...

29 Sep 2010

From the 17th century to today, to what extend is French opera a "product" of French politics?

Essay - 4 pages - Arts and art history

Opera is a musical form of art in which the text is often sung. The singers enact the drama on stage, with costumes and other visual elements like dancing or a play of lights. Though it is often considered that opera was born in Italy around 1600, but even if Mazarin tried to import it to France...

29 Sep 2010

The history of the Blues music: creation, evolution and diffusion in the world

Essay - 2 pages - Arts and art history

The revolution started when the Germans arrived in America. They already had many slaves, but they still subjugated hundreds of Africans present in the country, so that these men also became slaves. In the 19th century, in the South of the United States, one could hear the cries which the black...

29 Sep 2010

The Clash between Politics and Music: Joe Strummer's Songs in Thatcher England

Essay - 10 pages - Arts and art history

Today it only sounds like stating the obvious to say that the importance of popular music as a means of building one's identity has indubitably been shaping the so-called counter-culture of the second half of the twentieth century. Indeed, in this consumerist society, classical music has...

29 Sep 2010

The image of women in painting

Essay - 5 pages - Arts and art history

In order to study the image of women in painting as reflecting changes in political and social context, I have chosen three works of art by three different artists, from three different periods. I will study these paintings in their historical context as a mirror of the evolutions of values. The...

29 Sep 2010

Orientalism in French painting in the first part of the 19th century through Women of Algiers in their apartment by Delacroix

Essay - 5 pages - Arts and art history

I have chosen to focus on ?Women of Algiers in their apartment' (1834) by Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863). He is usually considered the most important French romantic painter. His romantic mood led him to dream of the Orient (thanks to poems by Byron) before traveling in North Africa, in search...